The Kirtland Temple: Visions and Vomiting

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Everybody Wang Chung
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The Kirtland Temple: Visions and Vomiting

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

The proprietor of a largely plagiarized blog, frequented only by a handful of deznutters and crazies, has been posting how great it is that the Church purchased the Kirtland Temple.

Most Mormons have no clue what actually happened at the Kirtland Temple dedication. Eye-witness accounts show that Samuel Smith and many others were completely tripping-balls and vomiting repeatedly. The accounts make it sound like a drunken orgy. There is also evidence that the people were drinking too much wine and that Joseph may have spiked the wine with psilocybin mushrooms ... cation.htm

Speaking of psilocybin mushrooms, I came across this short interview with Dr. Paul Stamets who relates a very strange story about the Multiverse which was recorded at the time by several Yale researchers. I have no idea how to explain his experience. The Universe is truly strange:
"I'm on paid sabbatical from BYU in exchange for my promise to use this time to finish two books."

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Re: The Kirtland Temple: Visions and Vomiting

Post by drumdude »

Joseph Smith would be bored to tears in his own church in modern times. There's no way he would be a member in good standing, he would call DCP a nerd and steal his wife.
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