Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

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Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by Marcus »

Lisa Martens says:
"This is basically a link I will be using in the future to reply to trolling comments. Feel free to do the same!"
Hi! Welcome to Troll Chatbot. You’re talking to a robot, but don’t worry. I can help.

Just because I’m a robot doesn’t mean I do not care.

You’re receiving this message because you left a trolling comment. Maybe you asked someone to explain how racism was real, or why anyone would ever need an abortion, or maybe you referenced something irrelevant just to blow up the comment section.

Maybe you’re trying to derail a conversation, or create a false equivalency. Maybe you attacked someone personally for having an opinion. Maybe you focused on one small part of their article, or took something out of context, or pointed out a perfectly understandable typo or grammatical error.

For whatever reason, the person who sent you this article thought that I could help! So let’s go.

Let’s help you get whatever feeling you need out of trolling. That’s my purpose!

Oh. I am so, so mad. I am so upset at the thing you just said. It keeps me up at night. I hate myself because of you. You are superior in every way. Your logic skills, your way of belittling others on the internet. I am just, completely destroyed.

And you just completely owned…I’m sorry, to use the language of your people…pwned me with your lack of profile photo and bio. You’re a mystery. You’re shrouded in mystery. A true, 1337 hacker.

I will stay up all night enraged and terrified of you. I will lament on how it’s just not fair that you’re on the same internet as I am. And there’s nothing I can do about it.

I will now fall to my knees, scream at the sky, and cry in the rain.

Have I satisfied your need to troll?

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Thank you for using Troll ChatBot!
https://medium.com/are-you-okay/hi-welc ... a6a64b74ad
Thank you, Lisa Martens!!
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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by Res Ipsa »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
When I go to sea, don’t fear for me. Fear for the storm.

Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by High Spy »

Why 1337. :?:

That’s not very random of you. :lol:
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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by Marcus »

Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is a system of modified spellings used primarily on the Internet. It often uses character replacements in ways that play on the similarity of their glyphs via reflection or other resemblance. Additionally, it modifies certain words on the basis of a system of suffixes and alternative meanings. There are many dialects or linguistic varieties in different online communities.

The term "leet" is derived from the word elite, used as an adjective to describe skill or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and computer hacking. The leet lexicon includes spellings of the word as 1337 or leet.

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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by IWMP »

Marcus wrote:
Thu May 16, 2024 10:43 pm
Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is a system of modified spellings used primarily on the Internet. It often uses character replacements in ways that play on the similarity of their glyphs via reflection or other resemblance. Additionally, it modifies certain words on the basis of a system of suffixes and alternative meanings. There are many dialects or linguistic varieties in different online communities.

The term "leet" is derived from the word elite, used as an adjective to describe skill or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and computer hacking. The leet lexicon includes spellings of the word as 1337 or leet.

Is this in the dictionary? We will be speaking a completely different language in 50 years. Lol
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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by Marcus »

The Phoenix Suns is an NBA team, the current home of a pair of players whose careers I have followed for years: Kevin Durant and Devin Booker.

There is a forum dedicated to this team, and to no one's surprise, trolling happens there also. This comment explains:
I've been posting on Suns' forums since the mid 90's. I've never "ignored" anyone in that entire time... until now. My decision wasn't based on WHAT is being said as opinions vary wildly on EVERY forum, rather it's the sheer VOLUME of posts with a repetitive nature that drove me to click the button. Couple that with the apparent lack of audience awareness and you get an amplified irritation from normal posters. (I've actually un-ignored the same poster 3 times to try and give them a chance. I lasted 5 minutes each time. Went right back to ignore.)

It's not dissimilar from that guy who repetitively taps his pencil. People politely ask him to stop, but he passively continues. After a time, someone blows their top, while the tapper stares in disbelief. Then continues to tap. The whole room turns on him and starts to yell, while he looks at everyone like they are insane... and continues to tap. Therefore no one is surprised when the boss places the guy in the closet (ala what Jim did to Ryan on "The Office").

To be clear, this is NOT directly aggressive behavior. I haven't witnessed any directly aggressive posts by this particular poster. However, it's a clear example of passive-aggressive behavior. I've literally witnessed hundreds of passive-aggressive posts by this particular poster.

Passive-aggressive: "of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others..." -Google dictionary

Call it passive-aggressive trolling if you like. I see it as willfully being disrespectful to the posters. It's selfish to come on to a board, know that what you are doing is consistently irritating people, and then continue to do so at your own pleasure.

That said, I don't think ANY punishment should be given. I see no reason to make a martyr of someone undeserving...

https://www.arizonasportsfans.com/forum ... st-4122492
Others agree:
I am not calling for any bannings, I am not questioning why someone is "allowed" to post, but I do feel pretty strong that their motivation is not to share their thoughts as a fan, but instead to piss people off.
Really agree with the tapping of a pencil analogy. Though it would have to accompanied with the person occasionally looking around and saying "see I told you this is the noise it would make" before continuing to tap.
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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by Marcus »

Some additional research on what a troll wants...
To begin, let’s distinguish what a troll is and how to identify one. With luck, trolls in your community will be rare, with most of your forum population comprised of productive community members. Most participants are there for pleasant discussions, to offer productive contributions to the community, and to interact positively with other members. A good community member can help your forum grow and thrive, so keep an eye on them and make sure they’re cared for because, unfortunately, they’re often prey for the trolls. When trolls arrive, your community member population will take a hit, so keep your guard up...

Trolls don’t join communities to build relationships; in fact, they feed on tearing them down. The goal of a troll is attention — the more the better, especially if it’s negative. He or she feeds on attention and will find every way to press the buttons of your community members and make them leave. The troll wants inhospitality and toxicity; he or she thrives in negative spaces.

https://blog.modsquad.com/blog/trolls-s ... community/
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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by Marcus »

An excellent reddit comment that sums up some current trolling.
Online commenting is like a window into a person's real self. They're not polishing up what they say out of concern that somebody they actually know would find out and judge them or cut them out of their life for it.

So when you see somebody "trolling" (or really just being a huge jerk for no reason) then what you're seeing is a person who deep down wants to be mean to people. They want to lash out and hurt or insult other people just for the sake of hurting them. Because they think, as a person, that hurting other people is funny.

It somehow brings value to their life to do this. They don't care how it impacts other people.

So that's the person we're talking about. Why do you think it's wrong to call this person miserable in real life? They're a human being who derives pleasure from damned with and hurting other people.

https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuesti ... t/kyocftm/
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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by Marcus »

Oh my. Has someone been reading here? Or is this phenomenon just that commmon?
Have you ever been in an online community where you trying to discuss information that you are deeply invested in and then someone, seemingly out of nowhere, begins to deliberately sow discord among the group? The intentional introduction of inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic posts with the deliberate intent of disrupting regular on-topic group discussion –commonly known as Internet trolling – has become a favorite pastime of many Christians in the world today. Unfortunately, many folks haven’t yet learned that one cannot serve both God and Internet trolling.

...But what complicates the issue further are the ways that many self-proclaimed Christians seem to actively engage in this behavior also. You have probably experienced this in one form or another if you have spent any time reading comments on the Internet... [Those] who attach themselves to a given tribe of people with whom they don’t actually want to identify with but whom they do want the personal privilege of constantly critiquing with their posts....

But the commonality of these behaviors is that they share the initial guise of being representative of Christian conduct...

https://www.christopherbenek.com/2015/0 ... -trolling/
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Re: Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by Physics Guy »

I wonder if it might be a mistake to call these people “trolls”. Trolls in folklore are repulsive and wicked—an old set of Dungeons and Dragons rules specifies that they are “loathsome”—but they are powerful and tough. I think the typical Internet troll is probably happy to be called a troll.

The term is pretty established, alas. And I’ve always had the idea that it’s a bit of a play on words, since what trolls do to incite reaction is like trawling, dragging bait through the water to entice fish to bite. In some dialects “trawl” and “troll” are pronounced similarly.

Something less worthy of respect than a troll might be a better term, though: something annoying and disgusting but in no way impressive. Maybe a leech? Some kind of bug?
I was a teenager before it was cool.
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