Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

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Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by yellowstone123 »

Let me clarify it as have you ever met or interacted with a Mormon General Authority outside the chapel and not dealing with religion.

In the early ‘1980s, I was attending a local community college and working for a corporation that interacted with those who travel frequently and check in at an airport. One day in the early ‘80s I met Elder Paul Dunn. He was extremely kind and followed my simple instructions which took like thirty seconds, grabbed his bag and walked towards another check in area. I thought, wow! That’s cool. I had some of his talks on cassette. I listened to them many times on the drive to and from work and loved his war stories. When I got home, I told my mom that I had met Elder Paul Dunn at work that day. I think it was the first time in many years she saw me with a smile and with hope in my eyes.

A few weeks later when I got home from work, I found a letter on my bed from church headquarters. I opened it up and read it. The letter was from Elder Paul Dunn. He basically said it was nice to meet me that day and he thanked me for helping him and wished me well. I thought wow, that’s cool.

Now today as I look back, I’m sure my mom got on the phone the following day, called church headquarters and was transferred to Elder Dunn’s office and told him that the young man he checked in with was her son and then explained my experience with the church during the previous few years.

It was nice for Elder Dunn and his secretary to get the letter typed, signed and put in the mail. Bonus points to Elder Dunn and all those involved for me to get the letter. I’m sure I read it many times during the year bringing a smile and hope.

A few years later I met Elder Thomas S. Monson. He was a big jolly guy with a huge smile. He was pleasant to work with for a few moments.
Last edited by yellowstone123 on Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by Kishkumen »

These are cool stories, much better than mine. I have shaken a few GA hands, but that is about it. My closest encounter was an interview with a Seventy when I applied for a job at BYU. That was memorable.
Last edited by Kishkumen on Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by yellowstone123 »

Thank You, Kishkumen. I really appreciate it.
“One of the important things for anybody in power is to distinguish between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." Potter Stewart, associate justice of the Supreme Court - 1958 to 1981.
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Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by Doctor Steuss »

None for me (other than meeting Hinkley once), but my Grandpa B had an experience that I think is kind of funny. While giving a ride to LeGrand Richards, Richards had fallen asleep. He woke up by a sign for Kolob -- I think it was an exit sign, as they were visiting quite a few different communities/towns. He perked right up, and said “Won’t the brethren be excited to bear witness to my report that I was able to hie to Kolob in the twinkling of an eye.”

My other grandpa (Grandpa J) was pen pals with Henry Moyle. I've never read any of the letters though... my Grandpa J was a pretty cerebral fellow (with only a 6th grade formal education under his belt), and often his writings go right over my head.

I wish I could remember who the apostle was that visited my dad's mission (I think Mark Peterson), but whoever it was, they spent quite a bit of time making fun of Bruce McConkie. I guess McConkie was the butt of a lot of jokes at the CoB (and amongst some GAs) because of his self-importance.
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Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by Res Ipsa »

Yes. My mission president was a 70.

I had one personal interview with him as part of a mission or zone conference. I was a little intimidated, but I don’t recall anything in particular about it.

My only other personal encounter with him was a phone call, during which he was not at his best. I doubt it was representative of the way he typically interacted with people.
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Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by msnobody »

Neil Andersen wrote a nice note to me once and sent me a copy of his book. I could tell by what he wrote that he had read the letter I had sent to him. I thought it was a very nice gesture on his part.
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🎈 Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by High Spy »

A few times I attended the Eagle Gate 18th Ward with several GAs. It was held in the COB, which was where I had my first March 8 encounter, in 1980. One of these times I received my Patriarchal Blessing after seeing Ezra Taft Benson sit silently near the podium. During sacrament meeting the congregation wished him a happy birthday. 🎈

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Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by sock puppet »

Three come to mind. One was that I took Trust Law from Dallin Oaks at BYU law school. Much better person then than what I've seen of him as an "Apostle."

The other was Vaughn J. Featherstone. Just an average Joe. Obviously was not going to get elevated to the Big 15.

Third was M. Russell Ballard, who was extremely condescending and impatient.
"Apologists try to shill an explanation to questioning members as though science and reason really explain and buttress their professed faith. It [sic] does not. ...faith is the antithesis of science and reason." Critic as quoted by Peterson, Daniel C. (2010) FARMS Review, Intro., v22:2,2.
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Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by sock puppet »

Oh, just thought of another...

Fourth, Scott Grow--great, great guy.

So, for me, Big 15, 0 out of 2; 70s, 2 for 2, good guys.
"Apologists try to shill an explanation to questioning members as though science and reason really explain and buttress their professed faith. It [sic] does not. ...faith is the antithesis of science and reason." Critic as quoted by Peterson, Daniel C. (2010) FARMS Review, Intro., v22:2,2.
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Re: Have you ever met a Mormon General Authority…

Post by Markk »

Russel M. Ballard sent me a personal signed letter saying that he would make sure my name was removed from the records. And that normally they do not do those sorts of things.

The back story is my SP wouldn't do it, so I sent a letter to the 12 saying if it was not done I would write a letter to my local paper say they would not remove my name. It worked.
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