Manti Temple Open House

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Re: Manti Temple Open House

Post by Rivendale »

yellowstone123 wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:07 pm
I always thought LDS temples were the greatest waste of money. A super tent, made with super material could be used, divided especially in the spring, summer and fall. The money not spent would help people and bring great happiness.

Let's take $290,000,000.00 spent on the Kirkland Temple. How many MRI or CT machines could be bought for that money. Just $ 300,000,000 per year for many machines though out the world could help catch a cancer in stage 1 and 2 instead of stage 3 and 4. Can people understand what this church can do with the money?

But old white guys keep choosing old white guys as replacements who will only buy real estate. The comparison to their donations to charity and what they buy in real estate is pale in comparison.
Bednar has said they are not a humanitarian organization. I don't know how he can say this out loud when you consider Jesus's opinion regarding money. They don't trust anyone, not even their own members and the majority of the leaders. Elder Packer about had a stroke when the finance division wouldn't give him financial information. They claim it is for a rainy day fund which a world wide pandemic doesn't qualify. Apparently when Jesus comes back he needs that money?
I have highlighted many aspects of our humanitarian outreach efforts around the world. Please remember, however, that we are not primarily a humanitarian organization. We are the Church of Jesus Christ, reestablished or restored upon the earth in the latter days in preparation for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We do all of these things because as His disciples we love Him and want to follow His example in our lives.
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Re: Manti Temple Open House

Post by yellowstone123 »

When a friend of mine saw the San Diego temple from the freeway, he told me he at first thought they built a new Disneyland type park.
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Re: Manti Temple Open House

Post by msnobody »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:22 am
msnobody wrote:
Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:23 pm
^^^ not gonna happen^^^

It is only through Christ, and His righteousness and His work alone that one can live eternally with HF, JC, HS/HG and the other redeemed.

You’d think they’d make the temple ADA accessible.
Everyone wants to put themselves between you and Jesus don't they?! Jesus isn't enough to them all, it is they who fill in what Jesus failed to provide, to their way of thinking...... :lol:
This led me to an unexpected study of Job, of all things, that maybe I’ll post about in a new thread. Or if I don’t, I’ll just go ahead and post a link if anyone is interested in listening to it.

Edited to add:

After posting on this thread, I wound up listening to probably one of the best expository sermons of a friend, on Job. It is 56 minutes long and he gets rather passionate toward the end. This sort of comes off of my starting to read The Unseen Realm for the second time, then stumbling across this sermon, The Heavenly Council Meeting Above Job. Then, a David Jeremiah devotional booklet came in the mail which also speaks of the subtlety and tactics of the enemy/accuser.

I guess it is meant to be that I study this. Not something I expected to do.
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Re: Manti Temple Open House

Post by High Spy »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:38 pm
Can you possibly imagine what they will do to the Celestial Kingdom once they get there? They so lack in imagination and depth they'll probably all just wear white suits, ties, and shoes, and imagine that is what brings them the most joy. One singular, blase, colorless world of existence. You may as well start painting the entire Salt Lake City in white and pretend that's going to make it more desireable to live in. Talk about sapless spineless deadwood men of the spirit. Why are these living idiots still in charge these days anyway?

A regal cap to put the crowning appointment on that fashionable Leisure suit you wore to your last linger longer type event. Brother Brigham declared the right state, but really Manti is THE PLACE. :!:

(Or at least, pretty darn nearby) ⚔️

* The OP was written on March 18th. 8-)
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Re: Manti Temple Open House

Post by Moksha »

yellowstone123 wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:07 pm
But old white guys keep choosing old white guys as replacements who will only buy real estate. The comparison to their donations to charity and what they buy in real estate is pale in comparison.
God wants them to buy real estate. He reminds the Brethren on the Board of Directors that he would have to create new planets to get more real estate. Buying new real estate in high-wealth districts, luxury apartments, shopping malls, and warehouses is much easier than starting from scratch in some empty corner of space loaded with gas clouds.

Besides, the collected rents could be added to the Ensign Peak Investment fund. Not so with newly created planets starting from scratch.
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Re: Manti Temple Open House

Post by yellowstone123 »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:45 am
yellowstone123 wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:07 pm
But old white guys keep choosing old white guys as replacements who will only buy real estate. The comparison to their donations to charity and what they buy in real estate is pale in comparison.
God wants them to buy real estate. He reminds the Brethren on the Board of Directors that he would have to create new planets to get more real estate. Buying new real estate in high-wealth districts, luxury apartments, shopping malls, and warehouses is much easier than starting from scratch in some empty corner of space loaded with gas clouds.

Besides, the collected rents could be added to the Ensign Peak Investment fund. Not so with newly created planets starting from scratch.
Land Land Land:
“One of the important things for anybody in power is to distinguish between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." Potter Stewart, associate justice of the Supreme Court - 1958 to 1981.
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