President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _Themis »

ajax18 wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 2:45 am
For that matter, how many flee the US for Scandinavia or Germany? Gunnar your grandchildren will certainly be living in a country much more like Venezuela than the US if the polls are right about this election.
can't do worse the Trump. He is building a massive debt that is now bigger then the economy. How much less debt does Germany have Ajax?
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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _Gunnar »

ajax18 wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 2:45 am
I think there is good reason to fear for the future and well-being of my grandchildren!
There's reason to fear but not for the reasons you think. How many socialists emigrate from the US to socialist countries like Cuba or Venezuela? For that matter, how many flee the US for Scandinavia or Germany? Gunnar your grandchildren will certainly be living in a country much more like Venezuela than the US if the polls are right about this election.
It still remains true that democratic/socialist countries like the Scandinavian countries have happier people, a higher standard of living and per capita GDP, lower crime rate, lower poverty rate, better and less expensive healthcare, lower percentage of incarceration, etc., and the differences between them and the USA seems to be still growing in their favor.

We have a President who doesn't even try to hide his admiration for dictators like Putin, Erdogan, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un nor his ambition to emulate them and acquire the same absolute power that they have. Doesn't that disturb you, at least a little bit? He refuses to commit to accepting the results of the election if they go against him, no matter how great his margin of defeat.

He obviously neither understands nor respects the U.S. Constitution nor law and order unless it favors him specifically. As I previously pointed out, he declared himself to be the law and order President in the very speech in which he boasted of getting away with violating the Hatch Act by campaigning on the Whitehouse lawn. By his numerous and unending violations of the emoluments clause of the constitution and other violations of law he deserves impeachment many times over, and should already have been impeached and convicted.

He is unapologetically profane and immoral, having cheated on each of the three wives he has had.

He is both disdainful and ignorant of science, and has even ordered purging the very words "science based" and "evidence based" from official studies and publications. We are in great danger of losing our scientific leadership and standing in the world, if he is allowed to continue to rule the way he wants to.
No precept or claim is more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.

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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _moksha »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Oct 08, 2020 6:12 pm
James Corden deserves an award for this!

Trump: 'Maybe I'm Immune' - Paul McCartney Parody
Thank you for posting that, Jersey Girl.
Doctor Steuss wrote:
Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:50 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:18 am
Stephen Miller has tested positive for Covid 19.
My condolences to COVID-19.
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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Chris Christie remains under observation in Morristown Medical I believe it is. Here is what Gov. Murphy had to say about him today and no I'm not linking it.

“He is the quintessential Jersey fighter. So we are all with him in thoughts, prayers and we are here to do whatever we can for him,” Murphy said.

What if Christie or some other infectee has the temerity to die from their infection? Will Trump then criticize them for being weak? What if his own wife dies from it? Have we heard any updates on FLOTUS lately?

I have not.

And yes, he is quintessential Jersey fighter. Jersey has many. But even a Jersey hard ass can't outrun a virus. Though no one I know thought highly of him as governor, I do wish him well and a good recovery with no long lasting impairments.
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_Some Schmo
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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _Some Schmo »

Christie is a mixed bad (and a huge bag at that). He's another GOP governor (ex in this case) I don't mind listening to. I think he's likely one of those guys that did do some good at times when he felt moved to, but was still a fu-cking liar and douche when it served his purpose. I don't know...

What I can say is that I'm pulling for him to recover. He's one of the few in that infection hierarchy.
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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Listen to Trump talk about his son having Covid 19 and sending kids back to school. He's so completely disgusting, thoughtless and without conscience. The clip is in this Cuomo commentary or I'm sure you can find a stand alone video of it on youtube. These people who commented later, are completely delusional. I can't even believe what I am hearing!

Cuomo responds to Trump's handling of family diagnosis ... pt-vpx.cnn
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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _Gunnar »

It is hard to overstate the irrationality and thoughtlessness of those who still support and defend this amoral con man who currently resides in the Whitehouse.
No precept or claim is more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.

“If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.”
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_Some Schmo
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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _Some Schmo »

Gunnar wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:32 am
It is hard to overstate the irrationality and thoughtlessness of those who still support and defend this amoral con man who currently resides in the Whitehouse.
It is surprising, and yet it shouldn't be. I mean, there are enough stupid people in Kentucky to elect McConnell, enough idiots in South Carolina to elect Graham, and enough morons in Texas to elect Cruz. Look how popular Palin was, and she's clearly another dimwit.

There's precedent. The idiots abound.
God belief is for people who don't want to live life on the universe's terms.
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Re: President and FLOTUS Test Positive for Covid-19

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Chris Christie:
I am happy and fortunate to inform you that I have recovered from COVID-19.
Before this good news, however, I spent 7 days in the Intensive Care Unit of Morristown
Medical Center to get treatment and insure this good result for me and my family. I want to
thank the doctors and nurses for their skillful and compassionate care. I want to thank the
manufacturers of Remdesivir and the Eli Lilly monoclonal anti-body cocktail for giving me
access to their extraordinary treatments. I am confident that all of those factors contributed to my
good health today.
When you have seven days in isolation in an ICU though, you have time to do a lot of thinking. I
did and have come to the following conclusions:

I believed that when I entered the White House grounds, that I had entered a safe zone,
due to the testing that and I and many others underwent every day. I was wrong. I was
wrong to not wear a mask at the Amy Coney Barrett announcement and I was wrong not
to wear a mask at my multiple debate preparation sessions with the President and the rest of the
team. I hope that my experience shows my fellow citizens that you should follow CDC
guidelines in public no matter where you are and wear a mask to protect yourself and

Having had this virus, I can also assure those who have not had it of a few things. It is
something to take very seriously. The ramifications are wildly random and potentially
deadly. No one should be happy to get the virus and no one should be cavalier about
being infected or infecting others.

But as a former public official, I believe we have not treated Americans as adults, who
understand truth, sacrifice and responsibility that I know them to be. I have also
concluded that like much else in 2020, that the virus is governed by our two dominant
political and media extremes: those who believe there is nothing to this virus and those
alarmists who would continue to close down our country and not trust the common sense
of the American people. Both are wrong. This is not an either/or proposition. The public
health consequences of ignoring the virus and the responsible safeguards that we need to
take will be additional illness and death caused by COVID-19. The public policy
consequences of continuing to shut down or re-shut down our country will be further
economic devastation to families, even more loss of education by our students and the
continuing loss of life through the drug abuse, suicide and depression caused by taking
away people’s ability to support their families. There is another way.

Every public official, regardless of party or position, should advocate for every American
to wear a mask in public, appropriately socially distance and to wash your hands
frequently every day. At the same time, we should be reopening in every corner of this
nation under these guidelines. Reopen all those places which have taken the brunt of
these shutdowns and allow our country to get back to a life where citizens can support
their families using common sense. Even during a contentious election year, we must
trust the American people with the truth. I believe that these two steps can bring our
country together while our pharmaceutical companies invent the therapeutics and
vaccines which will rid us of this virus.

While we may seem very divided today, I do believe we can use this public health tragedy to
bring us together. It is never too late to start. It will take leadership that both challenges and
trusts the American people. After all, we are America, the world’s greatest hope.
Say what you will about Gov. Christie. This is how a normal, wise, and mature human being comes to terms with the ramifications of his own behavior. These are the kinds of statements the President should have made. But he is neither normal nor mature. As for wisdom. That's completely off the table with Trump.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
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