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Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 10:25 pm
by Everybody Wang Chung
"How we speak to and about others at home, at church, at work, and online really matters. Today, I am asking us to interact with others in a higher, holier way. Please listen carefully. “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy” that we can say about another person—whether to his face or behind her back—that should be our standard of communication." -- Russell M. Nelson

We all know Russell McGregor as the Moplogist who is constantly angry, bitter and quivering with resentment. Well, lately it looks like he has found another outlet for his smoldering rage. Namely, as a self-appointed spokesman for the Church on

For those of you unfamiliar with Quora, it's a website where you can ask almost any question about any topic and knowledgeable people are supposed to answer the questions. Russell has quickly racked up over 1,100 answers to questions about the Church. ... sel%20mcgr

Out of his 1,100 answers, you will be hard-pressed to find one without anger, personal attacks and hate. He is quite the missionary and ambassador for spreading goodwill. Let's take a look at just a few of his recent answers.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
Why is it offensive in the LDS community to call its members Mormons? It never used to be so, so what changed?

It’s not “offensive,” it’s merely bad manners. And it was never polite in the first place. Nicknames are not polite. If someone lets you call them by a nickname, it’s because they’re willing to tolerate impoliteness from you.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
Why would Joseph Smith say that polygamy was God's law?

When malicious people accuse him of making it all up for personal sexual gratification, they are invariably projecting their own character failings onto him.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
How do Mormons know their church isn't a cult?

If anyone still persists in calling us “Mormons” they are either ignorant or bigots.Or both. We are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you ask a respectful question, you might get a respectful answer. Your attempt to be cute is just meaningless. It’s not even insulting, because it’s nonsense.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
Do you consider the LDS (Mormon) Church to be a form of Satanism?

Of course not. I'm (1) informed, and (2) sane. You have to be both stupendously ignorant and a bit of a nutter to think something that idiotic.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
Are white women afraid of interracial marriage?

What a remarkably idiotic question. I seriously doubt that anyone, anywhere, would be “afraid” of someone else marrying an “interracial” person. But just in case they were, a “same sex marriage” with an “interracial” person would necessarily be a barren one, and thus, even less scary.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
I'm a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and someone asked me about how blacks were banned from priesthood. What do I say to them?

No, you’re not. You’re an atheist troll, which anyone with two clues to rub together can easily see. Only the terminally uninformed are fooled by your obviously false claims; and only the egregiously spiteful approve of them.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
What was the reason for the mass exodus of Mormons from the church after hearing Dan Reynolds speak at a Mormon event?

The notion of a “mass exodus of Mormons from the church” has been an anti-Mormon fantasy daydream since 1830. It hasn’t happened yet. Dan Reynolds has had trouble with depression and other health issues.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
Was Joseph Smith’s embrace of polygamy just a way to justify adultery and polyamory?

No.I suppose that in this sinful, fallen world, it is only natural for sinful, fallen men to assume that everyone else would be as sinful as they are. This is called “projection.” The accuser does not see things as they are, he sees things as he is. While demagogues and libertines lazily (or nastily) accept the “sexual gratification” assumption
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
Are there catalogs of Latter Day Saints undergarments that I can see online?

No, there are not. If you want to browse catalogues showing models wearing skimpy lingerie, you'll need to look elsewhere. Your obsession with other people's underwear is really rather creepy. You need to find another outlet for it.
Russell McGregor -- Former missionary to Australia
What are some reasons for the negative attitudes towards Mormons?

There are other underlying reasons. Those reasons are found in the hostility and prejudices of those who hate.

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 12:12 am
by Marcus
Wow. Did you see how he defines the quora exmormon page?
“Exmormon,” which is a “Hate Propaganda Only” space:
That's a quora page, just like the one he posts his stuff on. I can't imagine that the quora management team appreciates that.

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 12:31 am
by Moksha
If we follow the twin admonition of "No more slam dunks" and "No more Mister Nice Guys (Mormons)" you come to Dr. Peterson's enforcer Pahoran or Kiwi (a.k.a. Russell McGregor). Russell will show readers not to mess with Mormons or else face their considerable wrath.

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 12:55 am
by Everybody Wang Chung
Marcus wrote:
Mon May 13, 2024 12:12 am
Wow. Did you see how he defines the quora exmormon page?
“Exmormon,” which is a “Hate Propaganda Only” space:
That's a quora page, just like the one he posts his stuff on. I can't imagine that the quora management team appreciates that.
Kind of reminds me of the famous Groucho Marx quote: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 12:10 pm
by Kishkumen
I have never liked this guy. He embodies some of the very worst of LDS apologetics. There are a few apologists out there who are like this; Lou Midgley, Robert Boylan, Russell McGregor really stand out. These guys are so poorly behaved in their apologetics that I would say they do more harm than good.

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 3:05 pm
by Gadianton
It's funny how we all see things differently. I've always liked him. Yes, I'm blown away at times how over-the-top he gets, but it just doesn't stir up that annoyance in me that other apologists so easily tap into. I could be his friend no problem. I have my doubts he'd want to be my friend, but I try to be objective, just because somebody likes me doesn't mean should like that person and vice versa.

Others may disagree here, but I think this apologist has a high degree of self-awareness. He knows exactly what he's doing, it's practiced, he's very good at it, and often -- there are exceptions where he really loses it -- his outrage is practiced an not believable. In contrast, Petersen, MIdgley, Shcryver, and most of the others rank in the top echelons of the least self-aware humans I've ever witnessed or interacted with. I've got my wires crossed. I know I should have more empathy for people being rude who don't realize they are rude vs. people who are being as rude as possible on purpose. We're all different I guess.

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 4:05 pm
by Kishkumen
What suggests to you that McGregor is self-aware?

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 5:46 pm
by Dr Exiled
My experience with the guy when I was posting at Sic et Non was one of constant derision. Not a friendly guy to those that disagree with him. To him, either you are for his worldview 100% or you are a religious bigot. So, I'm not surprised that he has taken his game to Quora. I wonder how many converts he'll get? I heard from somewhere that after the 20th time of being called a bigot and other attacks, conversion magically happens.

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 7:24 pm
by Dr Moore
Meh. I’m over him. Angry guy saying angry things to make people feel mad, all to stroke his personal epeen. Not a good ambassador for for the church or for Jesus. But that’s plainly not the objective.

Re: Russell McGregor: Online Mopologist Extraordinaire

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 12:14 am
by Philo Sofee
Dr Exiled wrote:
Mon May 13, 2024 5:46 pm
My experience with the guy when I was posting at Sic et Non was one of constant derision. Not a friendly guy to those that disagree with him. To him, either you are for his worldview 100% or you are a religious bigot. So, I'm not surprised that he has taken his game to Quora. I wonder how many converts he'll get? I heard from somewhere that after the 20th time of being called a bigot and other attacks, conversion magically happens.
Yeah, I say this sincerely... it is not about converts to apologists. They could care less how many they offend, the objective is to show their logic and evidence is superior and to win arguments. Converts? Don't be so silly, they are on their way to Godhood. They don't give a rat's ass about anyone else making it. They're in the train to Godhood, they are superior and their mission is to show it, time to mock the world now and gloat over their own superbness and magnificence. THAT is what matters. MY God is bigger than yours, and WE are vastly more important than YOU. That is the essence of apologetics.