Gadianton wrote: ↑Fri Sep 06, 2024 2:04 pm
Kishkumen wrote:DCP's strategy here, which is very simple but not a bad one, is to show you that being right or wrong about Joseph Smith does not map well onto being a scholar or a non-scholar
In the simplistic case where we're allowed to pit third-generation born believers who became scholars against any other scholar, sure. The more interesting case would be to test the viability of faith claims that intersect empirical domains with scholars who have low awareness of Mormonism. Or in the case of Mormon believers, test the rate of attrition of scholars vs. non-scholars. I haven't seen any claims about the latter but I think the former may be obvious. It's really only a great argument for critics who might significantly overreach, forgetting that there were also scholars within the Third Reich or even scholars who are Trump supporters.
Yes: there have been plenty of scholars/thinkers who wound up exiting the Church (Wright, Bokovoy, and Ferguson, for example), but I don't think that anyone can name a single scholar who *converted* do to study of Joseph Smith. There has always been this sort of "pipe dream" hope that Jan Shipps would convert, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. The closest thing to what I have in mind is probably Don Bradley, but he has said that his reconversion had more to do with his feeling that Mormonism makes him a "better person," rather than due to study of Joseph Smith, or some other aspect of LDS history.
But is it a good argument? In a sense, it is, because he's got nothing better. If you're playing one-card poker and you've been dealt a three of spades, then you play the three. As Doctor Scratch was forced to admit years ago, Mopologetics is dead. There is no serious Mopologist paradigm at the moment, nor are there warring factions in the space. Let's be honest, the Heartland model isn't a serious, scholarly model. I'm saying there is no model for Interpreter; for people who would be serious about it. It's a bunch of random stuff that random contributors are throwing against the wall and I'm not so sure at this point anyone is hoping or expecting anything to stick. It's like the world of the Walking Dead, exploring the next cul-de-sac and finding a box of Twinkies. We're happy for it, just as we were happy for the can of green from yesterday. But we're sure as hell not expecting much more than a rotten hot dog from tomorrow's excursion.
Lots of terrific points here, and the "rotten hot dog" is pretty much a perfect metaphor for contemporary Mopologetics. Your remarks got me thinking, though, Dean Robbers. Yes, Mopologetics is "dead" in a sense, though it continues to sort of lurch around in an "undead" state--rather like a zombie. And while I agree with you that there is "no model" for Interpreter, I would argue that the core of Mopologetics was its aggressive attacks on critics. The coordinated slams on people like Metcalfe and Grant Palmer seem to have pretty much evaporated. DCP went ballistic with Gerald Bradford *not* over the LGT or the Ghost Committee, but because he knew that the Mopologists' ability to write smear pieces was being taken away. And let's not forget that one of the marquee debut "posts" on Interpreter was Greg Smith's "hit piece" on John Dehlin, but the Interpreter leadership undercut their own mission by making it purely a blog post--it was never included in the "peer reviewed" journal. So a huge fit was thrown over not getting to continue with the slams and "trashing," as Midgley might put it, but once they went off and launched Interpreter, they basically abandoned that aspect of the "mission," and as I noted, that aspect was essentially the core of Mopologetics. They are still fond of referencing Elder Maxwell's "no uncontested slam dunks" quote, but they've totally thrown in the towel on that one. The Exmormon Reddit is regularly raining down 3-pointers and dunking left and right on the Brethren, the Mopologists, etc., as are the various townships that are combatting excessive temple steeples and that sort of thing. The classic-FARMS have no answer to any of this stuff, and it's not as if it's not on their radar: DCP keeps mentioning some reality show about Mormon "swinger" housewives, or something like that. Will we get 5 well-coordinated articles in Interpreter that blast this show into oblivion? Or, instead, is the show going to dunk on their heads? I predict they will do nothing, because they have essentially given up and the leadership is more interested in making propaganda movies these days.
One final thought: you mention that there are no "warring factions in the space." I think that, on the surface, this would appear to be true, but I believe you are aware of my own position, which is that FAIR, Scripture Central, and Interpreter are actually in a kind of competition with each other (and in a sideways sort of fashion, I believe that FIRM is part of all this as well), and Scripture Central is currently "ruling the roost," and delivering a major-league piss-pounding to Interpreter.
"If, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14