It's Deja Vu all over again

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Bret Ripley
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Re: It's Deja Vu all over again

Post by Bret Ripley »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:36 am
Moksha wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:59 am
With the help of Sen. Orrin Hatch, there are now federal rules to allow religions to completely ignore local zoning and build whatever they want.
Is that really true, or is this yet another thing you're making up?
It looks like an editorialized reference to the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which was introduced to the Senate by Mr. Hatch and signed into law in 2000: race theory/page/file/1070736/dl?inline ... ersons_Act
Dr Exiled
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Re: It's Deja Vu all over again

Post by Dr Exiled »

The current Las Vegas Temple is big enough to suit the falling population of Mormons that actually use it, like Doctor Steuss said above. Enough with the expensive building as a justification for tithing scheme. If the Mormon church actually did something useful with its billions, like cure cancer or solve homelessness or something other than building expensive, tacky real estate, then perhaps converts in N. America, Europe and Asia would increase and perhaps retention of converts wouldn't be such a problem for our stock market heroes.
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Re: It's Deja Vu all over again

Post by Moksha »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:36 am
Moksha wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:59 am
With the help of Sen. Orrin Hatch, there are now federal rules to allow religions to completely ignore local zoning and build whatever they want.
Is that really true, or is this yet another thing you're making up?
It is straight from Mormon News Round-Up hosted by Bill Reel, RFM, and Rebecca Biblioteca. That show is on YouTube and can be found through a simple Google search. The episode involves building a new temple in McKinley, Texas. Very informative and it softens any snideness.
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