That’s certainly one of the Interpreter President’s hallmarks…
In the meantime, the Interpreter Foundation continues to conceal its long, slow decline from public notice by posting and publishing things. Included among today’s indicators of impending extinction are a number of items that have been newly posted on its website. Among them is The Temple: Symbols, Sermons, and Settings: “Clothed with Glory: Sacred Vestments and the Restoration,” which was written by Matthew Roper, one of our good friends at Scripture Central
Note the term “newly posted.” From the link in Sic et Non:
Part of our book chapter reprint series, this article originally appeared in The Temple: Symbols, Sermons, and Settings, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and Jeffrey M. Bradshaw. For more information, go to ... -settings/.
1. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. 2. The best evidence for The Book of Mormon is eye witness testimony, therefore… 3.The best evidence for the Book of Mormon is a type of evidence that is notoriously unreliable.
The last Spring GC was temple heavy and garment heavy (I did no follow the fall sessions). It was "follow your covenant path and your garments will remind you to do so." And it appears that the Interpreter is following this by supporting Elder Nelsons pushing of temple building and garment wearing. It makes me wonder if the folks at the Interpreter get nudges from the brethren of what to report, or are they just running out of context. My money would be on the former, but who knows.
It seems that beside the typical talking point teachings of the GA, the proactive consistent push is build temples and where your garments.
The last Spring GC was temple heavy and garment heavy (I did no follow the fall sessions). It was "follow your covenant path and your garments will remind you to do so." And it appears that the Interpreter is following this by supporting Elder Nelsons pushing of temple building and garment wearing. It makes me wonder if the folks at the Interpreter get nudges from the brethren of what to report, or are they just running out of context. My money would be on the former, but who knows.
It seems that beside the typical talking point teachings of the GA, the proactive consistent push is build temples and where your garments.
On their website, Book of Mormon Central makes this admission…
BMC receives no funds directly from the Church, only via the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Foundation, and is not controlled in any way by the Church.
Receiving money straight from the Church’s accounts, or via an intermediary account, is a distinction without a difference. It enables the Church to say it doesn’t support third party apologetic organisations, whilst actively supporting them. It’s what the CIA does. Create plausible deniability whilst funding what you want to fund. If Book of Mormon Central does something stupid, or if some of their apologetics are shown to be incorrect, the Church isn’t tarnished.
In his autobiography Mitt Romney recounts a meeting with Elder Ballard where he tried to coerce Romney into setting up an organisation that the Church wanted to exist, wanted to control and manipulate what it did, whilst hiding in the shadows and letting it seem like it was all Romney’s doing. To his credit Romney refused the arm twisting. But it shows how the Church leaders operate. Exactly like the CIA. In the shadows.
1. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. 2. The best evidence for The Book of Mormon is eye witness testimony, therefore… 3.The best evidence for the Book of Mormon is a type of evidence that is notoriously unreliable.
The last Spring GC was temple heavy and garment heavy (I did no follow the fall sessions). It was "follow your covenant path and your garments will remind you to do so." And it appears that the Interpreter is following this by supporting Elder Nelsons pushing of temple building and garment wearing. It makes me wonder if the folks at the Interpreter get nudges from the brethren of what to report, or are they just running out of context. My money would be on the former, but who knows.
It seems that beside the typical talking point teachings of the GA, the proactive consistent push is build temples and where your garments.
On their website, Book of Mormon Central makes this admission…
BMC receives no funds directly from the Church, only via the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Foundation, and is not controlled in any way by the Church.
Receiving money straight from the Church’s accounts, or via an intermediary account, is a distinction without a difference. It enables the Church to say it doesn’t support third party apologetic organisations, whilst actively supporting them. It’s what the CIA does. Create plausible deniability whilst funding what you want to fund. If Book of Mormon Central does something stupid, or if some of their apologetics are shown to be incorrect, the Church isn’t tarnished.
In his autobiography Mitt Romney recounts a meeting with Elder Ballard where he tried to coerce Romney into setting up an organisation that the Church wanted to exist, wanted to control and manipulate what it did, whilst hiding in the shadows and letting it seem like it was all Romney’s doing. To his credit Romney refused the arm twisting. But it shows how the Church leaders operate. Exactly like the CIA. In the shadows.
Sure, and Reggie Bush did not receive direct monies from USC, it was boosters that bought his parents a home. Just like the church did not buy the papyri from the museum, a "booster" did and donated them to the church. Or the Hoffman purchases.
I compare it to the Mafia... Ensign Peak is a perfect example of how the LDS hierarchy had "soldiers" (managers of each shell company do the dirty field work of forging doc's. Then when busted blame the lawyers....keeping the godfather (Russell M. Nelson) and his two Consiglieres' (Oaks and Eyring) and his Capos (the presiding bishopric and Roger Clarke) above reproach. A 5 million dollar hit to the church plus bad press, and no one was fired to my knowledge. The need to apply RICO to the scandal, guilt by association.
I would bet the farm that at least one GA (70) is in close contact with BMC.
I compare it to the Mafia... Ensign Peak is a perfect example of how the LDS hierarchy had "soldiers" (managers of each shell company do the dirty field work of forging doc's. Then when busted blame the lawyers....keeping the godfather (Russell M. Nelson) and his two Consiglieres' (Oaks and Eyring) and his Capos (the presiding bishopric and Roger Clarke) above reproach. A 5 million dollar hit to the church plus bad press, and no one was fired to my knowledge. The need to apply RICO to the scandal, guilt by association.
I would bet the farm that at least one GA (70) is in close contact with BMC.
It’s a very good analogy. Not only was nobody fired (how could they be when Nelson himself sanctioned it), nobody had to face a Church disciplinary hearing. And that’s after the Church was found guilty of conniving long and hard to deceive the financial reporting regulations that they knew were to be adhered to.
1. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. 2. The best evidence for The Book of Mormon is eye witness testimony, therefore… 3.The best evidence for the Book of Mormon is a type of evidence that is notoriously unreliable.
I would bet the farm that at least one GA (70) is in close contact with BMC.
I think that’s a safe bet.
1. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. 2. The best evidence for The Book of Mormon is eye witness testimony, therefore… 3.The best evidence for the Book of Mormon is a type of evidence that is notoriously unreliable.
Yes it is. I think its struggle for content is a function of its struggle for direction. It's a aggregator for freelancers and pet projects of a certain administrator there. There's no target audience beyond a few friends of Dan who show up every couple weeks to make their appearance and remain on his good list. I'm not sure there is a viable target audience, to be honest. I think that's disturbing because it's a tacit admission that Mormonism just isn't appealing to educated people, aside from historical interest.
Social distancing has likely already begun to flatten the curve...Continue to research good antivirals and vaccine candidates. Make everyone wear masks. -- J.D. Vance
Yes it is. I think its struggle for content is a function of its struggle for direction. It's a aggregator for freelancers and pet projects of a certain administrator there. There's no target audience beyond a few friends of Dan who show up every couple weeks to make their appearance and remain on his good list. I'm not sure there is a viable target audience, to be honest. I think that's disturbing because it's a tacit admission that Mormonism just isn't appealing to educated people, aside from historical interest.
Bond was prophetic.
"I'm on paid sabbatical from BYU in exchange for my promise to use this time to finish two books."
... And that’s after the Church was found guilty of conniving long and hard to deceive the financial reporting regulations that they knew were to be adhered to.
A interesting note, I read that Roger Clarke, also had/s his own private investing company, for years, and during those years he always filled out the 13f forms correctly and honestly.