FAIR *Finally* Posts Video of "Church Finances" Conference Presentation

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Re: FAIR *Finally* Posts Video of "Church Finances" Conference Presentation

Post by Markk »

Oaks double downs over and over... he stated:

"I know that the history of the church is not to seek apologies or to give them," Oaks said in an interview Tuesday. "We sometimes look back on issues and say, 'Maybe that was counterproductive for what we wish to achieve,' but we look forward and not backward."

The church doesn't "seek apologies," he said, "and we don't give them."

“I’m not aware that the word ‘apology’ appears anywhere in the scriptures — Bible or Book of Mormon. The word ‘apology’ contains a lot of connotations in it, and a lot of significance. We do not seek apologies. When our temple was desecrated in CA, when people were fired and intimidated, when a lot of other coercive measures were used, we sought no apology. That’s what I meant by saying ‘we don’t seek apology.’ We think that the best way to solve these problems is not a formal statement of words that a [sic] apology consists of, but talking about principles and good will among contending viewpoints.”

Musing a bit....

There was a "teaching" in the church, as far as I know more anecdotal than scriptural, but none the less discussed in my early years in the church that scared the heck out of me. It went along the line of 'if you sinned or transgressed, then repented of that sin or transgression, but later committed the same one over, there was not forgiveness for you, and by default no eternal life, but I guess just a terrestrial final estate.'

Point being maybe Oaks does not want to put the church into that position of habitual repentance of the same sin of lying. I admit a stretch, but it did come to mind.

What is certainly a Biblical teaching is that True Repentance brings change, it literally means to be heading one direction and turn the opposite way. For whatever reason, Oaks believes that is not an option for the wardens for the church, but as Scratch noted, a commandment for the folks.
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