Six Days in August D.O.A.?

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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by Marcus »

Doctor Scratch wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 5:54 pm
Gadianton wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 4:40 pm

I haven't seen either, but is it possible they bought cuts from the movie?
No: it's a completely different actor playing Joseph Smith. SC is basically "wallpapering" over the Interpreter version.
Lol. Yes. For a far lower price than several million dollars, I would suppose. Maybe they borrowed Witnesses' "non-hero plates."
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by drumdude »

Marcus wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 6:21 pm
Doctor Scratch wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 5:54 pm

No: it's a completely different actor playing Joseph Smith. SC is basically "wallpapering" over the Interpreter version.
Lol. Yes. For a far lower price than several million dollars, I would suppose. Maybe they borrowed Witnesses' "non-hero plates."
They used a ridiculously light set of plates. I remember Bill Reel and RFM cracking up as the actor playing Joseph ran through the forest. There was a joke about Dan Peterson’s lunch being heavier :lol:
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by drumdude »

The couple dozen fans of “Six Days in August” may appreciate this hour long interview with the director and cast. It was recorded before the release, when the film still seemed like it may actually earn its budget back. A very interesting perspective for sure. ... l-e-94c3d9

I found of note the fact that they spent 8 days shooting in Canada- I wonder if the cost of that trip alone exceeded the total revenue from the box office. There was also a trip to England for a scene which lasted roughly 5 minutes. Which currently stands at about $380,000 before everyone else gets their cut. Add in the cost of the cast, the equipment, the horses and oxen, the catering, post production “sweetening,” advertising… this was surely a monumental financial disaster for Interpreter.

Perhaps since most of these cast and crew were active LDS, they can forgo their paycheck and consider it part of their tithes to the church?
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by Gadianton »

I would be cautious about calling a movie a financial disaster. Nothing special about this presentation, it's one of many that covers the same facts:
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by Dr Moore »

Looks like this thread may have more views than the movie did.
Philo Sofee
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by Philo Sofee »

Dr Moore wrote:
Sun Dec 01, 2024 5:57 pm
Looks like this thread may have more views than the movie did.
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by drumdude »

According to the film’s Facebook page, the Blu-ray is currently in production, and will be in stores on December 15.
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by Tom »

drumdude wrote:
Sun Dec 01, 2024 4:20 pm
The couple dozen fans of “Six Days in August” may appreciate this hour long interview with the director and cast. It was recorded before the release, when the film still seemed like it may actually earn its budget back. A very interesting perspective for sure. ... l-e-94c3d9

I found of note the fact that they spent 8 days shooting in Canada- I wonder if the cost of that trip alone exceeded the total revenue from the box office. There was also a trip to England for a scene which lasted roughly 5 minutes. Which currently stands at about $380,000 before everyone else gets their cut. Add in the cost of the cast, the equipment, the horses and oxen, the catering, post production “sweetening,” advertising… this was surely a monumental financial disaster for Interpreter.

Perhaps since most of these cast and crew were active LDS, they can forgo their paycheck and consider it part of their tithes to the church?
The fact that it never rained during the day while filming in Canada is a latter-day miracle.

I'm seeking some further clarity about what constitutes a financial disaster for the Interpreter Foundation's filmmaking business model. Say the Foundation raised $2.5 million for the film. The Foundation spends all $2.5 million to pay for the director and other film crew, actors, equipment, animals, facility rentals, whitewashing, costumes, catering, post-production costs (including marketing, trailer), etc. The film grosses $390,000 at the box office. Do the theaters take 50-55 percent and Six Days in August Productions takes the other 45-50 percent? (Or do others or other entities take a cut as well?) I believe you commented on this point previously, perhaps on this thread.

Six Days in August Productions then earns some cut of DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming sales. The film obviously won't earn anywhere near $2.5 million for Six Days in August Productions. But is the company happy enough to make, say, $250,000 on the film (which includes revenue from the box office and DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming sales)? That money could be plowed into production costs for the two-part documentary.
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by Tom »

The Proprietor writes:
The merry madcaps over at the Peterson Obsession Board continue to amuse. As evidence of the contempt in which, according to the Obsession Board, the folks at Scripture Central hold me and all my works (including the Interpreter Foundation), they’re currently pointing to the relatively recent 54-minute video from Scripture Central entitled “The Witnesses of the Book of Mormon Documentary | A Marvelous Work Episode 5.”

The savants over at the Obsession Board are confident that probably nobody at Scripture Central watched the Interpreter film Witnesses, and this newer video proves to the satisfaction of the Obsession Board — their standard of proof isn’t very high — that, in the view of those at Scripture Central, Witnesses was incompetently done and grossly inadequate. That, they say, is why Scripture Central is effectively trying to “wallpaper” over Witnesses by simply replacing it, acting as if it never existed.

Perhaps you’re unfamiliar with “The Witnesses of the Book of Mormon Documentary | A Marvelous Work Episode 5”? Well, I can help: Scripture Central flew me back east for its filming and interviewed me for it, on camera, in and around Palmyra, New York; the former Harmony, Pennsylvania; and Kirtland, Ohio. (We spent about a week together. Between takes, of course, I suppose that they were probably hitting me, mocking me, and spitting at me. I must have suppressed the memory.) The Scripture Central video calls the attention of its viewers to Witnesses at least twice in its first five minutes, including its introduction of me as executive producer of a full-length feature film on the people that The Witnesses of the Book of Mormon Documentary | A Marvelous Work Episode 5 will shortly be discussing. This is perhaps not altogether surprising, given the fact that Scott Christopher, Scripture Central’s on-camera host for their video series, portrayed one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon in the Interpreter Foundation’s docudrama sequel to Witnesses, which is entitled Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon. Plainly, you see, Interpreter and Scripture Central represent mutually exclusive sets, walled off from each other by, if not outright mutual hostility, at least deep disdain on Scripture Central’s part.
Did Scripture Central seek to license clips from Witnesses or Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon? Why did Scripture Central find it necessary to film new scenes of Joseph Smith running with the plates, translating (Joseph’s face is nowhere near his hat), etc.?
Last edited by Tom on Mon Dec 02, 2024 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Six Days in August D.O.A.?

Post by drumdude »

If the goal is to funnel money from donors to “contractors” then it makes perfect sense to film the same thing over and over. It makes perfect sense to have dozens of apologetic websites and organizations all doing the same thing.

DCP may not be technically making a dime, but that doesn’t mean Mormon apologetics isn’t a lucrative business.
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