Trump just executed the stupidest water action in the history of California

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Trump just executed the stupidest water action in the history of California

Post by Gunnar »

Trump just executed the stupidest water action in the history of California
Trump in his stunning ignorance about California water and stupid quest for vendetta, just ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to release enormous amounts of water from reservoirs in Northern California that were essential to storing rainwater for use by California farmers during the coming growing season. Water that has no chance of making it down to Los Angeles and other parts of Southern California for any use whatsoever, which is why Trump said he released it. In the process, they created great flooding risks for Northern Californians and released water far in excess of what anyone could presently use.

This took water out of farmers' irrigation water portfolio that they desperately need for next summer's crops! And Trump claims to be a hero for having done it for the sake of Los Angeles fire victims, who cannot possibly ever see or use any of that water! This will undoubtedly also waste enormous amounts of water that would be necessary to fight fires during this year's fire season. He doesn't know or care how much damage this will do or how many lives he will jeopardize because of his actions.

He had scientists and other experts who tried to advise him not to this, but Trump thinks he knows better than anyone else, no matter how great their experience and credentials! I am surprised that the Army Corps of Engineers, who surely knew better, agreed to follow these stupid, stupid orders!
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Re: Trump just executed the stupidest water action in the history of California

Post by Gunnar »

See also: Schiff Destroys Donald Trump Water Release, Elon Musk Corruption
Trump seems to think that water is such an unlimited commodity that it doesn't matter how much of it we waste.

As stated by one of the commentators:
Living in southern Oregon, we all know how important filling our reservoirs during the winter is. I cannot imagine someone being so stupid to pull this stunt.
As Shiff said, the fires in the LA area are already 100% contained and so this additional water will be of no utility, at this point, even if it could find its way down there, which it can't.

And also: Trump ordered release of water leaves experts scratching their heads

On the other hand, this act might have been just malicious rather than dumb, as one commentator said:
NoNot dumb at all. Brilliant in fact. Under the pretense of addressing the issue of wild fires, he made sure that smaller CA farmers will have difficulty making ends meet rhis year, first they lost their cheap labor pool, and now their water. Larger farmers with water rights and legal loopholes will begin to gobble up prime lands they were salivating over for many decades. His billionaire buddies are happy, the consumer will pay more for food items, and the small farmers are out of work.
It really seems like Trump is just trying to do everything he can to hurt California because it didn't vote for him.
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I Have Questions
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Re: Trump just executed the stupidest water action in the history of California

Post by I Have Questions »

Maybe ceeboo can come along and explain Mr Trump's superior logic on this one...
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Re: Trump just executed the stupidest water action in the history of California

Post by dantana »

The people of Finland have reacted with bemusement on social media at Donald Trump’s assertions that the country rakes its forests to help prevent forest fires.

Speaking on Saturday in Paradise, California, about the role of forest management in stemming wildfires, Trump said: “I was with the president of Finland and he said: ‘We have, much different, we are a forest nation.’ He called it a forest nation. And they spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem.”

Finnish social media users immediately posted a range of jokes about Trump’s comments, which do not reflect the reality of how forests are managed in the country.

There were also people on hand to point out that the factors affecting whether there are forest fires are very different in California and Finland:

For his part, Sauli Niinistö appears to recall the conversation somewhat differently. He said although he told Trump that the Finns took care of their forests, he did not specifically recall mentioning raking as part of the planning.
In an interview reported by Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat, Niinisto said he met Trump briefly in Paris earlier in November, and on the topic of the California wildfires told him: “Finland is a country covered by forests,” and that to avoid forest fires “we have a good surveillance system and network”.
Pres. of Finland: We take care of our forests.

Trump: The people of Finland clean and rake their forest floors.

MAGA mob: Ya ya, we should be raking and cleaning our forest floors, and those Californians deserve to burn to death because they don't rake.

Any actual forester on the west coast: You obviously haven't any fuuking idea as to the impossibility of this. It would take 100 thousand migrants 10 million hours just to rake and remove the debris from one Section of one county of one state of federal timberland west of the Cascade/Sierra Nevada ranges. - Once a year.
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Re: Trump just executed the stupidest water action in the history of California

Post by Moksha »

I Have Questions wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:08 pm
Maybe ceeboo can come along and explain Mr Trump's superior logic on this one...
The election is over.
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Re: Trump just executed the stupidest water action in the history of California

Post by Gunnar »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:26 am
I Have Questions wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:08 pm
Maybe ceeboo can come along and explain Mr Trump's superior logic on this one...
The election is over.
I'm afraid that our democracy is very likely over or soon will be. It's frightening that there are apparently not enough Republicans with both the scientific literacy and the courage to try to convince Trump of the inherent stupidity and immorality of this action. I'm sure that even ceeboo is smart enough to not try to argue that wasting this enormous quantity of water that California farmers are counting for their next summer's crops was a good thing.

This is further proof that Trump couldn't care less how many he hurts and endangers, as long as he perceives there is a financial or political benefit to him.

I'm sure our friend ajax, the optometrist, must have enough scientific acumen to see how foolish this action by Trump really is.
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