Kishkumen wrote: ↑Thu Dec 26, 2024 3:19 pm
Valo wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 11:05 pm
It was a combination of working with others, a manuscript, and auto dictating, possibly under the influence of psychedelics (I'm only recently exploring this vein so mostly speculation atm).
The idea of who God is and what His purposes are needs to be factored in. Of course you can deny God and there will be nothing to contribute to the conversation. But if you do not, then we have to consider this idea.
If God is responsible for the book coming out, then the ideas expressed in the book become the focus of the book, not how God brought it about. God works with evil to bring about His purposes. Joseph Smith is a fraudster, no doubt, and many discrepancies can be found in his life that evidence this. Nonetheless, the message of the Book of Mormon, regardless of how it came to be, mostly, not all of it, but mostly supports what is taught in the Bible. God wasn't trying to establish a church. He wasn't interested in providing evidence to support Joseph Smith as a prophet or that the church Joseph Smith established is the one true church. God's purposes for the Book of Mormon are not about what Joseph Smith and Co. said. This is where Joseph lost his way, by trying to use the Book of Mormon to prop himself up as a person who needs to be bowed to and who is a middle man between God's authority being invested in a human. No, Joseph Smith was not called to do those things. He wasn't supposed to create a new religion with dogma and a hierarchy of the synagogue of Satan!
Yet the message of the Book of Mormon, insofar as it has not been edited, was meant to come forth as another witness of God's purposes and doctrine of salvation. So the idea that if the message of the Book of Mormon is true, therefore Joseph Smith is God's authorized prophet and therefore the LDS church must be true is utterly illogical and false.
We have to separate the wheat from the chaff and that requires a nuanced approach to these matters.
Love the interesting ideas here, Valo. You paint a very complicated picture. In your view, Smith is a fraudster, but the Book of Mormon is teaching good stuff. Smith's mistake was to betray his original calling to chase his own following through the church he founded. I don't know how that all hangs together--how a fraudster brought about a "true" book by the will of God. I completely agree with you, however, that the drawing a connection between the Book of Mormon and the veracity of the LDS Church is illogical.
I grew up LDS cause both my parents were. At one point I was very devote and took my oaths and covenants quite sincerely and seriously. I believed in the "religion" of Mormonism.
In time and because of various experiences, my understanding changed to begin to see beyond "religion" and to adopt the view that God and His works are much greater than the small cubby hole my religion had stuffed Him in. This forced me to see how the doctrine and dogma that the LDS religion produces is not motivated by staying true to scriptures or to God, but it is about creating a narrative that sustains the religion, the church, and it's leaders in their positions of power and authority.
The source of their doctrines and dogma, as they will say, are the scriptures, including the Book of Mormon. And in all cases you will see a dogma being supposedly supported by scriptures. When you are LDS and you are drinking deeply of the Koolaid, you don't read the scriptures independently, but rather you interpret the scriptures and make them fit the doctrines and dogma produced by the LDS corporation. These interpretations sometimes align with the actual scriptures but often they don't.
When I realized this I had to make a choice. Do I reject the scriptures or do I reject the LDS interpretation? Does God control His message or does a corporation? Is God bound by President Nelson or is Nelson bound by God? Is God a respector of persons or not?
The LDS, like most all organized religions, want you to doubt your experiential knowledge and accept their interpretation and they do this by claiming only they have an authentic link to God, only one man in fact, who can define scriptures.
Of course this is BS. And it becomes clear when you look at the inner operations, the scandals, etc. that this is just a corporation with a CEO and board members who are loyal to the corporation above all else, and what God wants is low on the list of priorities.
But like I intimated, I have had independent experiences with the divine. My faith in God and my belief in God was not founded on my belief in the religion of my youth. As young as 2 or 3 years old I recall God speaking to me and feelings His presence. When I was 7 God spoke to me and filled me with wonder and awe. When I was a teen, God comforted me. And through out my life I have seen God has been with me. When I was devout LDS I denied my experiential knowledge of God and disregarded my experiences because they did not fit the frame created by the LDS church.
So when it became clear to me that the LDS religion is false and that it's leaders are not following God, I knew the issue was with them, not God. The words of the Book of Mormon still rang true. The words I had been reading and studying all my life still produced good fruit. It still resonated with my soul. In fact now that I was free of the dogma trap, I could read the Book of Mormon purely and accept its message without having to make compromises or mental gymnastics to explain why the Book of Mormon God is different than the LDS God, for instance.
It is my belief that God has revealed His truth to many individuals over time and that once we learn to hear God's voice, we are free to find it all over the place, in the most obscure of works. Even though Joseph Smith was a fraud, nonetheless, the Book of Mormon contains ideas within it that point to Christ and God and the ideas, if followed and implemented, produce good fruits.
God uses the evil that mankind might do to bring about His purposes. He is playing the Antichrist for a fool!