Former Bishop turns himself in…

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I Have Questions
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Former Bishop turns himself in…

Post by I Have Questions »

Chelsea Goodrich was “still processing” the news Wednesday that her father, a former bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has been arrested in Virginia on charges that he sexually abused her.

Raised a member of the Utah-based faith in Idaho, she came forward in 2015 with allegations that her father, John Goodrich, had abused her while she was growing up, including during a 1999 field trip to Washington, D.C.

The Salt Lake Tribune does not typically name victims of alleged sexual abuse. Chelsea Goodrich, however, has agreed to use hers.

In January, The Associated Press reported, her father was indicted after a grand jury in Williamsburg found probable cause that he committed four felonies, including rape by force, threat or intimidation, forcible sodomy and two counts of aggravated sexual battery by a parent of a child.

The AP reached out to John Goodrich’s attorney, who said he was not yet familiar enough with the case to provide comment. In a previous interview with The Tribune, the father denied abusing his daughter.

On Wednesday, Chelsea Goodrich, now in her 30s, told The Tribune that her dad, a practicing dentist in Idaho, went into hiding after the January decision. A manhunt ensued, she said, until he turned himself in this week.

He has posted bond, the AP reported, and will be allowed to leave Virginia during legal proceedings. ... center-ap/
The arrest is the second to result from her accusations. In 2016, she and her mother gave evidence of the alleged abuse to police in Idaho. He was arrested, and the county prosecutor filed a criminal charge. The charge later was dropped after the man’s former bishop, to whom John Goodrich reportedly had confessed before being excommunicated, opted against testifying.

Idaho law protects clergy from having to provide details of alleged abuse obtained during a spiritual confession.

An AP investigation revealed how a representative of the church’s “risk management” team got involved in the case, paying Chelsea Goodrich $300,000 in exchange for a promise not to sue the church over the alleged abuse.

In a recording, the church attorney can be heard expressing concern for what he called John Goodrich’s “significant sexual transgression.”

(Jason Dearen | AP Photo) Chelsea Goodrich, shown in September 2023, told The Associated Press she is grateful Virginia is prosecuting her father for allegedly abusing her while she was growing up.

To this day, his daughter is convinced that had the church instead encouraged the bishop to testify, promising to support him regardless of any legal fallout, the case would have gone forward.

“They know he abused me,” she said Wednesday, referring to church representatives. “... I have to fight this battle all on my own because the LDS Church is suppressing the other witnesses involved.”
Risk Management…the “paying people off” team.

Where does the money come from for these hush money payments?
Is it a tax-exempt source? And should it be?
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Re: Former Bishop turns himself in…

Post by IWMP »

Did she take the money?

Why has it taken nearly 10 years for something to be done about this? That is horrendous.
I Have Questions
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Re: Former Bishop turns himself in…

Post by I Have Questions »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:43 am
Did she take the money?

Why has it taken nearly 10 years for something to be done about this. That is horrendous.
I think she did take the money - which was in return for not suing the Church and for destroying the recordings she made. Both conditions she has, it seems, complied with. That doesn’t prevent her persuing the charges against the perpetrator (her Dad), and it doesn’t prevent her witness using his recording of the case as he didn’t agree to dispose of his material.

The time lapse seems to be because it’s two different cases - the first was in Idaho, which Idaho refused to pursue. The latest case is being tried in Virginia, as one offence occurred whilst on a trip to that state.

What I don’t get about the defence of clergy/penitent privilege, is that it’s only a valid confession in the eyes of God if the penitent is truly repentant and willing to face the consequences for their actions. Meaning that if they’ve committed a crime they should be willing to go to the police and face the music.

A protected confession in a criminal matter serves no purpose - for the victim, for the perpetrator, or for the Church and God.
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Re: Former Bishop turns himself in…

Post by Moksha »

Will the Church take care of his legal defense?
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Re: Former Bishop turns himself in…

Post by IWMP »

I Have Questions wrote:
Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:06 am
What I don’t get about the defence of clergy/penitent privilege, is that it’s only a valid confession in the eyes of God if the penitent is truly repentant and willing to face the consequences for their actions. Meaning that if they’ve committed a crime they should be willing to go to the police and face the music.
I expect that there are many cases where the church has protected people without encouragement to repent properly.
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