Milei Victory rocks Globalists

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Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by ajax18 »

PHOTOS – ‘Don’t Tread on Me,’ Argentina: Nation Celebrates Javier Milei, Its First Libertarian President
“Without a doubt, we are partying tonight,” the president-elect of Argentina, Javier Milei, promised his supporters after winning the nation’s presidency on Sunday night – sending thousands to flood the streets of Buenos Aires chanting “Freedom!” and waving Gadsden flags.

Milei, who for most of his career has been an economic analyst and television commentator, ran his campaign for the presidency as an anarcho-capitalist and self-proclaimed libertarian, railing against triple-digit inflation and decades of socialist rule in his country.

Supporters of the Argentine presidential candidate for the La Libertad Avanza alliance, Javier Milei, celebrate his victory in the presidential election runoff at the Obelisk in Buenos Aires on November 19, 2023. Libertarian outsider Javier Milei pulled off a massive upset Sunday with a resounding win in Argentina's presidential election, a stinging rebuke of the traditional parties that have overseen decades of economic decline.


His political party, Liberty Advances, first appeared on election ballots in 2021 and triggered the first loss of control of Congress for the Peronist socialists since 1983. Milei, a lawmaker following the 2021 election, shocked political observers by topping the August 2023 open primary; in Argentina, all prospective presidential candidates must obtain at least 1.5 percent support in a single primary election.

Milei lost the initial round of presidential voting in October to socialist current Economics Minister Sergio Massa but obtained enough of the vote to secure a place in Sunday’s runoff. He won decisively, obtaining about 55 percent of the vote to Massa’s 44 percent. Most polls prior to the election indicated the race would be close, though they showed Milei with a slight lead within the margins of error.

“Today ends the idea that the state is loot to be divided among politicians and their friends. Today ends that vision that the victimizers are the victims and the victims the victimizers,” Milei declared in his victory speech. “Today, we retake the path that made this country great, today we again embrace the ideas of liberty.”

The atmosphere in the heart of Buenos Aires was a festive one, attracting thousands of people, including many young Argentines, waving their nation’s flags and the insignia of the Liberty Advances Party, a yellow and black flag featuring a lion.

Crowds sung anti-politician campaign songs and repeatedly chanted Milei’s campaign slogan, “Viva la libertad, carajo!” (roughly, “Long live freedom, damn it!”). Couples embraced in celebration.

Many supporters also wore the jerseys of the Argentine national soccer team, the current holders of the FIFA World Cup championship.

Some supporters adopted the American Gadsden flag, emblazoned with a snake and the slogan “Don’t tread on me,” as a symbol of limited government and classical liberalism. Omnipresent at the rally were plush lions and supporters dressed as lions, the symbol of the Liberty Advances party. Milei adopted the lion as a mascot following a promise not to “shepherd lambs, but to awaken lions.”

Also heavily present in Buenos Aires was the Venezuelan flag. Argentina has taken in over 174,000 Venezuelan refugees, who have fled the economic collapse and political destruction of their country under socialism. Venezuelans joined Argentines in the heart of the capital in appreciation and celebration of the end of another socialist government in their adopted country. Some Venezuelans held up signs reading “We come from the future,” suggesting that the election of another socialist government in Argentina could result in the same dictatorship and collapse that Venezuela has experienced for 20 years.

“We are full of hope with the very big promise that Argentina has finally awakened and with all the hope possible that next year, Venezuela will be taking the same steps that Argentina is taking today,” René Ayala Bueno, a Venezuelan refugee, told Argentina’s Clarín newspaper from the celebrations on Sunday. ... president/

One might hope that the United States could learn the same lesson as the people of Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Vietnam, North Korea, the CCP, and Argentina without first having to be reduced to the utter poverty created by years of socialist rule. But I doubt it. Maybe I'll be immigrating to Latin America after all.

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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by Dr. Shades »

As a (left-leaning) Libertarian myself, I am VERY interested to see the fortunes of Argentina going forward.
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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by Gadianton »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 8:25 pm
As a (left-leaning) Libertarian myself, I am VERY interested to see the fortunes of Argentina going forward.
You beat me to it.
One might hope that the United States could learn the same lesson as the people of Venezuela
You sure have low standards. We have nothing to "learn" until this guy actually improves the economy.

However, even by your low standards, I wouldn't be too hopeful. Milei has two masters degrees in economics and has published 50 papers. American libertarians like yourself vote in drop-out representatives such as Lauren Boebert. Okay, that's not totally fair, she did get a GED.

I have yet to see a Trump supporter who can explain what an interest rate is. You're kind the norm -- you know nothing about economics. I have to wonder how you folks would change things around given your vast ignorance of the thing you claim to be the most serious about.
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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Once upon a time, in a whimsical land called Econoville, where numbers danced and money talked, there lived a curious man named Donny T. He wasn't quite like the others, his hair a wild tangle of gold and his ideas spun in peculiar ways. Donny believed that the economy was like a carnival, a place where chaos reigned and the wildest rides were the most fun.

Econoville was a bustling town where everyone had their role, but Donny saw things differently. He gathered a merry band of followers who adored his eccentricity and his promises of a carnival-like economy. They wore hats shaped like dollar signs and sang songs about growth without boundaries.

The problem was, Donny's understanding of the economy was as twisted as the shadows in the darkest corner of Econoville. He believed that spending money without caution was the key to endless joy. His followers cheered as the debt soared higher and higher, thinking it was all part of the grand spectacle.

Meanwhile, the experts, with furrowed brows and calculators in hand, tried to warn the townsfolk about the dangers of Donny's whimsical economic theories. But their words were lost in the festive melodies sung by Donny's loyal supporters.

As time passed, the consequences of this misunderstanding unfolded. The economy, once vibrant and thriving, began to wither like a neglected garden. Prices skyrocketed, jobs vanished like smoke in the wind, and the town's infrastructure crumbled. Donny's carnival-like approach had unleashed a storm that ravaged the once-prosperous land.

Sadly, in their blind devotion to Donny's peculiar ideas, the supporters didn't grasp the gravity of the situation until it was too late. The economy had spiraled into an abyss from which there seemed no return. With tears in their eyes and regret in their hearts, the townsfolk realized the tragic outcome of their unwavering faith in Donny's distorted economic vision.

And so, in the eerie silence that followed, Econoville became a ghostly reminder of how misunderstanding the complexities of the economy, wrapped in the guise of a whimsical carnival, led to a haunting demise for all who dwelled there. Also, SFMY.

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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by ajax18 »

You're not going to turn to prosperity within four years. The socialists still control the Argentine congress. So it wouldn't be surprising to see them still use their power to obstruct a free market agenda. But they're going in the right direction now. It's too bad it took such grinding poverty to change their minds. But I guess that's really what life is about.
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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Isn't Milei a self-described anarcho-capitalist?
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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:07 pm
You're not going to turn to prosperity within four years. The socialists still control the Argentine congress. So it wouldn't be surprising to see them still use their power to obstruct a free market agenda. But they're going in the right direction now. It's too bad it took such grinding poverty to change their minds. But I guess that's really what life is about.
You don’t believe in a free market agenda.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by ajax18 »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:00 am
ajax18 wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:07 pm
You're not going to turn to prosperity within four years. The socialists still control the Argentine congress. So it wouldn't be surprising to see them still use their power to obstruct a free market agenda. But they're going in the right direction now. It's too bad it took such grinding poverty to change their minds. But I guess that's really what life is about.
You don’t believe in a free market agenda.
100 years of socialist control in Argentina is enough according to the voters there who now eat<1 meal/day as a result of it. It's time to give free markets a chance. But yeah, the globalists will martyr Javier the same way they're doing with Trump.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:20 am
Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:00 am
You don’t believe in a free market agenda.
100 years of socialist control in Argentina is enough according to the voters there who now eat<1 meal/day as a result of it. It's time to give free markets a chance. But yeah, the globalists will martyr Javier the same way they're doing with Trump.
Free market agendas are global — open borders.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Milei Victory rocks Globalists

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:20 am
Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:00 am
You don’t believe in a free market agenda.
100 years of socialist control in Argentina is enough according to the voters there who now eat<1 meal/day as a result of it. It's time to give free markets a chance. But yeah, the globalists will martyr Javier the same way they're doing with Trump.
A hundred years you say.
Trump is a fraud and is leading the white working class to disaster. - JD Vance
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