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Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:49 pm
by _Jersey Girl
Gunnar wrote:Jersey Girl, the only thing you got wrong in your last post is referring to Lemmie as "him." Lemmie is a woman. Everything else you said about her is right on! I heartily share your admiration for her!

Now you're just pissing me off, Gunnar. :lol:

I never once referred to Lemmie as "him". Take it back. Retract your statement and apologize, you false accuser! You blatant LIAR!!!!!!!!! I mean,

YOU WRETCHED LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Admit it, I just gave you a flash back)


Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:35 pm
by _asbestosman
ldsfaqs wrote:This demonstrates that liberals aren't going after actual "fraud" with the Oil Company's etc., they are in fact trying to silence different views and opinions, going after free speech itself and trying to put people in jail etc. for it.

Again, this shows clearly that liberals are Fascists, aren't interested in right and wrong, and "equality", they are only interested in compliance to their agenda and then destroying any way they can those who aren't and don't wish to be, or speaks against their agenda.

I would remind you that the liberals in power at the IRS have already abused their positions by going after Tea Party etc. groups.
A proven fact..... and there are many other examples of this.
Hillary Clinton abused the law, and yet she get's away with it while many others are in jail etc. for the same kinds of things she's done.
Many Whistleblowers are in jail by the Obama Admin. They want to put Snowden in Jail, on and on.

For the sake of argument, let's say you're right and that there are liberals who are trying to silence the opposition. In fact I wouldn't doubt that there are some liberals who would do so. However, do you think it's possible that not all liberals are the same, and that not all of them are trying to silence the opposition? Furthermore, would you concede that perhaps some conservatives are trying to silence their opposition?

I realize that such advanced thinking may not be appropriate for a remedial class, but the general idea should be simple enough even if belief that it's a more accurate representation of reality is difficult.

Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:06 am
by _ldsfaqs
asbestosman wrote:
ldsfaqs wrote:This demonstrates that liberals aren't going after actual "fraud" with the Oil Company's etc., they are in fact trying to silence different views and opinions, going after free speech itself and trying to put people in jail etc. for it.

Again, this shows clearly that liberals are Fascists, aren't interested in right and wrong, and "equality", they are only interested in compliance to their agenda and then destroying any way they can those who aren't and don't wish to be, or speaks against their agenda.

I would remind you that the liberals in power at the IRS have already abused their positions by going after Tea Party etc. groups.
A proven fact..... and there are many other examples of this.
Hillary Clinton abused the law, and yet she get's away with it while many others are in jail etc. for the same kinds of things she's done.
Many Whistleblowers are in jail by the Obama Admin. They want to put Snowden in Jail, on and on.

For the sake of argument, let's say you're right and that there are liberals who are trying to silence the opposition. In fact I wouldn't doubt that there are some liberals who would do so. However, do you think it's possible that not all liberals are the same, and that not all of them are trying to silence the opposition? Furthermore, would you concede that perhaps some conservatives are trying to silence their opposition?

I realize that such advanced thinking may not be appropriate for a remedial class, but the general idea should be simple enough even if belief that it's a more accurate representation of reality is difficult.

1. Yes, I'm well aware that not "all" liberals try to silence the opposition, but many of them certainly are all for it.
Just on this forum recently I mentioned how liberals are going after the Oil Industry and related organizations simply because they don't agree with climate change, trying to claim it's similar to the Tobacoo company fraud (which by the way this video is about) and the liberals here were all happy about it.
So, while those liberals themselves "personally" may not go after conservatives, to shut them up, liberals in general most certainly support it.
They also support the politicians, leaders, government officials etc. who abuse their power, because they vote for them, and don't speak against them. There is only a tiny minority of Democrats (not necessarily totally liberal) who speak against all the various examples of liberal fascism.

2. Actually no, I wouldn't concede that. Show me a single example of conservatives trying to "silence" liberals?
In contrast, I can give you 100,000's of examples of liberals doing it, in government, in business, etc. Of course, you might somehow find something done by some conservative somewhere, but a couple of examples is FAR below the 100,000's of examples of liberals actually doing it and trying it, FAR more if we include world wide where liberalism is FAR more ingrained in various country's. In the UK for example a politician gives and inspired and wise Winston Churchhill speech be charged and arrested for "hate speech". I've posted many of the most major examples on this forum over the last year or two.
Yet all the liberals here do, is mock me.... and entirely support the liberal fascism, not at all condemning it.

3. Uh huh..... nice personal attack. :rolleyes:

Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:28 am
by _Lemmie
ldsfaqs wrote:Just on this forum recently I mentioned how liberals are going after the Oil Industry and related organizations simply because they don't agree with climate change, trying to claim it's similar to the Tobacoo company fraud (which by the way this video is about) and the liberals here were all happy about it.

On what do you base this conclusion, ldsfaqs, that 'the liberals here were all happy about it'? You understand your comment imputed a behavior to an entire group, a group that you in no way have adequately surveyed. Your conclusion is not reasonable at all. On what do you base these assumptions?

Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:02 pm
by _ldsfaqs
Lemmie wrote:
ldsfaqs wrote:Just on this forum recently I mentioned how liberals are going after the Oil Industry and related organizations simply because they don't agree with climate change, trying to claim it's similar to the Tobacoo company fraud (which by the way this video is about) and the liberals here were all happy about it.

On what do you base this conclusion, ldsfaqs, that 'the liberals here were all happy about it'? You understand your comment imputed a behavior to an entire group, a group that you in no way have adequately surveyed. Your conclusion is not reasonable at all. On what do you base these assumptions?

LOL, many of you here commented on it, THAT's what I base my "conclusion" on.
You all SAID IT..... that you were happy liberal government officials were going after the Oil Company's over the Oil Company's anti-climate change views.
You all specifically even compared it to the Tobacco Industry's intentional fraud.

As to my "broad brushing".... Well, almost NOTHING I post do ANY of you agree with me that whatever liberals are doing is WRONG.
Thus clearly, I'm right in my judgment.

Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:17 pm
by _canpakes
ldsfaqs wrote:As to my "broad brushing".... Well, almost NOTHING I post do ANY of you agree with me that whatever liberals are doing is WRONG.

Maybe that's because you get so much wrong about what you think that "liberals are doing".

You can't even back up your crap posts about the causes of the financial crisis and your incorrect claims that laws were passed that forced banks to give loans to poor folks who didn't meet the bank lending standards.

But I've learned to not expect much from a man who claims that a revolver is an automatic weapon.

Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:20 pm
by _Lemmie
ldsfaqs wrote:LOL, many of you here commented on it, THAT's what I base my "conclusion" on.
You all SAID IT..... that you were happy liberal government officials were going after the Oil Company's over the Oil Company's anti-climate change views.
You all specifically even compared it to the Tobacco Industry's intentional fraud.

Could you provide a link back to that? links to 'you all... were happy...' posts, and 'you all specifically compared...' because I don't recall it that way. Please refresh my memory.

You say 'many of you commented,' and then you say 'you all said it.'. Many is not the same thing as all, what exactly do you mean?
ldsfaqs wrote:As to my "broad brushing".... Well, almost NOTHING I post do ANY of you agree with me that whatever liberals are doing is WRONG.
Thus clearly, I'm right in my judgment.

So you are asserting that since no one ever agrees with you, that is proof that you are always right? Unfortunately, that does not rise to the level of proof, so no, 'thus clearly,' you have not proved you are right.

Is it possible that you are in error when you stereotype an entire philosophy such as 'liberal,' and assume that every single person you define as 'liberal' is 100% in agreement with every argument you define as 'liberal'? Is it possible that you are speaking to a group of unique and varied individuals here? Is it possible your stereotyping is in place to satisfy some need you have that has nothing at all to do with the varied and unique group of individuals here?

Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:53 pm
by _asbestosman
ldsfaqs wrote:Show me a single example of conservatives trying to "silence" liberals?


Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:15 pm
by _asbestosman
ldsfaqs wrote:Show me a single example of conservatives trying to "silence" liberals?
In contrast, I can give you 100,000's of examples of liberals doing it, in government, in business, etc. Of course, you might somehow find something done by some conservative somewhere, but a couple of examples is FAR below the 100,000's of examples of liberals actually doing it and trying it,

Why did I even bother? Even if I provided several examples, you would still claim that there are far more examples from liberals.

But none of that was my point. I never claimed that conservatives are worse, or even that they are just as bad. I never made a comparison whatsoever. None of that matters to me.

I don't approve of tricks to silence opponents. That doesn't mean I need to know about every instance so I can specifically condemn each one. That's ridiculous. Similarly, I don't require you to specifically condemn each time a conservative pulls that nonsense.

That said, I don't necessarily think that going after a product you think is bad is inherently trying to silence the opposition. If you disagree, then perhaps you think that pulling money from Planned Parenthood, making many drugs illegal, banning gambling, and even declaring pornography a public health crisis are all silencing the opposition. Do you believe that, and the conservatives are trying to take away Free Speech?

Re: Free Speech Under Attack.... by liberals abusing the Law

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:17 am
by _moksha
asbestosman wrote:
ldsfaqs wrote:Show me a single example of conservatives trying to "silence" liberals?


I remember when Ronald Reagan fought vigorously to quash the Free Speech movement at Berkley. As a matter of facts, almost all famous historical incidents of censorship and repression have been instituted by conservatives. Remember that famous book burning in Berlin?