FOX NEWS Is an Enemy of the State

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Res Ipsa
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Re: FOX NEWS Is an Enemy of the State

Post by Res Ipsa »

Vēritās wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:51 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Mon Apr 10, 2023 2:35 pm
Seven months. That's a long time to nurse butthurt over a two sentence post.
"Butthurt"? This thread was on page three until Doc brought back to page one and I happened to scroll through it again, forgetting much of what was already said. I laughed at your assertion that was clearly false based on what you've posted here. Now you're whining because it took me seven months to come across it and respond? Is there a statute of limitations on posting now that you would like to implement? Maybe you can propose that to Shades if it bothers you so much.
But I'm not surprised that you failed to include it in your new diatribe.
My "diatribe"? Only three sentences of that post were in response to you which merely stated the facts.

What was I supposed to "include"? I'm supposed to preface every response with "I'm responding to this post that was made [enter date]?"
And as the thread progressed, it was crystal clear who was triggered: it was you, being referred to as an authoritarian.

You're the only one to ever call me that and you've done it on more than one occasion. We both know you don't really believe it, but you make it a point to disparage me at every opportunity it seems. I can take solace in the fact that your hatred of me is only shared by ajax.
Historical revisionism. As anyone who cares to spend the time re-rereading this thread will note, I obviously did read and understand your OP.
No, you didn't and you clearly didn't read the link I provided. Your knee jerk response was quick, brief and idiotic. Your longer responses only happened after Honor took you to task and you were forced to start spinning, clearly refusing to call Honor an authoritarian even though he appeared to agree with my premise that FOX presents a clear and present danger to America.
I say "obvious" because I didn't just make one offhand observation. I argued, in great detail, about why I believe that what you proposed in the OP was both unconstitutional and a bad idea.
See above. And disagreeing on those terms isn't problematic for me, but you're shifting your ground now pretending like this somehow supports your "authoritarian" assertion. An organization can be an enemy of the state operating within the rights afforded by the Constitution and that still wouldn't negate the fact that they are an enemy of the state.
Straw man. I layed out my "nuanced" thinking in detail in this very thread.
None of your thinking supports your initial assertion. "Enemy of the State" is a phrase unique to authoritarians, you would have us believe. But that simply isn't true, so your entire argument is based on a faulty premise.
In fact, in the post you quoted only the first paragraph of, one of the criticisms I made of your argument style is that you continually conflated the opinion I expressed about you being an authoritarian with my detailed arguments for why what you proposed in your OP was both unconstitutional and a bad idea.
I didn't "conflate" anything. I'm perfectly willing to address both as separate assertions and deal with them accordingly. I disagree with both, but only take issue really with your blatant ad hominem equating me with Hitler. Now you're flailing about timelines, calling me "butthurt" which only goes to further the point that you're playing the man not the ball.
I said that branding someone an "enemy of the state" was "right out of the fascist handbook" -- which you've never refuted.
There is no need to refute something that hasn't been established. Please show us where you provided this excerpt and page number from the "fascist handbook." I must have missed that. And since you're struggling to fully cite your own comments, you literally called me "just another authoritarian."
You also assumed I meant Hitler, even though the world and history is replete with examples of fascism.
But I'm "just another authoritarian," remember? So does it really matter which one we're talking about? Don't they all follow the same elusive "handbook"?
Veritas wrote:You simply can't accept the decision of the moderator crew that your calling Ajax18 falls under the category of a "personal attack," so you passive aggressively sneak it in when you get the chance.
You're the one derailing about this. But why? It only became a "personal attack," after you became a mod and tweaked the rules to serve your preferred agenda. Sure, I believe the forum was better served during the first 15 years of its existence when posters were not censored for merely citing the credibility and background issues with other posters. Previous mods agreed and were more involved in outing Nazis than I ever was.
Your statement is also "literally false" because Ajax18 is not a literal Nazi.
Anyone familiar with his history knows you're just splitting hairs now.
On top of that, you add the type of particularly nasty ad hominem attack that is an all too common characteristic in the apologetic wars.
Take a look around you Res. This forum was created in that kind of atmosphere and for that reason.
i'm not sure whether you intended to address this to me, as almost none of it addresses my point of view
No Res, it wasn't for you. It was just relating to the topic of the thread.
I have no idea who you mean by the "we" that you think is "indulging Fox." Your OP was all about the government taking action, not some undefined "we." The location of Peter Doocey's seat in press conferences is within the discretion of the Biden administration, so you'd have to ask them. I'm not in the Biden administration, so whoever "we" is, I'm not included.
So you're acting confused as if I literally meant WE. As in you, me, and everyone on this board. Good grief Res.
And you want to use Trump as precedent for how to treat Fox?
FOX is not a legit News outlet. This isn't even debatable anymore as they've already outed themselves as nothing more than a political wing for the Republican party and they are willing to push propaganda from Russia while we are at war with them. They also want to reelect a lawless man who wants to get rid of parts of the Constitution. It doesn't get more clearer than that in terms of being an enemy of the state. It is one thing for Hitler to illicitly call anyone who disagreed with him an enemy of the state as a rhetorical device, but it is another for a country to acknowledge real threats in the country and nothing is clearer to me than a propaganda outlet that pushes Russian talking points during a time of war, and pushes to elect an autocrat while encouraging a civil war within our nation.
But what you are suggesting here is a far cry from what you suggested in the OP. You're correct that the Biden administration doesn't have to sit Fox reporters in the front row or even take questions from them. And they don't have to call on OAN reporters. And the mainstream media doesn't have to amplify Fox's cultural war issues by reporting on them.
But why do they do it? Peter Doocey does nothing but waste everyone's time with these idiotic questions that serve no purpose other than to provide his propaganda outlet with out of context sound bytes. Youtube is flooded with clips like "Doocey Destroys KJP"
But what this post doesn't advocate is government regulation of the press, which is what I objected to in the OP.
No, what this post advocates is government regulating what should be considered legit news outlets. Nobody is saying government should regulate what is said by FOX, and nobody is saying FOX shouldn't be allowed to be on the air. That would be total authoritarian. All I am saying is that we should enforce the same kinds of common sense laws that prevent companies from false advertising. Does anyone with a camera and microphone get to be recognized journalist? I own a company but it has nothing to do with News. Can I just show up at any crime scene and expect press access because I claim to be a reporter? Can I show up at the White House and demand KJP answer questions like Doocey does? Well why not? Because I'm not News. And neither is FOX.

I also believe we should strengthen our libel/slander laws so that organizations like FOX don't get to hide behind the first amendment excuse to willfully lie and defame people. The only reason FOX is going to get killed in court this time is because we got lucky and has private emails and texts providing a smoking gun. That isn't likely to ever happen again and FOX hosts are already moving towards WhatsApp communications because nothing is archived. So they'll take their wrist slap of $2 billion and then its back to the lying business again. In fact they never even paused on that. Tucker Carlson just interviewed the guy he called a "Demonic force" and kissed his ass letting him lie again and again with no pushback.

What you proposed in the OP -- that the government decide which stations are "news" stations and then force those it decides are not to run a disclaimer saying "this station isn't news" -- is what I argued, in great detail in this thread, was both "unconstitutional" and a bad idea.
And we can agree to disagree on that, but the only reason we're still talking is because you called me an authoritarian.
Your most recent post says nothing about government regulation of news stations or forcing Fox or other stations to run a disclaimer on the basis of a government determination of what is and what is not "news." It's a huge shifting of the goalposts, as it in no way addresses the actual criticisms I made of the OP. In fact, It's a perfect illustration of the part of my post that you boldfaced: "You're so wrapped up in self-righteous outrage that you don't bother to take the time to read, think about, and understand what I said."

That's still true.
None of this even makes sense. I never once moved away from my original position that FOX shouldn't be allowed to call itself news, but because I further explain why (in light of your misrepresentations that I want "government to regulate" news), you accuse me of "shifting the goalposts" and then use this as proof that I don't read or understand things?
Yeah, 💯% butthurt.
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Re: FOX NEWS Is an Enemy of the State

Post by Vēritās »

Being accused of being an authoritarian is no small thing Res. Forgive me for daring to defend myself from such a heinous charge.

You know, in a weird way you should take this as a compliment. If it were anyone else I'd likely just blow it off, but despite our past grievances, I still consider you one of my favorite posters here and it does bother me that you have such a low opinion of me. Just being honest.
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Re: FOX NEWS Is an Enemy of the State

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Vēritās wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:14 pm
So how do you get FOX news to pay any amount attention to a school shooting? Well, it takes a shooting by someone who is transgender.

With out any evidence, FOX is running with this narrative that the shooter had an ANTI-CHRISTIAN agenda and now they're pushing this conspiracy about the FBI withholding the shooter's "MANIFESTO" which doesn't even exist. ... o-continue
The Deep State refuses to release the manifesto: ... -manifesto

Also for the Christians who crave being a victim:


- Doc
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Re: FOX NEWS Is an Enemy of the State

Post by Vēritās »

So a popular FOX News piece I had never heard of before until now, involves a brutal attack by a homeless man on some innocent bystander in San Francisco. Apparently FOX News had the video footage of these attacks on a constant loop for days and on multiple shows, trying to pound home one of their favorite talking points about how America is dealing with Democrat driven crime in major cities like never before.

Well now we know FOX news was pushing BS. New footage shows that the alleged victim was actually the instigator. Apparently, someone fitting this man's description has been caught on video randomly spraying homeless people with bear spray. Then there is other footage of this couple engaged in a conflict started by the so-called victim, and the homeless man running off covering his face with his jacket as if he were trying to block more spray.
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Re: FOX NEWS Is an Enemy of the State

Post by Gunnar »

Why are so many people so eager to believe everything FOX news says no matter how many times they have been proven to be deliberately broadcasting misinformation supporting extreme rightwing propaganda, even b.s. that they themselves have claimed under oath should not be believed by reasonable, well-informed people?
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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Re: FOX NEWS Is an Enemy of the State

Post by Vēritās »

A black homeless man on the NY subway starts ranting about how he is hungry, poor and thirsty with no home and a white marine chokes him to death on camera. FOX News defends the murderer and attacks the victim by listing his past criminal history. So much for "freedom of speech." If a black man says something that pisses you off, FOX is OK with you killing him.

This reminds me of ajax's response to the murder of Brianna Taylor, trying to somehow make her guilty by association with an ex-boyfriend who had a criminal record.
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Re: FOX NEWS Is an Enemy of the State

Post by Moksha »

Fox News is like Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally broadcasts being aimed at the American Armed Forces by some shady Australian news disinformation source. Who knows what damage this is inflicting on these Sevice People?

The Republican cancer is so insidious.
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