I'm going to take Ben Carson's a** apart

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_Maxine Waters
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Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:29 am

I'm going to take Ben Carson's a** apart

Post by _Maxine Waters »

On Saturday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) vowed to take Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson’s “ass apart” while speaking at the Essence Festival in New Orleans.
“Ben Carson was appointed to be the HUD secretary,” she reportedly said. “He knows nothing about the mission of HUD. He doesn’t care about people in public housing. He believes that if you are poor, it is your own fault. And he doesn’t know the difference between an immigrant and a slave.”
Waters then promised: “And if he thinks when he comes before my committee where I am the ranking member [of the Financial Services Committee] that I am going to give him a pass… I am going to take his a** apart.”

She also blasted Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
“Jeff Sessions is a racist, he’s a throwback. We know his record, we know the statements that he’s made,” she said. “He really did like the KKK until he learned that they smoke pot.”
Waters said DeVos has “never seen the inside of a classroom” and never “served in education.”
Waters, as Breitbart News reported, also said she has “taken off the gloves” to fight to get President Donald Trump impeached.
“We’re going to lock him up,” she said, before leading the crowd in an “impeach 45” chant.

http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... ons-apart/

As you know most of my wealth comes from the TARP money I fraudulently obtained. Cuts to HUD scare me, not so much because my constituents depend on these welfare handouts, but because I make a lot of money off it as well. Anyone who doesn't want bigger government with more welfare and more taxes upon everyone is a racist. Anyone who doesn't want amnesty for illegal immigrants and a massive and sudden importation of poverty from the third world is a racist and it's perfectly fine for me as a sitting US senator to say this. White politicians are obligated to treat me politely like a crazy aunt. If anyone challenges me all I have to do is cry, "Racism."
“There were mothers who took this [Rodney King LA riots] as an opportunity to take some milk, to take some bread, to take some shoes ... They are not crooks.”

This liberal would be about socializing . . . uh, umm. . . . Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.
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