Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by ceeboo »

Atlanticmike wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:24 pm
Ceeboo, I think you're serious
Well, that makes one of you. :)

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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by Morley »

ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:36 pm
Are you merging the people who gathered and engaged the Capital with all the people who voted for Trump in 2016? If I am not understanding, please clarify.
It was an insurrection and a riot. It was not a "gathering" or an "engagement."

The people who, in your words, "gathered and engaged the Capital" supported Trump 2020. The folks who still excuse and defend these actions are those who support Trump. The folks who whatabout BLM when the capitol riots are mentioned mostly voted for Trump. The merging is not mine. These are some of the same people.

I'm not saying all Trump voters were idiots. Or that all idiots were Trump supporters. But it's become obvious to me that a significant portion of present-day 45 supporters are idiots. And they're not worth any effort or time I might invest.

To be clear, I'm defining an idiot as someone who willfully chooses stupidity and evil. (And yes, I think the January 6 insurrection was evil.)

ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:36 pm
Here, I will go first: The people who broke into the Capital are idiots. I think they engaged in criminal behavior, they should be investigated and prosecuted under the law. I think the VERY SAME thing should happen to all of the other idiots who engaged in criminal behavior during the rioting, looting and destruction of others peoples personal property that happened across America over the previous several moths. They should also be investigated and prosecuted under the law.

Do you agree or not?
Agreed. I agree with what law enforcement has done, and is doing, in both areas. The two events were not, however, moral equivalents.
ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:36 pm
Now Ceeboo, do you actually have responses to the other issues I mentioned about the Bible?
Forgive me if I overlooked something, I have been engaged with a few people recently. I thought I have made my position concerning the Bible clear and I thought you made yours clear (That's why I said in an earlier post to you I mentioned that "I had nothing else of value to add and I will leave it there")
But you didn't leave it there. In that same post, you asked: "What does merely referencing people in the Bible have to do with evaluating, measuring and/or considering the evidences of the Bible?"

To which I replied.
ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:36 pm
Or is all you can muster just one photo of a whale? I'm trying to determine if you're serious or not.
You think that's a fair comment? I have posted a lot of my thoughts in this thread. I posted the whale as a response to your evolution post because I thought you might think it was funny. Come on Morley.
You've never shown you've read anything about evolution from any source other than one involving intelligent design or creationism. Posting a whale picture is not a serious reply. Which is fine. I just need to know your level of engagement.

edit for my everlastingly bad grammar
Last edited by Morley on Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by Morley »

ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:38 pm
Morley wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:24 pm

Your post timestamp: Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:21 pm. This post timestamp: Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:07 pm

Less that a half hour after your post and you're expressing impatience that you haven't received an answer.
Good Lord!

I wasn't expressing impatience (but thanks for the time stamps) - I was answering another poster about why I posted what I did.

Good grief bro!
My apologies then, Bro.
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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by ceeboo »

Morley wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:26 pm
I just need to know your level of engagement.
From this point forward, my level of engagement will be very limited.

Concerning you latest post to me, I give you the last word.
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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by Morley »

ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:42 pm
Morley wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:26 pm
I just need to know your level of engagement.
From this point forward, my level of engagement will be very limited.

Concerning you latest post to me, I give you the last word.
Peace, Ceeboo. Go with God.
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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by ceeboo »

Let me make an attempt to bring the thread back on course.
ceeboo wrote:
Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:04 am
Have any of you changed/modified/transitioned any of your previously held positions/beliefs/thoughts/stances? If so, would you be willing to share what changed and perhaps provide reasons why this/these changes have taken place.
I have recently shifted my opinion/position on Social media. For the last several years (12-15?) I was firmly opposed to social media and deleted my Facebook account (Facebook mostly as that is the one I was most familiar with) - I thought it was toxic, shallow and I believed it was doing great harm to many who partook - especially to our younger generations. While I still maintain my personal opinion about much of this, I have recently made a Facebook account (requested mostly by my daughter who lives in another state) and I have REALLY enjoyed what I can now share with her on a regular basis (pictures, short messages, information, etc.) In addition, I have also enjoyed communicating with a few other friends and relatives that also live in other states that I used to rarely communicate with. My Facebook usage is very limited to these few things but I do enjoy it.

Anyway, that's another thing I have recently shifted my position on.
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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by Atlanticmike »

ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:10 pm
Let me make an attempt to bring the thread back on course.
ceeboo wrote:
Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:04 am
Have any of you changed/modified/transitioned any of your previously held positions/beliefs/thoughts/stances? If so, would you be willing to share what changed and perhaps provide reasons why this/these changes have taken place.
I have recently shifted my opinion/position on Social media. For the last several years (12-15?) I was firmly opposed to social media and deleted my Facebook account (Facebook mostly as that is the one I was most familiar with) - I thought it was toxic, shallow and I believed it was doing great harm to many who partook - especially to our younger generations. While I still maintain my personal opinion about much of this, I have recently made a Facebook account (requested mostly by my daughter who lives in another state) and I have REALLY enjoyed what I can now share with her on a regular basis (pictures, short messages, information, etc.) In addition, I have also enjoyed communicating with a few other friends and relatives that also live in other states that I used to rarely communicate with. My Facebook usage is very limited to these few things but I do enjoy it.

Anyway, that's another thing I have recently shifted my position on.
I'm mid 40s and can't stand social media. My kids are still young and I have no grandkids so maybe my stance will change once my kids are older and out of the house but I doubt it😂. Dang, I'm starting to sound like an old fogey 😂😂
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Bret Ripley
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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by Bret Ripley »

ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:10 pm
Have any of you changed/modified/transitioned any of your previously held positions/beliefs/thoughts/stances? ... I have recently made a Facebook account ...
Well, I can't find you. Or, rather, I find hundreds of you. But I reckon one of them must be the one true ceeboo.

When I was a little kid, I believed there was a real Santa Claus (much as I believe there is a real ceeboo). That belief was challenged one Christmas when I realized there were many different Santas hanging around various department stores. I asked my Mom about the 'many Santas' phenomenon, and she explained that none of these department store Santas were necessarily the real Santa, but were Santa's helpers officially acting on Santa's behalf. I still figured that one of them could be the real Santa, and I wasn't taking any chances on missing out on meeting him: I started yanking on their beards to identify the fakes.

And that brings me back on topic: I've since modified my position on the propriety of yanking the beards of complete strangers. These day, I'll generally take a few minutes to get to know you first.
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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

ceeboo wrote:
Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:48 pm
Well, there are a few things - I'll share one of them with you.

I used to believe in a hell that could be described as eternal/conscious/torment (This being the dominate traditional western view/belief) - As a believer, this always gave me great pause and it significantly bothered me. What has changed is a relatively deep dive I did into early Christian leaders writings and teachings from the first few centuries. I found that there were three views/beliefs (all three having fairly equal scriptural support) and that these three views were basically excepted amongst the body of Christ (Christians) without need to divide.

These views/beliefs/teachings (In short) are: Eternal conscious torment (Dominate traditional view in the west today) - Annihilation (Destruction - cease to exist) - Reconciliation (Even after death, potential to be reconciled with our creator)

Anyway, that's one.
How about you? Have you changed/modified/transitioned any of your previously held stances?
Wait. What changed exactly? Like, you said the change was that you did a deep dive, but you didn’t indicate if you changed any old beliefs into new ones from said deep dive. I see that you ticked off some things you learned and that you were bothered by a previous theology you were taught, but I’m not seeing a specific stated change in your life, spirituality, or some other thing.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Any changes/modifications/transformations happening?

Post by ceeboo »

Rip! Awesome to have you join the thread! Hope all is well.
Bret Ripley wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:22 pm
ceeboo wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:10 pm
Have any of you changed/modified/transitioned any of your previously held positions/beliefs/thoughts/stances? ... I have recently made a Facebook account ...
Well, I can't find you. Or, rather, I find hundreds of you. But I reckon one of them must be the one true ceeboo.
And that brings me back on topic: I've since modified my position on the propriety of yanking the beards of complete strangers. These day, I'll generally take a few minutes to get to know you first.

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