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Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:48 am
by _Polygamy Porter
barrelomonkeys wrote:Okay, I replied the first time before you edited your post to tell me about your friend and his piles. I just want to know PP how do you know so much about other men's toilet behavior?
The guy in the army told us on several occasions that he thought we were gross for sitting on the seats of the toilets and proceeded to tell us how he avoided contact with the seat.

The Indian fellow(from the country of India) was observed by several coworkers in adjacent stalls. He had some very unique shoes that they recognized and when he trotted into the stall next to theirs, they would not see his feet in the usual forward facing position at the base of the toilet with the ruffled pants down around the ankles.. You can see this under the partial wall of the stalls.

One coworker was so shocked and actually thought the guy was standing on the toilet to peek over the wall at him that he quickly finished his business to get a glance through the crack of the stall door as he exited the restroom.

He said he was perched over the toilet, a foot on each side of the bowl and facing the wall while holding onto the plumbing...

We also had a memo sent out to please not throw soiled toilet tissue into the trash cans near the sinks and to please drop it in the toilet! Someone had observed this with another fellow from Mexico. Apparently this is the norm in Mexico and they are asked to not flush any paper down the toilet as the plumbing and sewer are terrible down there?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:09 am
by _barrelomonkeys
Polygamy Porter wrote:
barrelomonkeys wrote:Okay, I replied the first time before you edited your post to tell me about your friend and his piles. I just want to know PP how do you know so much about other men's toilet behavior?
The guy in the army told us on several occasions that he thought we were gross for sitting on the seats of the toilets and proceeded to tell us how he avoided contact with the seat.

The Indian fellow(from the country of India) was observed by several coworkers in adjacent stalls. He had some very unique shoes that they recognized and when he trotted into the stall next to theirs, they would not see his feet in the usual forward facing position at the base of the toilet with the ruffled pants down around the ankles.. You can see this under the partial wall of the stalls.

One coworker was so shocked and actually thought the guy was standing on the toilet to peek over the wall at him that he quickly finished his business to get a glance through the crack of the stall door as he exited the restroom.

He said he was perched over the toilet, a foot on each side of the bowl and facing the wall while holding onto the plumbing...We also had a memo sent out to please not throw soiled toilet tissue into the trash cans near the sinks and to please drop it in the toilet! Someone had observed this with another fellow from Mexico. Apparently this is the norm in Mexico and they are asked to not flush any paper down the toilet as the plumbing and sewer are terrible down there?

Okay. Men are just gross! I have one bathroom in my house that is designated the "boys bathroom". My husband does not have to use it. But if he "messes" up he will!

Guy faced the wall? That is freaky! That seems like it would be messier.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:15 am
by _Polygamy Porter
barrelomonkeys wrote:Okay. Men are just gross! I have one bathroom in my house that is designated the "boys bathroom". My husband does not have to use it. But if he "messes" up he will!

Guy faced the wall? That is freaky! That seems like it would be messier. I do not face the wall. I just squat and extend my rumpus over the edge. It's really quite simple.

I think I need to go to sleep. I'll delete this tomorrow.
not before I tack it up on the restroom wall :)

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:52 pm
by _Sam Harris
Polygamy Porter wrote:
GIMR wrote:That's ingenious. I know for a fact that I don't really like hearing people go...LOL! Especially myself some mornings....


As far as putting the seat down goes, when I was very small, my predominatly male extended family would always leave the seat up when overnighting at Grandmas. I had fallen in many a night, and it's very inconvenient to have to dry off your ass at 2 am, so I had gotten used to perching on the edge of the bowl and tinkling. Well, one night I must have been really sleepy (and really small to do this successfully), because I ended up perching on the edge of a trash can right next to the toilet, whose edge was the same height. Instead of waking me, my brother and cousins just laughed. I can't remember this, but they relay it with glee at family gatherings. Must've smelled horrid the next day, it was in the summer, and we didn't have air conditioning....
I am a guy and I just do not understand how anyone will plop their bare ass on a seat of unknown cleanliness. Especially in a house full of boys who piss all over the seat.

I don't care how sleepy I am or how hurried I am, that sombitchin seat is clean before I put my ass on it.

In public restrooms, I not only clean the seat, but also use the complimentary ass gasket.

There were some folks from India at work a while ago. One fellow in particular would NOT sit on the seat when taking a crap. No LIE. He would squat over the bowl, ON TOP of it... yeah imagine the speed of his sewer snakes entering the water from free falling that high and the huge ass splash down! Like a high dive for the browns!

I was about three or four, no one had yet taught me the importance of squatting. Still, I take disenfectant with me when I go to public restrooms, like in airports and stuff. It's amazing what hand sanitzer and a toilet seat cover can do.

I hate public female restrooms, the women not only piss on the seat, they piss on the floor, and they make other messes (like toilet paper everywhere) because they're too squeamish to touch anything. One bathroom in a Friday's in Miami had an entire roll of toilet paper soaking up water IN THE BOWL. Now was that necessary? The other bathrooms had piss everywhere. The airports were even worse.

There's a bathroom terminal in the metro near where I live. Everyone was so excited, because it was supposed to be a "self-cleaning" bathroom, it would disinfect itself about every 20 minutes, there were no paper towels, and the seat cleaned itself each time. I went in there one evening, and there were some crappy drawers on the floor (female, there were flowers on them).

People are just trifling when it comes to bathrooms. As if your personal bathroom is always 100% sparkling clean. I wonder how some people would like it if a guest squatted over their bowl, and tinkled everywhere....