Want to throw up!

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Re: Want to throw up!

Post by Abaddon »

Gadianton wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2024 3:26 am
Sorry Markk, I'll have to let others take this one. One of the great things about not being an active member is that I never have to listen to conference again. I might listen to a snippet here and there to follow a discussion, but I will unlikely ever listen to an entire talk again. Few things in life were more disheartening as a member than conference weekend coming up with priesthood session. I remember the horrible sinking feeling of having to listen to conference all day, and then drive down to the local ward house with the satellite dish to watch priesthood session. It was horrible.
I looked forward to Conference weekend as a TBM. I considered it a revival for my faith.

Now, after more than 10 years as an exmo, listening to snippets of Conference talks (I've never felt the need to watch an entire talk again), or listening to Mormon prayers boggles my brain. They may as well be praying or talking about Santa Claus; the effect on the world would be about the same.
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