Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Moksha »

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs reports violent threats, calls out Ducey for 'deafening silence. ... 768419001/
Trumpanistas will probably remain a threat for some time. It's like they've had neurosurgery to lessen their reasoning capacity and turn them into screaming-meemies of mass destruction.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Icarus »

Trumpers in Georgia vow to destroy Republican Party
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by canpakes »

Good article.

Snowflakes with guns are feelin’ antsy.
Brett Fryar is a middle-class Republican. A 50-year-old chiropractor in this west Texas town, he owns a small business. He has two undergraduate degrees and a master’s degree, in organic chemistry. He attends Southcrest Baptist Church in nearby Lubbock.

Fryar didn’t much like Donald Trump at first, during the U.S. president’s 2016 campaign. He voted for Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican primaries.

Now, Fryar says he would go to war for Trump. He has joined the newly formed South Plains Patriots, a group of a few hundred members that includes a “reactionary” force of about three dozen - including Fryar and his son, Caleb - who conduct firearms training.

Nothing will convince Fryar and many others here in Sundown - including the town’s mayor, another Patriots member - that Democrat Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 presidential election fairly. They believe Trump’s stream of election-fraud allegations and say they’re preparing for the possibility of a “civil war” with the American political left.

"If President Trump comes out and says: 'Guys, I have irrefutable proof of fraud, the courts won't listen, and I'm now calling on Americans to take up arms,' we would go," said Fryar, wearing a button-down shirt, pressed slacks and a paisley tie during a recent interview at his office.

The unshakable trust in Trump in this town of about 1,400 residents reflects a national phenomenon among many Republicans, despite the absence of evidence in a barrage of post-election lawsuits by the president and his allies. About half of Republicans polled by Reuters/Ipsos said Trump “rightfully won” the election but had it stolen from him in systemic fraud favoring Biden, according to a survey conducted between Nov. 13 and 17. Just 29% of Republicans said Biden rightfully won. Other polls since the election have reported that an even higher proportion - up to 80% - of Republicans trust Trump’s baseless fraud narrative.

Trump’s legal onslaught has so far flopped, with judges quickly dismissing many cases and his lawyers dropping or withdrawing from others. None of the cases contain allegations - much less evidence - that are likely to invalidate enough votes to overturn the election, election experts say.

And yet the election-theft claims are proving politically potent. All but a handful of Republican lawmakers have backed Trump’s fraud claims or stayed silent, effectively freezing the transition of power as the president refuses to concede. Trump has succeeded in sowing further public distrust in the media, which typically calls elections, and undermined citizens’ faith in the state and local election officials who underpin American democracy.

In Reuters interviews with 50 Trump voters, all said they believed the election was rigged or in some way illegitimate. Of those, 20 said they would consider accepting Biden as their president, but only in light of proof that the election was conducted fairly. Most repeated debunked conspiracy theories espoused by Trump, Republican officials and conservative media claiming that millions of votes were dishonestly switched to Biden in key states by biased poll workers and hacked voting machines.

Many voters interviewed by Reuters said they formed their opinions by watching emergent right-wing media outlets such as Newsmax and One American News Network that have amplified Trump’s fraud claims. Some have boycotted Fox News out of anger that the network called Biden the election winner and that some of its news anchors - in contrast to its opinion show stars - have been skeptical of Trump’s fraud allegations.

“I just sent Fox News an email,” Fryar said, telling the network: “You’re the only news I’ve watched for the last six years, but I will not watch you anymore.”

The widespread rejection of the election result among Republicans reflects a new and dangerous dynamic in American politics: the normalization of false and increasingly extreme conspiracy theories among tens of millions of mainstream voters, according to government scholars, analysts and some lawmakers on both sides of the political divide. The trend has deeply troubling long-term implications for American political and civic institutions, said Paul Light, a veteran political scientist at New York University (NYU).

"This is dystopian," Light said. "America could fracture.”

Adam Kinzinger, a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, is among the few party members to publicly recognize Biden’s victory. He called his Republican colleagues’ reluctance to reject Trump’s conspiracies a failure of political courage that threatens to undermine American democracy for years. If citizens lose faith in election integrity, that could lead to “really bad things,” including violence and social unrest, he said in an interview.

David Gergen - an adviser to four previous U.S. presidents, two Democrats and two Republicans - said Trump is trying to “kneecap” the Biden administration before it takes power, noting this is the first time a sitting American president has tried to overthrow an election result.

It may not be the last time. Many Republicans see attacks on election integrity as a winning issue for future campaigns - including the next presidential race, according to one Republican operative close to the Trump campaign. The party, the person said, is setting up a push for “far more stringent oversight on voting procedures in 2024,” when the party’s nominee will likely be Trump or his anointed successor.

Other Republicans urged patience and faith in the government. Charlie Black, a veteran Republican strategist, does not believe Republican lawmakers will continue backing Trump’s fraud claims after Biden is inaugurated. They will need White House cooperation on basic government functions, such as appropriations and defense bills, he said.

"People will come to see we still have a functioning government,” Black said, and Republicans will become “resigned to Biden, and see it’s not the end of the world.”

The Biden campaign declined to comment for this story. Boris Epshteyn, a strategic advisor to the Trump campaign, said: “The President and his campaign are confident that when every legal vote is counted, and every illegal vote is not, it will be determined that President Trump has won re-election to a second term.”


Media outlets declared Biden the election winner on Nov. 7. As calls were finalized in battleground states, Biden’s lead in the Electoral College that decides the presidency widened to 306 to 232. (For a graphic explaining the electoral college, see: )

Many Republican voters scoff at those results, convinced Trump was cheated. Raymond Fontaine, a hardware store owner in Oakville, Connecticut, said Biden’s vote total - the highest of any presidential candidate in history - makes no sense because the 78-year-old Democrat made relatively few campaign appearances and seemed to be in mental decline.

"You are going to tell me 77 million Americans voted for him? There is just no way," said Fontaine, 50.

The latest popular vote total for Biden has grown to about 79 million, compared to some 73 million for Trump.

Like many Trump supporters interviewed by Reuters, Fontaine was deeply suspicious of computerized voting machines. Trump and his allies have alleged, without producing evidence, a grand conspiracy to manipulate votes through the software used in many battleground states.

In Grant County, West Virginia - a mountainous region where more than 88% of voters backed the president - trust in Trump runs deep. Janet Hedrick, co-owner of the Smoke Hole Caverns log cabin resort in the small town of Cabins, said she would never accept Biden as a legitimate president.

"There's millions and millions of Trump votes that were just thrown out,” said Hedrick, 70, a retired teacher and librarian. “That computer was throwing them out.”

At the Sunset Restaurant in Moorefield, West Virginia - a diner featuring omelettes, hotcakes and waitresses who remember your order - a mention of the election sparked a spirited discussion at one table. Gene See, a retired highway construction inspector, and Bob Hyson, a semi-retired insurance sales manager, said Trump had been cheated, that Biden had dementia and that Democrats planned all along to quickly replace Biden with his more liberal running mate for vice president, Kamala Harris.

"I think if they ever get to the bottom of it, they will find massive fraud," said another of the diners, Larry Kessel, a 67-year-old farmer.

Kessel’s wife, Jane, patted him on the arm, trying to calm him, as he grew agitated while railing against anti-Trump media bias.

Trump’s rage against the media has lately included rants against Fox News. He has pushed his supporters towards more right-wing outlets such as Newsmax and One America News Network, which have championed the president’s fraud claims.

Rory Wells, 51, a New Jersey lawyer who attended a pro-Trump “stop the steal” election protest in Trenton last week, said he now watches Newsmax because Fox isn’t sufficiently conservative.

“I like that I get to hear from Rudy Giuliani and others who are not immediately discounted as being crazy,” he said of Trump’s lead election lawyer.

Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy said the network’s viewership has exploded since the election, with nearly 3 million viewers nightly via cable television and streaming video devices.

Ruddy said Newsmax isn’t saying that Biden stole the election - but they’re also not calling him the winner given that Trump has valid legal claims. “The same media who said Biden would win in a landslide now want to not have recounts,” he said in a phone interview.

Charles Herring, president of One America News Network, said in a statement that his network has seen three weeks of record ratings, as “frustrated Fox News viewers” have tuned in.


Some Trump supporters said they would accept Biden as the winner if that is the final, official result. Janel Henritz, 36, echoed some others in saying that she believed the election included fraud, but perhaps not enough to change the outcome. Henritz, who works alongside her mother Janet Hedrick at their log cabin resort in West Virginia, said she would accept the outcome if Biden remains the winner after recounts and court challenges.

"Then he won fair and square," she said.

In Sundown, Texas, Mayor Jonathan Strickland said there’s "no way in hell" Biden won fairly. The only way he’ll believe it, he said, is if Trump himself says so.

“Trump is the only one we’ve been able to trust for the last four years,” said Strickland, an oilfield production engineer. “As far as the civil war goes, I don’t think it’s off the table.”

If it comes to a fight, Caleb Fryar is ready. But the 26-year-old son of Brett Fryar, the chiropractor, said he hoped Trump’s fraud allegations would instead spark a massive mobilization of Republican voters in future elections.

Asked whether Trump might be duping his followers, he said it’s hard to fathom.

“If I’m being manipulated by Trump ... then he is the greatest con man that ever lived in America,” Caleb Fryar said. “I think he’s the greatest patriot that ever lived.”

(This story corrects to delete reference in first paragraph to Brett Fryar teaching Sunday school and Bible studies at Southcrest Baptist Church. He taught those classes at another church.)
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

“If I’m being manipulated by Trump ... then he is the greatest con man that ever lived in America,” Caleb Fryar said.”

He’s so, so close.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by canpakes »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Nov 23, 2020 3:10 am
“If I’m being manipulated by Trump ... then he is the greatest con man that ever lived in America,” Caleb Fryar said.”

He’s so, so close.

- Doc
Maybe Caleb should think about why the Trump family still makes nearly all of their branded merchandise in China and other foreign nations.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

“Should think...”

Ha. No. Never. He’s brainwashed beyond redemption. I took a shot at educating a Stolen Election Fool on a different forum yesterday. Did all the things we do here, which To be honest, this forum is remarkably high brow for the Internet, and it didn’t make a difference. It was constant pivoting, not reading, not sourcing, and when he did source something he used bad sources that when debunked he’d ignore and then simply repeat his claims. We ended up going in circles, and when I pointed out one of his repeats was previously addressed using a legitimate source (I actually used RI’s hotlink to the decision in PA - thanks RI) he claimed the court was corrupt and an entrenched bureaucracy that needs to be reformed, thus sidestepping the lack of evidence re: Trump’s nonsense claims.

I notice, of course, a lot of posting similarities amongst the Right, namely a pathological inability to stay on topic without some sort of ADD non sequitur. They also seem to struggle with spelling and grammar - they must be mystified by the squiggly red and green lines that dot their replies. There are other traits, but I’d just be pointing out what you already know. The crazy thing is, if you step back and just look at how partisans from the Left and Right think and communicate online they’re eerily similar with the exception of their chosen team. They’re absolutists, authoritarians, incredibly vindictive, and absolutely certain the other side is very, very evil.

We’ll know by the end of December whether or not this thing goes hot*. I never thought I’d live to see the day where I thought this was even possible, but here we are. We have people openly advocating and voting for secession (Oregon), and the peanut gallery is hoping this is the first in a series of steps where the US balkanizes. Straight up traitorous seditionists, and now I understand Grant’s deep, vitriolic hatred for them. They need to be subdued and brought to heel by patriots on both sides who value our country and our democracy.

* low level, low intensity stuff, but with the possibility of the NG being used to remove seditionists and placing them before a federal judge

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Gadianton »

If it comes to a fight, Caleb Fryar is ready. But the 26-year-old son of Brett Fryar, the chiropractor, said he hoped Trump’s fraud allegations would instead spark a massive mobilization of Republican voters in future elections.
Do they think it will be that much harder for Dominion to throw out a few more votes? As Trump said on TV, the Democrats just look at how many votes they need to win and then make them up. 2024 will be no different.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by honorentheos »

I don't recall why I did it, but some time in 2019 I accepted a request to be added to a Trump campaign email list. For many months it was pretty bland and infrequent. It included dumb content but wasn't providing any hot takes that were ahead of the news cycle reporting on Trump's latest Tweet.

That shifted around the time Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. They became daily, then multiple emails would come a day. The wave peaked around the election when multiple emails would come in every hour. And it's barely subsided.

I find their content disturbing. It's worse that people take the content seriously and view it as trustworthy.

Here's a recent example:

As soon as the Radical Left began using the coronavirus as an excuse to change Election laws, we have been preparing to fight so that YOU could have a FAIR and TRANSPARENT Election.

We are fighting against the Democrats, Mainstream media, AND Big Tech all at once. They want you to think this Election is over, but they are wrong.

So far, we have multiple lawsuits, 400 affidavits, and 1,200 incidence reports. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, we should all demand that any instances of fraud and voting irregularities be investigated.

If we’re going to make sure that every legally cast vote is counted, we need YOU to step up and make sure we have the resources to investigate all possible voting problems.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to support the Official Election Defense Fund and stop the Left from trying to steal the Election. >>

Dozens of emails like this go out every day to folks like the people in that article. The content builds on reasonable premises like wanting elections to be fair and fraud investigated, but it's a snowball of bananas conspiracy garbage throughout. And that's one of the better ones. Here's one from "Trump":

Did YOU hear the news?

Rudy Giuliani and the Trump Campaign legal team have reportedly uncovered MASS amounts of VOTING IRREGULARITIES.

One thing has become very clear, and the Fake News Media is continuing to ignore the BIGGEST POLITICAL SCAM OF ALL TIME.


We have hundreds of affidavits from Americans all over the Country testifying under OATH to voting irregularities. It’s reported that vans, trash cans, and boxes full of ballots for Biden were brought in to be counted during the early morning hours without Republican poll watchers.


Make no mistake about it: Democrats are attempting to STEAL this Election and the White House. This Election is far from over as long as we have YOU on our team to FIGHT BACK.

I kinda wish I was too old for this.
Last edited by honorentheos on Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by honorentheos »

Gadianton wrote:
Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:25 am
If it comes to a fight, Caleb Fryar is ready. But the 26-year-old son of Brett Fryar, the chiropractor, said he hoped Trump’s fraud allegations would instead spark a massive mobilization of Republican voters in future elections.
Do they think it will be that much harder for Dominion to throw out a few more votes? As Trump said on TV, the Democrats just look at how many votes they need to win and then make them up. 2024 will be no different.
Gad, are you angling to be the next Q? You know sarcasm works with an intelligent and sympathetic audience, and is taken at face value by those who aren't either. I'm taking some comfort in the fact at least a 26-year-old chiropractor sees the outcome of armed conflict in the streets of his own town as less desirable than relying on the hard-won norm of peaceful transfer of power through democratic elections.
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