beastie wrote:Maksutov wrote:This really is a fascinating subject and I'm glad you raised it. It may have many facets. Is the internet ready for democracy? Is democracy ready for the internet? We have seen challenges to religion from the web, I suppose all other institutions will receive similar attention. I wonder about developing nations that are exposed to the internet before they have created any protections for its consumers, how it can be manipulated for totalitarian purposes, etc. What happens when the backfire and Dunning-Kruger effects are magnified by conscious and organized manipulators for whatever ends? And so on.
It's a new world, eh?
I think that the posters on this thread who are dismissing these concerns are not carefully considering the future ramifications. Today it was the Democrats who bore the brunt of these new demons. Tomorrow it may be the republicans. These concerns are serious and should be nonpartisan. And, as you point out, the concerns are world-wide, not limited to the US election which served the purpose of demonstrating the concerns.
I really have no idea what to expect.
Social media is "hot" media, to use McLuhan's term. Although some text is involved, it is attached to memes and graphics that serve to weaponize it for propaganda. Bypasses the cerebrum and goes straight to the reptile brain. Many folks are preconditioned by patriotic and religious rituals and popular culture, so all of those can be exploited in some form.