Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

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Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by ajax18 »

That's right, in the 2024 presidential and congressional elections, and no Republican can do anything to stop or even audit it.  In case you missed it on X, Tucker lays out why and how the fix is in for 2024.

So over the past, say ten years, our leaders, that would be the Democratic Party, the so-called business community and in fact, a lot of Republican leaders have allowed into our country against federal law and against our will tens of millions of foreigners. Now the question is, why have they done this? And by the way, we should say not just let them in, but paid for them to come either overland through Latin America, through Mexico and our southern border, or by plane from the rest of the world. American citizens paid for that. And of course, when they arrive, they receive the entire suite of federal benefits, also at the expense of taxpayers. But the question remains why? Why would you bring in this many people in such a short period against the law now, previous generations, the motive was really obvious. Farmers, for example, wanted cheap labor. We needed the help. Or that was the argument anyway. But no one is making that argument now because you can't make it. There is no economic justification for bringing in tens of millions of people with lower than average educational attainment and no modern skills. That's exactly what we've done, because of course, we don't need the help at all. We don't have a manufacturing sector. Agriculture is largely automated. And of course, A.I. is about to render a lot of American workers obsolete as jobs that people do will now be done by machines. So there is no way to justify an economic grounds mass immigration in 2024. So once again, why is it happening? And it's happening for political reasons. It's happening because the Democratic Party has ceased making the case for itself to Americans. And so in order to keep power, in fact to expand their power and to preside over the one party state that they desire, they're going to need a brand new electorate. And this is their electorate. Foreigners will choose your leaders. You're not allowed to choose the leaders of foreign countries, but foreigners will choose your leaders, including in this election, this 2024 presidential election. Well, how would that work? It's illegal, you say? For illegal aliens to vote in a federal election. Well, actually, it's not illegal. It turns out Congress passed something in the U.S. code. The federal code, a line that, unbeknownst to the rest of us, makes it legal for illegal aliens to vote in federal elections if they believe they are citizens. It's a state of mind. Did you know that? We didn't know that. Most people didn't know that. Catherine Engelbrecht just found this provision in the US code. That's the kind of thing she reads because she's the founder of True the Vote and has been working on these issues for a few years now. And she joins us to explain what she's found. Katherine Ulbrich, thank you so much for coming on.

Catherine Engelbrecht [00:02:51] Oh, thank you for having me.

Tucker [00:02:53] So would you mind explaining what seems, at first blush, a very far fetched idea that the US code as of right now, as of our speaking, would allow illegal aliens to vote in the upcoming presidential election. How would that work?

Catherine Engelbrecht [00:03:07] Yeah, well, through the vote, the organization I founded some years ago has been long involved in looking at the accuracy of the voter rolls, and we've long maintained that inaccurate voter rolls lead to inaccurate elections. So with that as a backdrop, we've been very concerned about the lack of availability to determine citizenship status, not just by groups like ours, but by states themselves. They can't they can't get close enough to a citizenship status database to make good determinations. That then led me to look a little deeper because, as you rightly lay out, there's a motivation here. So what might that be? We've seen many, many videos of people coming across the border who are talking about their excitement about voting for Joe Biden and claiming that they are citizens. But yet we hear debates in Congress where the congressman will say, you can't. Don't worry. Non-citizens can't vote. Who? It's a it's a crime of perjury. It's a felony. So, okay, we took a deep look at the Criminal code, and title 18 left us just gobsmacked because when you read all the way through it, as it lists all of the, stipulations against non-citizen voting in federal elections and lays out the penalties, therefore, scroll all the way down to the fine print. And what you read is that non-citizens can vote without penalty if at the time they are voting, they believe themselves to be U.S. citizens.

Tucker [00:04:47] Well, I mean, that seems insane. I mean, I'm taking your word for it. I'm not a lawyer or an expert in the federal code, but is there any other crime? Like, if I can show that I didn't know I was robbing a liquor store, had a gun in my hand. I was demanding money, but I didn't really think it was robbery. Does that shield me from being prosecuted for robbing a liquor store?

Catherine Engelbrecht [00:07:01] Well, it's a great question, but you know, you that mean the ballots are anonymous. So once that ballot has been cast either by mail and it's been separated from the envelope with which it's carried to the central count, so you can't tell who voted, if that's if that's been separated, the envelope from the ballot. And certainly by machine you can't tell. So no, there's no way there's no way to pull this back.

It's it's why it is critical that we get on the front side of this and have a, a very national discussion about the, the tracks we're heading down. This is a very, very dangerous proposition. And I believe it's been kept quiet, for such a time as this.

Tucker [00:07:45] So just to be clear, once foreign nationals, foreigners have voted in our elections, and I don't think we're not allowed to choose China's president, are we? I don't think we are. But once their citizens choose ours, along with citizens from countries all over the world, they're once they vote, there's literally nothing we can do about it. We have to live with. Live forever. Yeah, live with the outcome.

Catherine Engelbrecht [00:08:05] But live with the outcome. And then, you know, good luck in trying to prove this because there the voter rolls nationally are are a joke. I mean, in private industry, all day, every day, private companies are resolving identity, residency and citizenship in real time. The data exists to do this. The technology exists to do this. I mean, my word. You know, Google knows every time my heart beats, data is there and available to track what you want to track. But yet the states are not given any access to databases that would help determine citizenship at scale. They are given sort of a backdoor access to a database called save, where you can check one one application at a time. It's just not a reasonable solution. So it's this is something that I truly believe we could wake up the day after the election and say what has just happened, and there's no way to undo it at that point. We've got to get ahead of it. We've got to have this debate. Now, what does it mean to be a citizen? Is it truly a state of mind when it comes to voting rights?
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by Bret Ripley »

Tucker [00:04:47] Well, I mean, that seems insane. I mean, I'm taking your word for it.
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by Vēritās »

Another example of Tucker Moron duping more morons.

This derives from Kyle Becker's tweet: ... 9660708164

You can read the hundreds of comments to see the kind of rage it was designed to stoke.

Catherine Engelbrecht 's existence depends on this nonsense being true, she is the head of the "True the Vote" movement that has been alleging massive voter fraud for years now.

Once again, Right wing propaganda. They conveniently leave out Sections 1 & 2. We are talking about kids who grew up in the States, and assumed they were citizens. If you disagree with this, then why hasn’t the House GOP passed a bill repealing this clause?

The clause doesn't say the person's vote will count, it only says that they can avoid prosecution is they can "reasonably" prove that they believed they were legal. You know, like this 64 year old Florida man who was just "blindsided" last week with news he wasn't a legal resident. The man is a huge Trump supporter and has been voting illegally apparently.
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by Res Ipsa »

More Big Lie from True the Vote -- whose most recent case was dismissed when they admitted in discovery that they had no evidence of voter fraud.

The bill was passed 24 years ago. It wasn't snuck in: it is in section of the bill with the following in large capital letters: TITLE II—PROTECTIONS FOR CERTAIN ALIENS VOTING BASED ON REASONABLE BELIEF OF CITIZENSHIP In contrast to Ajax, you can read it for yourself: ... ubl395.pdf

Who passed the bill? REPUBLICANS controlled both houses of Congress. ... s_Congress
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by Gunnar »

Does Ajax ever get anything right? :roll:
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Gunnar wrote:
Mon May 13, 2024 7:08 pm
Does Ajax ever get anything right? :roll:
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by Res Ipsa »

Gunnar wrote:
Mon May 13, 2024 7:08 pm
Does Ajax ever get anything right? :roll:
That’s rhetorical, right.
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by ajax18 »

The clause doesn't say the person's vote will count, it only says that they can avoid prosecution is they can "reasonably" prove that they believed they were legal. You know, like this 64 year old Florida man who was just "blindsided" last week with news he wasn't a legal resident. The man is a huge Trump supporter and has been voting illegally apparently.
How does the public know that the person's vote won't count? Who gets access to the database to determine if the vote is ineligible. Many register with addresses like the local McDonald's, bank etc She says it later on in the interview

So once that ballot has been cast either by mail and it's been separated from the envelope with which it's carried to the central count, so you can't tell who voted, if that's if that's been separated, the envelope from the ballot. And certainly by machine you can't tell. So no, there's no way there's no way to pull this back.
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon May 13, 2024 7:26 pm
The clause doesn't say the person's vote will count, it only says that they can avoid prosecution is they can "reasonably" prove that they believed they were legal. You know, like this 64 year old Florida man who was just "blindsided" last week with news he wasn't a legal resident. The man is a huge Trump supporter and has been voting illegally apparently.
How does the public know that the person's vote won't count? Who gets access to the database to determine if the vote is ineligible. Many register with addresses like the local McDonald's, bank etc She says it later on in the interview

So once that ballot has been cast either by mail and it's been separated from the envelope with which it's carried to the central count, so you can't tell who voted, if that's if that's been separated, the envelope from the ballot. And certainly by machine you can't tell. So no, there's no way there's no way to pull this back.
So, you’ve just been shown that she flat out lies in the interview, so you want us to look at some other thing she said in the interview?

Are you claiming that you’ve accurately described how mail in ballots are actually handled?
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Re: Illegal aliens get congressional approval to vote in 2024 elections

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Mon May 13, 2024 7:50 pm
So, you’ve just been shown that she flat out lies in the interview, so you want us to look at some other thing she said in the interview?

Are you claiming that you’ve accurately described how mail in ballots are actually handled?
1 + 1 = 7

Actually, it's 2.

Oh yeah, then explain why the color triangle tastes like cheese!

Totally unrelated to anything in this thread, here's a meta analysis of 67 separate studies, from the European Journal of Personality showing there is a relationship between lower cognitive ability, and right-wing ideology and prejudice.
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