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Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 1:26 am
by _Seven
sailgirl7 wrote:


Wow- thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I feel like I'm talking into an echo chamber with you- because there are so many things you talk about that are the exact same for me.

You do have the passion- and the mission too!. That is so great you actually organized that drive to get supplies for the troops. But it is really, really sad that so few stepped up to help out and make a difference. The world does need more people like you who are willing and able to do so much good. That's what makes it sad to think you have family who judges you based on your church activity level instead of the goodness of your character and your contribution to humanity. I understand that- and it's heartbreaking.

I too want to have my children involved in service as much as possible- what better way to teach them than hands-on service projects? It's a great feeling knowing you are doing good for your children and others.

What part of the country do you live in- if you don't mind my asking. I would love to work with you on projects- if it's possible. Thanks so much for your interest.


I live in Northern California. If you are close, I'll pm you my e-mail. :)

This is so cool that you posted about this topic. Just last night I came home from my book club meeting and unloaded on my husband all of my desires to adopt and serve the children that need our help. This happens every few months and he does not share my passion for this. He was floored that I could even bring this up when I am about to have another baby and we have 3 other little ones tearing apart our home like little monkeys. (he wants a visectomy ASAP) It wasn't good timing for me to talk about adopting but because I love children so much, it is only natural that I want to give another baby the same love I will give this new baby. Whenever I am holding my babies and giving them so much of my time and attention, I can't help but think of the ones who are not being held, fed, or loved. My heart actually aches for those kids out there who are in need and I will break down sobbing if I let myself think about it too much. There are so many people doing great service for many causes in America, but I feel like this one is a crisis we need to put first in our country. We live in the land of plenty here while others are starving.

I had tried to volunteer with "Tiny Stars" which helps save the children that are sold as sex slaves. I turned in my application and never heard back. I also tried to volunteer with some very well known organizations like "Care" and was told they don't need volunteers, even though their website listed it as an option for helping. It is hard to find organizations that I can trust. Have you found any that are really trustworthy?

There is a great documentary coming out called "God grew tired of us." I plan to see it right when it's released.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:56 am
by _sailgirl7
I live in Northern California. If you are close, I'll pm you my e-mail. :)

This is so cool that you posted about this topic. Just last night I came home from my book club meeting and unloaded on my husband all of my desires to adopt and serve the children that need our help. This happens every few months and he does not share my passion for this. He was floored that I could even bring this up when I am about to have another baby and we have 3 other little ones tearing apart our home like little monkeys. (he wants a visectomy ASAP) It wasn't good timing for me to talk about adopting but because I love children so much, it is only natural that I want to give another baby the same love I will give this new baby. Whenever I am holding my babies and giving them so much of my time and attention, I can't help but think of the ones who are not being held, fed, or loved. My heart actually aches for those kids out there who are in need and I will break down sobbing if I let myself think about it too much. There are so many people doing great service for many causes in America, but I feel like this one is a crisis we need to put first in our country. We live in the land of plenty here while others are starving.

I had tried to volunteer with "Tiny Stars" which helps save the children that are sold as sex slaves. I turned in my application and never heard back. I also tried to volunteer with some very well known organizations like "Care" and was told they don't need volunteers, even though their website listed it as an option for helping. It is hard to find organizations that I can trust. Have you found any that are really trustworthy?

There is a great documentary coming out called "God grew tired of us." I plan to see it right when it's released.

Yes I am looking forward to seeing "God grew tired of us" too- here's a link for everyone to check out:

I use charity navigator to get a quick overview of a charity- it gives you ratings and revenue/expense statements. Here's the website- you have to register to search for charities but it's free.

I too have tried to volunteer with various organizations, I haven't had much luck either. I have sent in applications and not heard back from a couple of places. I also recently tried to volunteer with the adopt-a-native elder program here in Utah, again- no response. I was able to become somewhat familiar with Women For Women International because I attended several of their functions in D.C. I briefly got to meet the woman who started it named Zainab Salbi she truely is one of my heroes- she is a refugee from Iraq herself. Here's more on that organization.

One reason I want to start my own NPO is because by and large I have been disappointed by the experiences I've had in my searching. I don't want to criticize all organizations because there are some really great one's out there that are very effective and effecient at what they do. But I want more "hands on" type of opportunities. I would also enjoy doing the day-to-day operations as well. Some ideas for a foreign NPO/NGO include: first, to increase self-reliance through micro-loans, education and support for disadvantaged parent(s). Second, to provide stable, loving homes for orphans through a massive adoption intiative including recruitment of parents, placement of children, and ongoing support. Third, to insure access to clean drinking water ( Ryan's Well Foundation is a good example), and access to good-quality health care. Fourth, to provide children's educational services. I have ideas for a non-foreign NPO as well. Gosh- is this too much to ask? I'm working on narrowing my focus. So far most of my research has been centered on the economic aspect- but this is not my whole vision.

Have you heard about Small Fortunes It's a documentary shown on BYU television about microcredit given to the poorest of the poor- mostly women and how it helps improve their lives.

Anyway, most of my plans are still in the research and development phase. But I'm growing more confident that I'll be able to get something started soon. I plan on starting out small and going from there! :)

I'm with you 100% though- my heartaches for the children of the world who know nothing but suffering. If I could help but one child- it will be worth a lifetime of effort.

P.S. Northern CA isn't too far away- I'm in northern Utah- :)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 6:13 pm
by _Seven
Hi Sailgirl, :)

Thank you so much for the links. I will check them out this weekend. Last night I had this really funny dream that I had found a huge house with all of these rooms. It needed to be updated but I was planning to buy it so we could open up an education center and place for the refugees. It turned out to be my Grandmother's home and she didn't want me changing her house into any kind of humanitarian project. I spent the rest of the dream trying to talk her into my plan. It then turned scary-each room was very dirty and my family had to watch out for wild animals every corner we turned. It was half jungle, half house. You weren't walking through the house with me but I was checking it out for your project. It must have been in Africa. I dream a lot. Usually I will have 3 dreams a night that I always remember the details of.

When I first looked into donating to the troops with some of the bigger organizations, I was disappointed to get e-mails that were not answering any of my questions. Then they stopped e-mailing me all together. It may be because they were too busy, but it looked suspect to me. So I ended up starting my own (just a local effort) with the help of a woman who also started her own effort. She has adopted 600 + soldiers and has people dropping off donations every single day to her home. (she lives in a retirement community so the people there are eager to help)
I was very disappointed when all my efforts didn't grow as planned but little by little I get a donation from a friend or neighbor.
I read the website (where you get addresses and adopt a unit) each night and it breaks your heart to see one of these soldiers who has just been killed. I sit here at my computer with tears streaming down my face. Their needs are so great over there. I won't stop sending them packages until they are all home. With all the negative press on the war, it has really hurt their spirits. It's amazing how many of them want to go right back after they come home, despite the hell they are living in over there. The most frequently requested item has been letters of support and homemade cards from kids. They said that when they give a child there a beannie baby it makes a world of difference to how the kids view our troops. I hope to expand this to my kids school for their charity project.

The only charity I had luck with hands on volunteer work is "Second Harvest."
I was able to volunteer locally with my county from their website. The other charity I love to work with is the Mustard Seed School program. There is also the battered womens shelter in my area that I had my family collect donations for all year long. I took the tithing money I used to pay and started donating to "Tapestry against polygamy" and some other organizations to help abused women.

I go to Utah at least twice a year so maybe I could help run a California chapter to your charity when it gets underway.
My cousin is a lawyer and very passionate about humanitarian work as well. This would be something she would love to help with too. Keep me posted! :)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 6:56 pm
by _sailgirl7
Seven wrote:Hi Sailgirl, :)

Thank you so much for the links. I will check them out this weekend. Last night I had this really funny dream that I had found a huge house with all of these rooms. It needed to be updated but I was planning to buy it so we could open up an education center and place for the refugees. It turned out to be my Grandmother's home and she didn't want me changing her house into any kind of humanitarian project. I spent the rest of the dream trying to talk her into my plan. It then turned scary-each room was very dirty and my family had to watch out for wild animals every corner we turned. It was half jungle, half house. You weren't walking through the house with me but I was checking it out for your project. It must have been in Africa. I dream a lot. Usually I will have 3 dreams a night that I always remember the details of.

When I first looked into donating to the troops with some of the bigger organizations, I was disappointed to get e-mails that were not answering any of my questions. Then they stopped e-mailing me all together. It may be because they were too busy, but it looked suspect to me. So I ended up starting my own (just a local effort) with the help of a woman who also started her own effort. She has adopted 600 + soldiers and has people dropping off donations every single day to her home. (she lives in a retirement community so the people there are eager to help)
I was very disappointed when all my efforts didn't grow as planned but little by little I get a donation from a friend or neighbor.
I read the website (where you get addresses and adopt a unit) each night and it breaks your heart to see one of these soldiers who has just been killed. I sit here at my computer with tears streaming down my face. Their needs are so great over there. I won't stop sending them packages until they are all home. With all the negative press on the war, it has really hurt their spirits. It's amazing how many of them want to go right back after they come home, despite the hell they are living in over there. The most frequently requested item has been letters of support and homemade cards from kids. They said that when they give a child there a beannie baby it makes a world of difference to how the kids view our troops. I hope to expand this to my kids school for their charity project.

The only charity I had luck with hands on volunteer work is "Second Harvest."
I was able to volunteer locally with my county from their website. The other charity I love to work with is the Mustard Seed School program. There is also the battered womens shelter in my area that I had my family collect donations for all year long. I took the tithing money I used to pay and started donating to "Tapestry against polygamy" and some other organizations to help abused women.

I go to Utah at least twice a year so maybe I could help run a California chapter to your charity when it gets underway.
My cousin is a lawyer and very passionate about humanitarian work as well. This would be something she would love to help with too. Keep me posted! :)


What an interesting dream! I'll pm you and tell you more about that! :)

I would love to be involved with sending the troops letters and things they need. I think people around my neighborhood would be willing to be a part of that kind of effort- we live right next to Hill Air Force base. And I do mean RIGHT NEXT to it. Man those boys love to fly by and shake our whole house! :) I'd love to hear the details of how to start that. I'll pm you to get all the specifics unless you want to post it here.

Thank you for the information about Second Harvest and Mustard Seed School- They both look like excellent organizations. I've been meaning to check into "Tapestry against Polygamy" my husband met a lady who works with that organization and he was telling me about her. She had some heartbreaking stories.

Also- we are planning on going out to visit family in Paradise, CA- as soon as we can- is that anywhere near you?
Thanks for mentioning your cousin who is a lawyer- I've been wanting to find a good one who can help me with all the legal matters unique to NPO's.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:49 pm
by _Seven

What an interesting dream! I'll pm you and tell you more about that! :)

I would love to be involved with sending the troops letters and things they need. I think people around my neighborhood would be willing to be a part of that kind of effort- we live right next to Hill Air Force base. And I do mean RIGHT NEXT to it. Man those boys love to fly by and shake our whole house! :) I'd love to hear the details of how to start that. I'll pm you to get all the specifics unless you want to post it here.

Thank you for the information about Second Harvest and Mustard Seed School- They both look like excellent organizations. I've been meaning to check into "Tapestry against Polygamy" my husband met a lady who works with that organization and he was telling me about her. She had some heartbreaking stories.

Also- we are planning on going out to visit family in Paradise, CA- as soon as we can- is that anywhere near you?
Thanks for mentioning your cousin who is a lawyer- I've been wanting to find a good one who can help me with all the legal matters unique to NPO's.

Paradise is about 2 hours Northwest of me I think. I haven't been there since I was a little girl, but I hear it's beautiful there.
The link I posted on Mustard Seed isn't the one that I donate too, but I couldn't find the website of our local one. I will have to edit that one from my other post.
All I could find was an article on it.

Our mustard seed school houses homeless kids and they are only there for a short time until their parents find housing. Most of the kids come to the school after sleeping in cars, on the street,..... It's really special what this school does for them.

Talk to you soon!

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:39 pm
by _Seven
Hi Sailgirl,
I wanted to let you know that I replied to your pm but it was still sitting in my outbox when I last checked. I resent it so hopefully it went through this time. :) Let me know if you don't get it.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 3:20 am
by _sailgirl7
Seven wrote:Hi Sailgirl,
I wanted to let you know that I replied to your pm but it was still sitting in my outbox when I last checked. I resent it so hopefully it went through this time. :) Let me know if you don't get it.

Got it! Thanks! :) I was gone all day so sorry it took so long to reply!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 3:33 am
by _sailgirl7
Seven wrote: The link I posted on Mustard Seed isn't the one that I donate too, but I couldn't find the website of our local one. I will have to edit that one from my other post.
All I could find was an article on it.

Our mustard seed school houses homeless kids and they are only there for a short time until their parents find housing. Most of the kids come to the school after sleeping in cars, on the street,..... It's really special what this school does for them.

Talk to you soon!

What an amazing organization they are! That is truely awesome- thanks for sharing that. :) After doing a quick search I couldn't find anything similiar to that in our area- but I'm positive there is a need for it. I'll have to dig some more to see what I can find.
