Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

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Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by drumdude »

This is what happens when people are brainwashed into a strong persecution complex. You get white men saying the uncensored N-word to back up their “prophet’s” personal vendetta against the word Mormon: ... n_utah_of/
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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by huckelberry »

drumdude wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:25 am
This is what happens when people are brainwashed into a strong persecution complex. You get white men saying the uncensored N-word to back up their “prophet’s” personal vendetta against the word Mormon: ... n_utah_of/
one , perhaps isolated(hopefully) Mormon spoke in such a thoughtless manner. So young he is unaware of the many decades Mormons were perfectly happy to refer to themselves as Mormons? Unaware of what lies behind that n word? One of those extremist who discovered the belief that USA has never been a racist nation and racism is not important?
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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by IWMP »

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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by Kishkumen »

I am happy to identify as a Mormon. I don't see what the problem is.
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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by Bond »

I assume everyone is sitting alone on their computers or phones. Maybe no one is around but the dog or cat. Maybe a house plant or a clown chotchke. You're totally alone. Say "Mormon". Easy. Now say the "N" word. Did you say the "N" word? No right? Then stop it with these comparisons.
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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by Moksha »

Kishkumen wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:09 pm
I am happy to identify as a Mormon. I don't see what the problem is.
President Nelson had a nighttime revelation that the word Mormon is of Satanic origin. Interestingly, Joseph Smith declared that it meant More Good in the Adamic language, but as we all know a recent Church president trumps a past Church president.

Lest we think this might have been caused by a spot of bad mustard or a desire to camouflage the Church from endless bad publicity, remember that President Nelson is sustained as a prophet, seer, and revelator.
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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by drumdude »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:03 pm
Kishkumen wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:09 pm
I am happy to identify as a Mormon. I don't see what the problem is.
President Nelson had a nighttime revelation that the word Mormon is of Satanic origin. Interestingly, Joseph Smith declared that it meant More Good in the Adamic language, but as we all know a recent Church president trumps a past Church president.

Lest we think this might have been caused by a spot of bad mustard or a desire to camouflage the Church from endless bad publicity, remember that President Nelson is sustained as a prophet, seer, and revelator.
Distancing themselves from the word Mormon helps establish themselves as just another evangelical organization, like Kenneth Copland and all the financial prosperity he enjoys from spreading his faith...

Whatever makes the Mormon church the most money is the direction they will go in.
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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by hauslern »

The word is used in bird books describing the puffin bird Mormon articus and Mormon glacious ... y=relevant

Wes Walters in his Mth thesis said in Greek mormo meant a hideus face
"Mormo (Greek: Μορμώ, Mormō) was a female spirit in Greek folklore, whose name was invoked by mothers and nurses to frighten children to keep them from misbehaving.
Mormon meant frightening
Used to describe an ape in London
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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by msnobody »

It used to be a proud thing to be called a Mormon.
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Re: Mormons arguing that “Mormon” is as derogatory as the N-word

Post by Doctor Scratch »

If this is really what they believe then they’ve got that word on the front of the book that they believe is the “truest book on Earth” and a “New Testament of Jesus Christ.” Maybe they need to start censoring the Book of Mormon?
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