Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _Gunnar »

It may well be true that Jacob Blake belongs in jail for alleged acts of which he has been accused, but that is not what the protesting was about. It is still not unreasonable to conclude, or, at least, suggest that shooting him 7 times in the back while trying to enter his car in which his boys were waiting for him, was at least a bit excessive.

Fact check: Jacob Blake did not 'brandish' knife, get gun before Kenosha police shooting
The Facebook post avoids directly claiming a gun, instead attributing statements to Blake about having and getting a gun.

We don’t know what was said, and we may never know since the responding officers weren’t wearing body cameras. The Kenosha Police Department doesn’t use them. Audio in the cellphone video shot by a witness is hard to discern due to bystanders’ shouts.

So there’s no way to prove this part of the claim directly — though no witness reports have emerged since the incident that offer this account. The man who made the Facebook post did not respond to a request for the evidence behind the claim.

But we know there was no gun.

An Aug. 26 news release from the Department of Justice said officers found a knife on the driver’s side floorboard, but “a search of the vehicle located no additional weapons.”

The role of the knife is much less clear.

The DOJ has not clarified whether the knife was on the floorboard throughout the confrontation, or if Blake may have held it at some point. Spokeswoman Gillian Drummond declined to answer that question when asked by USA TODAY on Aug. 27.

Video taken by onlookers shows something in Blake’s hand, but the resolution is low, so it could be a knife, sunglasses or something else.

Blake’s attorney, Ben Crump, said in a statement released Aug. 27, “Jacob did nothing to provoke police. . . . Witnesses confirm that he was not in possession of a knife and didn’t threaten officers in any way.” But another attorney representing the Blake family, Patrick Salvi Jr., had told CNN the day before that Blake didn’t have a weapon in the vehicle, which turned out to not be true.

What we do know is that referring to Blake as “brandishing” appears to be an exaggeration.

Video of the shooting shows Blake walking around the front of the car with his back to officers and his left arm swinging at his side, grasping some object.

Brandishing is defined by Merriam-Webster as “to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly.” That’s not what the video shows.

We have no way of knowing for sure what Blake said, but we know there was no gun. And we don’t yet know if the knife police later found in the SUV was there throughout the confrontation or held by Blake at some point. But Blake was not “brandishing” anything in the video taken by bystanders. Due to the lack of evidence establishing these claims at this point, we rate this claim FALSE.
The above is only excerpts from the linked to article above, of course. I suggest reading the whole article yourself to get the full picture of what the author was able to gather from his investigation.
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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _Gunnar »

Portland mayor excoriates Trump: 'It's you who have created the hate'

He is so right! And Trump's tweets in answer to him and other state and local officials opposed to Trump's "help" inadvertently confirm the very accusations Wheeler leveled at him!
No precept or claim is more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.

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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Gunnar wrote:
Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:45 am
Portland mayor excoriates Trump: 'It's you who have created the hate'

He is so right! And Trump's tweets in answer to him and other state and local officials opposed to Trump's "help" inadvertently confirm the very accusations Wheeler leveled at him!

I listened to that on youtube just earlier. It was awesome. "I'd appreciate that either the President support us or he stay the hell out of the way."

Trump played golf in Virginia today. Apparently still found time to tweet.
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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _Gunnar »

Lara Trump admits ON AIR that more mayhem is better for Trump’s re-election
This is why Trump is so eager to send his minions to cities experiencing BLM protests--not to calm the situation, but to actually provoke and maximize confrontation and violence.
No precept or claim is more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.

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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _Gunnar »

subgenius wrote:
Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:00 pm
You say "systemic racism" as if it exists, as if you have proof. But what you actually have is just a theory that it "must" exist because there are racists walking around. But what you don't have walking around is a tangible explanation for the existence of a "systemic racism" in America in 2020.
Quick question for ya - why were the police called to Jacob Blake's location?
1. If you really still think there is not an abundance of compelling evidence for systemic racism, you are just not paying attention.

2. Whatever the reason the police were called, it is still far from unreasonable to conclude that shooting him 7 times in the back as he was trying to enter his car containing his three terrified young sons was excessive. That is what the protests were about, not whether Jacob Blake was unjustly accused of anything.
No precept or claim is more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.

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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _huckelberry »

The subgenius pursuit of slack left him parked on white street.
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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _subgenius »

Gunnar wrote:
Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:06 pm
subgenius wrote:
Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:00 pm
You say "systemic racism" as if it exists, as if you have proof. But what you actually have is just a theory that it "must" exist because there are racists walking around. But what you don't have walking around is a tangible explanation for the existence of a "systemic racism" in America in 2020.
Quick question for ya - why were the police called to Jacob Blake's location?
1. If you really still think there is not an abundance of compelling evidence for systemic racism, you are just not paying attention.
Maybe, but i always just see people like you say, emphatically, that SR exists, but can't actually prove it beyond saying they really just have a theory because a cop shot an aggressive, uncooperative, rape suspect.
2. Whatever the reason the police were called, it is still far from unreasonable to conclude that shooting him 7 times in the back as he was trying to enter his car containing his three terrified young sons was excessive. That is what the protests were about, not whether Jacob Blake was unjustly accused of anything.
Again, your logic here is a 2 way street. Blake getting shot does not justify, nor prove, SR.

But go ahead, prove tangible SR.
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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _subgenius »

Seek freedom and become captive of your discipline and find your liberty
I can tell if a person is judgmental just by looking at them
what is chaos to the fly is normal to the spider - morticia addams
If you're not upsetting idiots, you might be an idiot. - Ted Nugent
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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _Gunnar »

subgenius wrote:
Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:36 pm
Maybe, but i always just see people like you say, emphatically, that SR exists, but can't actually prove it beyond saying they really just have a theory because a cop shot an aggressive, uncooperative, rape suspect.
No one is claiming that this one incident proves SR. It is the fact that this kind of treatment by police is so much more likely to happen to blacks than to whites that is evidence for SR.
Gunnar wrote:
subgenius wrote:2. Whatever the reason the police were called, it is still far from unreasonable to conclude that shooting him 7 times in the back as he was trying to enter his car containing his three terrified young sons was excessive. That is what the protests were about, not whether Jacob Blake was unjustly accused of anything.
Again, your logic here is a 2 way street. Blake getting shot does not justify, nor prove, SR.

But go ahead, prove tangible SR.
Again, no one is claiming that that SR exists based on this one incident alone--just that historically and statistically, Black Americans are significantly more likely to experience such extreme treatment at the hands of police than Whites. Have Whites ever been so brutally treated by Police? Of course that has happened! But not as likely as Blacks. Still, I can't deny the the possibility that the particular officers involved in the Blake case were just particularly brutal and cowardly, and would have reacted the same way if Blake had been White, all other things being equal. Protests would have been equally justifiable had that been the case. I also acknowledge that in the latter case, protests resulting from it would likely have been less widely publicized, and that there would have been no good excuse for that.
No precept or claim is more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.

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Re: Systemic Racism: Fact or Myth?

Post by _ajax18 »

I found this post particularly touching. There still are a few responsible people left in the US.
Patrick D. Hampton
August 28 at 11:21 AM ·
Dear LeBron James,
You don’t speak for me and my boys.
I’m a father of four brown boys. It is my responsibility as a father to protect and serve them. There is no need for police in my home because as the father, I’m the authority in my home.
Police are needed where fathers and law and order are absent. When there is no father to protect and serve children, police have to move into that community to protect and serve.
Where there is no father or authority in the home or neighborhood, young men rebel. This is why police are having a hard time gaining compliance with fatherless boys on the side of the road. They refuse to sit down, be quiet, and comply. Why? Because the police are the first men to tell them NO and assert their authority. These boys have spent years under no ones authority. This is the main problem.
So please don’t speak for me and my boys. Me and my boys are not terrified of the police because we respect the police and accept their authority. That’s because they first had to respect me as their father and accept my authority. Actually one of them wants to be a police officer. You Lebron are trying to destroy that dream by painting police officers in a negative light when most a good guys.
We are terrified of the black men that kill each other in their black neighborhoods everyday. We are afraid of the black men that threaten us and call us cūns and uncle toms for desiring to live a peacefull and successful life. We are aware of the fact that 93% of all black homicides are by black men. (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
If you really want to help fatherless boys like yourself, stop using fear tactics and guilt trips. Help promote legislation like “EQUAL SHARED PARENTING” that helps divorced dads and single dads have more time with their children without paying more child support.
Help get legislation passed to make child support more fair and equal. Fund programs like my former #GoodGuys #GoodGirls Program (killed by ObamaCare) that helped young black youth save sex until marriage, learn their history, learn to respect police, develop work ethic and accomplish their goals.( ).
Stop blaming the police and help build better fathers. Stop saying police need more training and train more dads and young black boys on the the rule of law and police protocols.
Remember, there are millions of black and brown boys out here that are not being killed by police. They are alive and doing quite well. How? We obey the law. Comply with police and if the police does something wrong or unethical, they live to fight in court and not the side of the road.
Patrick D. Hampton
@The Patrick Perspective
@The Patriot Post
And when the confederates saw Jackson standing fearless as a stone wall the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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