I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

This is what happens when you’re a phony. He doesn’t really know what he is or wants to be; sure he larps at being an academic, or researcher, or bon vivant, or Christian, but it all comes out in a jumbled mess because grifting is the priority, not heart, not passion.

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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by huckelberry »

Marcus wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 8:04 pm
huckelberry wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:40 pm
So early Mormons did not know how to celebrate Holy Week. I find myself with sympathy as I have always found it difficult to figure out how to celebrate Easter. How do you celebrate a cruel execution? Reading the Gospels, I find people encountering the resurrection with confusion, fear, and uncertainty. I can see commemoration in a time of meditation on the meaning and path illuminated by Jesus’s life and death and resurrection. I find crowds, fancy hats, and celebration confusing.
You make a good point, huckelberry. Sometimes you just have to find the right situation.

I am atheist, my husband is Catholic, and mainly for reasons of educational opportunity we ended up sending our children to Catholic schools through high school. Consequently, we spent a lot of time in our parish, and I started singing with the choir. (they had no problem with me being atheist, and more importantly, the (fairly normal in my home area) Mormon skill of being able to read music was welcomed wholeheartedly!!!)

Anyway, the commemoration of things like Holy Week, experienced from the standpoint of a member of the Mass choir who was previously Mormon, was astonishing to me. We had to attend most days of the Week in order to fulfill the musical requirements of the various events. There was so much reverence, respect, elegance and musical joy in those parish masses. My choir participation left me impressed beyond belief with the entire process, as the story of Holy Week was slowly developed.

I am still atheist, and no longer participate as regularly in the choir, but I will admit wholeheartedly that the joy and wonder of the universe were demonstrated amazingly well during those Catholic events with my Choir. I treasure my memories of that time.
Marcus, thank you for the thoughtful post. The Catholic church has had a couple thousand years to find ways to remember and respect the Easter events. Rituals can gather or reflect meaning beyond their literal story. I think people can find and experience value there sometimes without believing all of the literal story.

I should give the Catholic traditions for Easter more attention.
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Moksha »

huckelberry wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:51 pm
I should give the Catholic traditions for Easter more attention.
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:04 pm
There is always the opportunity to put some ash on your forehead today.
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Marcus »

:roll: Speaking of misunderstanding Holy Week, more from the blogger also known as the LDS master of misunderstanding:
DCP wrote: ...Latter-day Saints don’t use crucifixes, and we certainly don’t use the horrifying crucifixes favored in some Christian traditions. We prefer to concentrate — and rightly so, I think, on the triumphant risen Christ. The good news, the euangelion, of the Gospel (from Old English godspel or “good tidings”) is meant to be good news. It’s not principally about death, but about life. Christianity isn’t, or shouldn’t be, a morbid faith. It’s not focused on pain, sorrow, suffering, and injustice, but on delivery from injustice, suffering, sorrow, and pain.
And from a Catholic, one who is an actual learned theologian, here is a far deeper understanding of the observance of Holy Week :
March 1, 2023
by Fr. John Paul Gardner

"Father, some of my Christian friends are wondering why Catholics focus on Jesus’ death when He is already raised from the dead. They think we should remove our crucifixes and, instead, focus on Christ’s Resurrection. How can I respond?"

...Catholics, as well as other denominations, know how to celebrate Christ's Resurrection properly and exultantly.

...Focus on the Resurrection doesn't come from any lack of attention to the Crucifixion but rather a result of our focus on it.

Those who want to set side Jesus’ suffering and death in favor of His Resurrection are setting themselves up for confusion...

Since focus on our Lord's Crucifixion takes nothing away from, but rather enhances our celebration of the Resurrection, we ought to focus on our Lord’s Crucifixion as best we can.

Even Satan wants to hide the crucifixes from our churches and our homes because he knows they express the power of the Passion of Christ and reveal how much He loves us. Let’s not remove our crucifixes or lessen our devotion to the Passion of Christ...
Fr. John Paul Gardner is parochial vicar at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Bismarck.

https://bismarckdiocese.com/news/why-do ... esus-death
Philo Sofee
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Philo Sofee »

Marcus wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 8:47 pm
:roll: Speaking of misunderstanding Holy Week, more from the blogger also known as the LDS master of misunderstanding:
DCP wrote: ...Latter-day Saints don’t use crucifixes, and we certainly don’t use the horrifying crucifixes favored in some Christian traditions. We prefer to concentrate — and rightly so, I think, on the triumphant risen Christ. The good news, the euangelion, of the Gospel (from Old English godspel or “good tidings”) is meant to be good news. It’s not principally about death, but about life. Christianity isn’t, or shouldn’t be, a morbid faith. It’s not focused on pain, sorrow, suffering, and injustice, but on delivery from injustice, suffering, sorrow, and pain.
And from a Catholic, one who is an actual learned theologian, here is a far deeper understanding of the observance of Holy Week :
March 1, 2023
by Fr. John Paul Gardner

"Father, some of my Christian friends are wondering why Catholics focus on Jesus’ death when He is already raised from the dead. They think we should remove our crucifixes and, instead, focus on Christ’s Resurrection. How can I respond?"

...Catholics, as well as other denominations, know how to celebrate Christ's Resurrection properly and exultantly.

...Focus on the Resurrection doesn't come from any lack of attention to the Crucifixion but rather a result of our focus on it.

Those who want to set side Jesus’ suffering and death in favor of His Resurrection are setting themselves up for confusion...

Since focus on our Lord's Crucifixion takes nothing away from, but rather enhances our celebration of the Resurrection, we ought to focus on our Lord’s Crucifixion as best we can.

Even Satan wants to hide the crucifixes from our churches and our homes because he knows they express the power of the Passion of Christ and reveal how much He loves us. Let’s not remove our crucifixes or lessen our devotion to the Passion of Christ...
Fr. John Paul Gardner is parochial vicar at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Bismarck.

https://bismarckdiocese.com/news/why-do ... esus-death
Interesting contrast! Thanks for posting this
Philo Sofee
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Philo Sofee »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:39 pm
Moksha wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:04 pm
There is always the opportunity to put some ash on your forehead today.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Marcus »

DCP mocks the recent discussion of the issue of women in the LDS church:
A group of Latter-day Saint women walking toward a meeting of the Relief Society?

https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... there.html
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Marcus »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:57 pm
Marcus wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 8:47 pm
:roll: Speaking of misunderstanding Holy Week, more from the blogger also known as the LDS master of misunderstanding:

And from a Catholic, one who is an actual learned theologian, here is a far deeper understanding of the observance of Holy Week :

Interesting contrast! Thanks for posting this
You're welcome! I'm not a learned Catholic by any means, but participating in choir and interacting with my husband's catholic family has given me more than enough information to see the specific ways in which Peterson's desire to appropriate other's Holy Week observances while simultaneously and specifically mocking or disparaging their associated beliefs is really, really inappropriate.
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Doctor Steuss
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Re: I Can't Eye-Roll Hard Enough Over DCP's Latest

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Marcus wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:59 pm
DCP mocks the recent discussion of the issue of women in the LDS church:
A group of Latter-day Saint women walking toward a meeting of the Relief Society?

https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... there.html
I guess we should be grateful that he didn't use a photograph of lynching to make his "joke" this time. Progress?
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