Swamp Watch

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Re: Swamp Watch

Post by Jersey Girl »

MeDotOrg wrote:
Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:51 pm
Donald Trump is not merely a bad President, he is an evil man.
MeDot everything you wrote about is the kind of stuff that keeps me up all night. It did last night. I start praying and thinking and then, I just go off on a tear until, well last night, 3 a.m., when I ran out of adjectives to describe Trump and his affect on this country. I don't know how to register this sense of outrage. Every single elected official in D. C. is complicit in this wholesale neglect and abuse of the American people. Every last one of them.

Not one of them has the spine to step up and try to stop it. Oh, plenty have spoken out but words are cheap and everyone there is out to save their own ass, prestige, power and status.

Our citizens are waiting in bread lines. Waiting for help to keep the lights on, the heat, the A/C, a roof over their heads and food on the table. People are facing eviction and what do the D.C.'ers do? They take off for the holidays to their gated communities, mansions, their vacation homes for god sakes. You know, let them eat cake. People are grieving, people are sick, people are dead and dying as I type this.

So many promises, so many pledges, and so. much. BS.

Oh Trump might veto the relief bill because he wants the checks increased. So he goes off to Mar a lago (at our expense) without ever addressing it again except to stick that carrot in front of the horse that probably gave some of our people a sliver of hope. Then he takes it away and makes them wait LONGER. When is the last time and how long has HE ever waited for ANYTHING in his life?

Does he know a world where he couldn't get medical treatment? Where there wasn't enough food? Where he didn't know he had a home from one day to the next? Has he ever worried for a single second of his life about whether or not the heat would get shut off in winter? Has he ever once in his life waited for ANYTHING at all? Has he ever waited in line during a pandemic for hours just to exercise his right to vote only to have the incumbent stomp all over their efforts? Has he ever lived under a President of the United States who got off on torturing the American people?

Yeah see, this is how I get going on a night like last night. There's no end to it and why? Because THERE'S NO END TO IT!
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Re: Swamp Watch

Post by Moksha »

MeDotOrg wrote:
Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:51 pm
If you're keeping score, that's the 315th time he's visited a golf course in his Presidency.
Fox News was so bent out of shape when President Obama played golf.
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Re: Swamp Watch

Post by Gadianton »

MeDotOrg wrote:Have maskless Christmas parties. Play golf. Pardon cronies and crooks. Donald Trump is not merely a bad President, he is an evil man.
I can't disagree with what you're saying, MeDotOrg, but I do wonder if you're taking into account the degree to which DJT reflects the values of his base. The news stories harping on this only preach to the choir, because the best Christmas present Ajax could be given is his president giving a big middle finger to the poor. You know how for the typical guy it doesn't get any better than camping at the top of a mountain, when suddenly it rains cases of beer and the Swedish bikini team shows up to party? Well, for Ajax, it doesn't get any better than being up in the mountains, uncovering a homeless camp and then DJT shows up with Federal agents to forcefully move the homeless people and arrest, if not execute on the spot, any bystanders who felt bad for them.

Since D&D found its way to this forum, my bet is DJT's alignment is chaotic neutral. He's entirely self-serving, but the particulars reflect the role society begs for him to fill. And yes, the boos from the audience matter also. Recall that Vince McMahan always had a "good-guy" persona, until one day, a storyline backfired, and the audience began booing him on the stage and he turned heel right there, and took his business to the next level. Whether you got to play Hulk Hogan and "say your prayers and eat your vitamins" or Stone Cold Steve Austin and drink beer, swear, and piss on authority, depended on what your white trash base wanted to see in that era, and that was a moving target, and a dynamic between the entertainers and those being entertained. Most definitely, negative heroes have had a special place in media in recent years, versus positive heroes from the 80s.

It's altogether possible, that had his base had different impulses, DJT could have been a phony peace-loving diplomat. Imagine during his brief attempt at seeing both sides to gun control, if his charisma found a chink in the NRA's armor and they'd been willing to negotiate. He'd have jumped at the chance to bring world peace under the greatness of his own name. But war, an easier bar to clear, works also.
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Re: Swamp Watch

Post by canpakes »

After campaigning on a promise to “drain the swamp,” Donald Trump ended his presidency by revoking his own rule meant to prevent White House staff from lobbying.

Shortly after he entered office, Trump signed an executive order that barred appointees from any lobbying related to their agency for five years, in addition to a lifetime ban on lobbying for a foreign government. Every Trump appointee was required to sign a pledge agreeing to those rules. But in a last-minute move early Wednesday, Trump reversed the order and allowed the revolving door in Washington to continue swinging.

When Trump signed his executive order with great fanfare in 2017, he joked that some of his aides would “not be able to go to work” after leaving his administration. But the reversal of Trump’s executive order on the final day in office would appear to give some of his staff relief after appointees have had difficulty finding jobs in a Democratic-controlled capital.

The White House did not offer any justification for the reversal in the executive order released to the public.
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Re: Swamp Watch

Post by Icarus »

In the most blatant exhibition of corruption Trump is pardoning a slew of corrupt criminals because they're his friends. Including the ex-husband of Jeanne Pirro, which explains why she's been basically on her knees with mouth wide open for Trump since day one.

https://www.motherjones.com/politics/20 ... lackwater/
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Re: Swamp Watch

Post by canpakes »

This is how the GOP spends their contributions these days -
The Republican National Committee is paying some personal legal bills for former president Donald Trump, spending party funds to pay a lawyer representing Trump in investigations into his financial practices in New York, a party spokeswoman said Monday.

In October, the RNC made two payments totaling $121,670 to the law firm of Ronald Fischetti, a veteran defense attorney whom Trump hired in April. According to a person with direct knowledge of the payments, the requests came earlier this summer but were voted on by the party’s executive committee only in recent weeks.

Fischetti has been representing Trump as he faces investigations by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. (D) and New York Attorney General Letitia James (D). There has been no indication that either investigation involves Trump’s time as president or any of his political campaigns.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/comments ... story.html
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