Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by Gadianton »

Ajax wrote:I just don't agree that low interest rates led to inflation.
Of course you don't -- because Trump is your guy. The stimulus checks Donald Trump personally signed probably didn't either, right?

The word "inflation" is too narrow, but you are dead wrong. Continuing to lower interest rates fueled an asset bubble, which is why Trump went nuts continuing to apply pressure on Jerome because that's what was making him the stock market president -- Tesla trading at 900 times earnings.

Trump also gave a tax break to corporations so they could bring a trillion or two onshore. To "invest" in America. Where do you think that went? You realize it's not just people needing a place to live buying homes anymore, but corporations. It doesn't matter if that money went directly to homes or not, as they say, a rising tide lifts all boats, and more money chasing fewer investments means that housing will get its fair share pumping up.
I blame China, the Democrats that colluded with the CCP and covered for them
That's because you have the maturity of a seven-year-old, at best. ... d-and-did/
April 1, 2020: Declares lockdown
Later than most governors, DeSantis imposed a lockdown.

“All persons in Florida shall limit their movements and personal interactions outside of their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities,” his order said.
Lockdowns were a world-wide thing, DeSantis was part of it.
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by Schreech »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:29 am

I just don't agree that low interest rates led to inflation. If they did the effect was minimal compared to shutting the economy down to 70% operational and then printing trillions of dollars in stimulus and welfare money for years after everyone should have gone back to work with no restrictions. Eventually we all got COVID whether vaccinated or not, whether we locked down or not. I blame China, the Democrats that colluded with the CCP and covered for them. And I blame Americans for being scammed by Fauci out of an inability to accept their own mortality and accept some risk as opposed to cowering fear and the poverty that creates.

DeSantis got it right. Democrats and Trump need to admit this and stop trying to cover up the results of your Marxist-atheist fear mongering scamdemic policies by always being able to stretch back and blame a conservative. You've had your way and we'll be living the consequences of your Marxist policies for a long time. Why should I allow you to ruin my country because you want to give communism another 101 more tries expecting a different result? If you want to vote for communism you need to go to Venezuela, Cuba, or Russia and get out of one of the last free countries on earth before you ruin it as well. Socialism always turns into communism. Communism is great until you run out of other peoples money. I have no power to cast you out. My only consolation will be watching you destroy each other when you run out of other peoples money to give away in exchange for votes.
I get that the Ajax(adolf hitler) character is the attempted portrayal of an unsuccessful, angry, impotent, racist hack who is blindly devoted to his cults and incapable of rational thought beyond what right-wing/Mormon propaganda tells him to do and believe but, elohim, this feels like the facade has cracked and whoever is running this sock finally stopped caring about portraying a real person capable of any rational thought. The abundance of right-wing buzzwords and debunked talking points, the TOTAL lack of even the most basic economic and political literacy coupled with an unintelligible word salad of various conspiracy theories and the blind, even religious, devotion to proven con men, sexual predators and grifters just feels a little too on the nose. The writing is getting lazy...

This thread so far:
Gad/Dr Steuss wrote:
Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:29 am
ajax18 wrote:
Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:29 am
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by ajax18 »

The stimulus checks Donald Trump personally signed probably didn't either, right?
No because I lived through the scamdemic. I know who stuck up for freedom and who said screw your rights. Get on unemployment. DeSantis admitted he shouldn't have shut down for a single day. You can't deny DeSantis took a lot of heat for letting his people go back to work in June 2020 while many states and countries stuck with scamdemic scare tactics. Bidenomics is a failed policy. After four years of this, you don't get to blame Trump for the current economy. And how is it that you're deviating from the Democrat talking point that, "The Biden economy is great, but people just don't appreciate it."
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by Schreech »

Right on cue:
ajax18 wrote:
Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:32 pm
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by Gadianton »

DeSantis admitted he shouldn't have shut down for a single day.
Ah, hindsight. I admit that I should have bought bitcoin when it was 1$. The fact of the matter is he was a weak, woke follower and not a leader. And you don't know if this was so much an "admission" or him just saying what he needed to say to be popular with stupid people. You only get prove your mettle as the disaster is upon you, not after the fact making excuses.
You can't deny DeSantis took a lot of heat for letting his people go back to work in June 2020
I can't deny he scored with his base horde of stupid people; taking heat from liberals is a badge of honor. Only a few things opened in June. Most stayed locked down until the end of September. And it was still a partial opening even then. DeSantis didn't show BDE free-market supremacy at all, what he did is talk big while mostly following what other places were doing but maybe taking a handful more risk here and there.
while many states and countries stuck with scamdemic scare tactics. Bidenomics is a failed policy. After four years of this, you don't get to blame Trump for the current economy. And how is it that you're deviating from the Democrat talking point that, "The Biden economy is great, but people just don't appreciate it."
I haven't blamed Trump for the economy. Ajax, presidents have limited power over the economy. It's mainly stupid people like...well, you know who you are, who think a president single handedly saves or damns an economy. I point out factors that Trump policy contributed to inflation, since you hyperventilate about it constantly. I point out wealth is relative and regressive taxes hurt the working class in the long run even if they get a 50$ bump on their paycheck today. You say "four more years of this" like there's a magic solution Trump has for materializing 600,000 construction workers (such as locking down borders). There is no such thing as the "Biden economy" or the "Trump economy". I point out things like, you can't have de-globalization for free. If you want to lock down borders and quit trading, it will result in inflation. Biden is continuing the same policies Trump started in that regard. When it comes to government spending, it simply doesn't matter who is president because Republicans are proving they can outspend democrats. Trump signs his own name to the checks. You don't get to complain about Dems spending when Trump signs his name to the 'stimulus' checks like a South American dictator would. I would have preferred less Covid spending, better targeted spending; better oversight on spending, but nobody on the left or right would have made a material difference in that regard so it is what it is. Biden at least has a plan and there is logic behind portions of his build back better plan. If you're going to decouple trade with China, for instance; if we're going to bring certain industries back on shore, government subsidies may actually be necessary because we'll be re-tooling for things we haven't done in decades. I'm not saying there's any magic (as you believe about Trump and DeSantis), but foreign policy basically congruent with spending.

Trump's trade war with China may have been the one thing he didn't totally F up. But, there's a cost to it, and reducing interest rates to zero to cover up for the price you're not willing to pay will only exasperate the problem.

I might as well add: Pick a right-wing Mayor, Ajax. I'll bet you that any right-wing mayor will have a totally different opinion from you on the economy over the last 4 years. I'll bet every single one of them have a Twitter account where they are bragging about how low unemployment is for their city.
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by ajax18 »

For me Ron proved his mettle and has repeatedly. If you think we're stupid for working through Covid, why don't you just go your way and we'll go ours. Why not just have separate countries? I'll be free to work. You'll be free to lockdown. It's not like you're making money off us stupid people. This is your chance to get rid of us.

The left disparaged Ron as Death Santis for a reason. A national divorce really would be for the best for both sides.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by Moksha »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:09 pm
A national divorce really would be for the best for both sides.
Would you inscribe, "Abandon all reasoning ye who enter" on your border crossing sign?
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by Moksha »

Here is a very insightful discussion on the results of Trumpism and how it affects us in relation to the rest of the world:
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by Gadianton »

For me Ron proved his mettle and has repeatedly.
Sure; he's a showman who has repeatedly pulled publicity stunts.
If you think we're stupid for working through Covid, why don't you just go your way and we'll go ours.
I didn't say anyone was stupid for working through Covid or wanting to work through Covid. I can totally understand why people would want to work, I very likely would have been one of those had I not been working remote already. I'm certain I would have taken the risk had I been put in a situation where I had a choice (after all, I'm pretty sure I caught the original Wuhan strain very early on). I'm saying people who thought DeSantis had done anything too differently and fell for his rhetoric that he was sticking up to woke medical authorities are stupid. There were states that didn't lock down at all, including Utah. DeSantis locked down, and didn't do this big 180, he was wishy-washy, and trying to have it both ways. Florida's economy fell in about middle-of-the-pack.
Why not just have separate countries?'re doing the 7-year-old thing again...
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Re: Donald Trump and Joseph Smith

Post by Some Schmo »

Gadianton wrote:
Wed Oct 04, 2023 1:31 am
Why not just have separate countries?'re doing the 7-year-old thing again...
If anyone wonders why the country is stuck and issues abound, just check out the sentiment of an average MAGAte above. They are literally retarded, mostly by the nonsense they consume.
Religion is for people whose existential fear is greater than their common sense.

The god idea is popular with desperate people.
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