Dan McClellan on LIVE right now with a great group of Bible scholars against Fundamentalists.

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Re: Dan McClellan on LIVE right now with a great group of Bible scholars against Fundamentalists.

Post by drumdude »

Great group! They would be a perfect replacement for a certain crew who regularly broadcast on K-TALK, AM 1640!
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Re: Dan McClellan on LIVE right now with a great group of Bible scholars against Fundamentalists.

Post by huckelberry »

I found some interest in this discussion though it touches enough points that it is not an in depth discussion. The Bible in not univocal and ideas develop in time are basic observations that are made. Dan being lighthearted made the challenging observation seeing Josiah as the first prosperity teacher. Josiah centeralized worship to center money flow for his court. hmm?

I find Josiah a problematic figure. he is and can be seen as positive for turning back towards Biblical worship. His reform was extensive violent and extreme. In some important ways it did not last and in other it could be thought of as long lasting. He was killed in an ill advised fight with Egypt. The Bible seems to have a lot of material about peoples stumbling paths forward. Even "good guys" are imperfect. Of course we know that about people. It just is not allways easy to sort good examples from bad especially when they involve the same person.
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