Will It Blend? iPhone 3G

The Off-Topic forum for anything non-LDS related, such as sports or politics. Rated PG through PG-13.
_Angus McAwesome
Posts: 579
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Post by _Angus McAwesome »

GoodK wrote:Haha. Seriously? Awesome...

Actually, yeah it is.

GoodK wrote:I don't know. Maybe because Windows sucks?

You must be one of those poor hapless bastards that couldn't figure out how to operate a real PC. It's ok, Apple is there to provide their gimped down OS for people like you.

GoodK wrote:But we're talking about mobile Safari, dummy, which is awesome.

No, Safari sucks in all flavors.

GoodK wrote:(I apologize to any fat girls out there, in no way did I mean to insult you. I was simply using a metaphor I thought our slow friend here would understand - the Iphone being Jessica Alba, the Nokia N95 being Camryn Manheim)

Which is why the N95 has a 5mp camera compared to your 2mp camera, operates on more networks, have more features, and it's SMALLER and LIGHTER then your iPhone. Seriously, do you even have any fuckign idea of what it is you're talking about? Sounds to me like you're another typical Apple whore that talks out of his ass.

GoodK wrote:That's not cool man. Go edit your post. There are people here who have kids with that disease, and it's not funny.

Are you kidding me? Do you even know what Aspergers is? I know plenty of aspies who are functional well adjusted people, they just tend to be assholes. I know, because I'm one of them. So take that "OMG it's offensive" and blow it out your ass.

GoodK wrote:Your laptop? LOL. Your funny. Like a cross between Coggins/Droopy and Leo Laporte.

A laptop is a mobile device, dumbass...

GoodK wrote: I thought we were talking about phones, but I'm glad your interested in comparing apples to oranges.

I have been talking about phones. I've even compared features of my phone versus yours and instead of using facts to refute my argfument you keep trotting out out lameass style-over-substance fallacies.

GoodK wrote:At launch Vista 64 failed,

I've had Vista 64 since launch and haven't had a single issue with it. Works perfectly. Once again I'm forced to assume that you have no goddamned idea of what you're talking about.

GoodK wrote:while the iPhone browser recieved standing ovations.

Wow, Steve Job got clapped at by Mac nerds? You don't say....

GoodK wrote:Can you make calls with your laptop as well?

Sure I can. It's called Skype, you cave dwelling ignoramus.

GoodK wrote:Do you have a hip case for that, or do you just keep it in your pocket?

Wow, you sure do like making absurd arguments, don't you...

GoodK wrote:You sound like Coggins/Droopy again, except instead of raping a thesaurus you are trying to drop techno-jargon to sound smart.
But comparing Soul Seek to itunes does a good job of showing how smart you are.

Wow, so instead of anything factual, like arguing for why one should put up with DRM or EMI, you pull out a moronic ad hominem... Just like Droopy always does.

See, I can play that game too, slackwit.

GoodK wrote:Liz, you'll enjoy Soul Seek if you enjoy file sharing, long downloads, wishlists, and indy music.

Once again there you go talking out of your ass. I mean, you make a buttload of claims, but you never back it with any facts...

GoodK wrote:
wiki wrote:"Soulseek remains a source for avant-garde and underground independent music. "

I prefer simply searching the largest mp3 repository on earth for a song I enjoy, touching "Buy", and having it download directly to my phone in 10 seconds.

Nice wiki cherry pick, you dishonest “F”... Here's the full wiki for those interested.

GoodK wrote:I know. It's ok. I would be too. I did not buy a device "simple" because it had a brand name on it. I bought it simply because I knew it would be awesome. And it is. Whenever I buy an Apple product, I expect it to be awesome, because everything that I have ever bought from Apple has been awesome.

So you're a Mac Whore. Good for you. I'll stick with using a real computer and not a gimped down idiot machine.

GoodK wrote:What phone had a multi touch screen months ago, Droopy? Or an app store? Or itunes?

What, so you're saying Touch Sceens are new technology? Wow, you really are impressed by shiny objects.

GoodK wrote:By the way, did Nokia make 300 million in the first 3 days after the launch of that ugly N95?

No, they regularly post higher earnings then Apple ever will...

GoodK wrote:You may not want to spend so much time responding, I'll only be reading your posts with my Iphone after all.

hey, you want to read internet posts on your iPhone and waste battery time and your minutes, then my mission is accomplished. Seriously, you damned clown, can you offer any valid argument for why an iPhone is supposedly superior or are moronic style-over-substance fallacies and appeals to popularity all you have?
I was afraid of the dark when I was young. "Don't be afraid, my son," my mother would always say. "The child-eating night goblins can smell fear." Bitch... - Kreepy Kat

Post by _Yoda »

Boys, boys....

I use both PC's and Macs. I concede that I like my Mac better because it works best for the type of work I do.

But I think there is room in the world for both.

Can't we all just get along?

_Angus McAwesome
Posts: 579
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Post by _Angus McAwesome »

liz3564 wrote:I use both PC's and Macs. I concede that I like my Mac better because it works best for the type of work I do.

I bet you I can build you a PC that will work better for your music work then any Mac will for less money then a Mac (I assume you're using Pro Tools, right?).

liz3564 wrote:But I think there is room in the world for both.

Sure there is. There's always room in the world for slower and less efficient products. Meanwhile, those of us concerned with performance above all else will stick with PCs.

liz3564 wrote:Can't we all just get along?

And miss out on making GoodK look like an idiot? That's crazy talk, Miss Liz.
I was afraid of the dark when I was young. "Don't be afraid, my son," my mother would always say. "The child-eating night goblins can smell fear." Bitch... - Kreepy Kat

Post by _GoodK »

You should know going into this that I derive a sick sort of pleasure watching you get all worked up like this. It truly brightens my day - so thank you in advance for this.

Anus McAwesome wrote:You must be one of those poor hapless bastards that couldn't figure out how to operate a real PC.

LOL. Yes. You must be right. Only a real man like yourself could possibly operate a Pile of. Crap.

GoodK wrote:But we're talking about mobile Safari, dummy, which is awesome.

Anus McAwesome wrote:No, Safari sucks in all flavors.

Great point, Anus. You've helped me to see the errors in my thinking with your thoughtful retort.

Anus McAwesome wrote:Seriously, do you even have any fuckign idea of what it is you're talking about? Sounds to me like you're another typical Apple whore that talks out of his ass.

Might I suggest the application Wordy when you get your new iPhone. It might improve your vocabulary and help with your reliance on easy words and potty language.

GoodK wrote:That's not cool man. Go edit your post. There are people here who have kids with that disease, and it's not funny.

Anus McAwesome wrote:Are you kidding me?

I'm not kidding, you uncouth hick. I promise.

It wasn't even clever, and it is offensive to other people. So shut up. And edit your posts.

Anus McAwesome wrote:

I know plenty of aspies who are functional well adjusted people, they just tend to be assholes.

I know, because I'm one of them.

"I'm not racist. I have lot's of black friends."

Just shut up already. Drop it. It was stupid, and like I said, offensive. Specifically to a friend who posts here.

Hey, do you typically refer to yourself in the third-person?

Anus McAwesome wrote:So take that "OMG it's offensive" and blow it out your ass.

I like how you put "OMG it's offensive" in quotations. You really are something.


GoodK wrote:Your laptop? LOL. Your funny. Like a cross between Coggins/Droopy and Leo Laporte.

Anus McAwesome wrote:A laptop is a mobile device, dumbass...

Oh Christ. You are going to get me fired if you keep making me laugh so loud at my desk.

OK champ. My laptop is better than your phone is a great argument. I'm convinced. (truth of the matter is, my phone is better than your laptop, which really must make you mad)

Anus McAwesome wrote:I have been talking about phones.

Are you high? What happened to your laptop is better than my phone?

by the way what kind of minutes do you get for your laptop? Do you have My Favs? I'm just trying to evaluate my recent purchase.

Anus McAwesome wrote:I've had Vista 64 since launch and haven't had a single issue with it. Works perfectly.

Well that makes one of you.

Anus McAwesome wrote:Sure I can. It's called Skype, you cave dwelling ignoramus.

If I couldn't get an iPhone and had to use a Nokia N95 I'd probably just leave it at home and use my laptop as a phone too.

Anus McAwesome wrote:Once again there you go talking out of your ass. I mean, you make a buttload of claims, but you never back it with any facts...

Look Anus, you are having a hard enough time expressing your opinion coherently, let alone cogently.

Nice wiki cherry pick, you dishonest f***...

I love it! You feisty girl...

Anus McAwesome wrote:Good for you. I'll stick with using a real computer

(in my best Billy Bob Thorton Sling Blade voice) mmmmhmmmmm. Real men use real computers...

This is what it looks like when GoodK points out something Anus McBrainless says that is blatantly false:

GoodK wrote:What phone had a multi touch screen months ago, Droopy? Or an app store? Or itunes?

And this is what it looks like when Anus McBrainless can't respond because he knows he has said something stupid, so he in turn says something even more stupid:

What, so you're saying Touch Sceens are new technology? Wow, you really are impressed by shiny objects.

GoodK wrote:By the way, did Nokia make 300 million in the first 3 days after the launch of that ugly N95?


That's what I thought.

GoodK wrote:You may not want to spend so much time responding, I'll only be reading your posts with my Iphone after all.

hey, you want to read internet posts on your iPhone and waste battery time and your minutes, then my mission is accomplished.

I don't waste minutes surfing the internet, stupid.

Luckily I can plug my iPhone into my crappy office PC with a USB cable. Which is by far the best feature of this computer-for-dummies, charging my iPhone.

(Keep 'em coming, sweetie pie. I got a few more hours to kill.)
_Angus McAwesome
Posts: 579
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:32 pm

Post by _Angus McAwesome »

GoodK wrote:blah blah blah tl;dr blah blah blah

Ok, numbnuts... Let's compare features.

My N95 can take high quality pictures thanks to a 5mp camera with autofocus, 20x zoom, and built in flash.

Your iPhone has a 2mp camera with no autofocus, no zoom, no flash.

My N95 can record MPEG4 video at 30fps.

Your iPhone has no video capture ability at all.

My N95 can playback MP3, AAC, M4A, WAV, and WMA audio formats.

Your iPhone only does MP3, AAC, WAV, and iTunes (I can download iTuens to my phone, by the way).

My N95 will do video playback in MPEG-4, .m4v, H.264/AVC, H.263/3GPP, RealVideo 8/9/10, and WMV.

You iPhone will only do H.264, MPEG-4,.m4v, and .mov.

My N95 is 99mm x 53mm x 20.5mm and masses 128g.

You iPhone is 115mm x 62.1mm x 13.5mm and masses 133g.

My phone can also use all of your phone's networks and some yours can't.

But hey, you got a touch screen and an apple logo...
I was afraid of the dark when I was young. "Don't be afraid, my son," my mother would always say. "The child-eating night goblins can smell fear." Bitch... - Kreepy Kat
_Boaz & Lidia
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Post by _Boaz & Lidia »

Sour grapes Angus?

It just pisses you off to see a device that you will never own, get sooo much attention and fanfare.

Remember when Apple came out with the original iMac that was missing the floppy? People like you scoffed at them then.

If the iPhone is such a POS, then why are the others failing over each other trying to get something to compete against it? Because Apple is a trend setter.

Anyone see the gawd awful Sprint Instinct? Hideous.
_Angus McAwesome
Posts: 579
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:32 pm

Post by _Angus McAwesome »

Boaz & Lidia wrote:It just pisses you off to see a device that you will never own, get sooo much attention and fanfare.

Once again I see you little Apple Whores can't argue against the N95 being a much more capable phone then the iPhone 3G. Instead I get more BS about how a product you can buy at any AT&T wireless retailer in the US for $200 is some how "exclusive".

Boaz & Lidia wrote:Remember when Apple came out with the original iMac that was missing the floppy? People like you scoffed at them then.

You mean people have always laughed at Apple's products for not being as capable as competing products? Ya don't say...

Boaz & Lidia wrote:If the iPhone is such a POS, then why are the others failing over each other trying to get something to compete against it?

Who's falling over each other to make a competing product? Nokia had a phone out that can do MORE then the iPhone 3G for over a year now, so has Blackberry, so has Samsung, and so has Motorola. If anything Apple has been scrambling to try and keep up.

Boaz & Lidia wrote:Because Apple is a trend setter.

Really? Nokia released the N95 in March of 2007, able to use WCDMA(HSDPA) and EDGE. Apple released the first iPhone, which was a much less capable phone, until June 2007. The iPhone 3G, able to use UTMS/HSDPA didn't come out until a year and month later. Apple isn't trend setting at all.

Boaz & Lidia wrote:Anyone see the gawd awful Sprint Instinct? Hideous.

That's Samsung for you. You'd be better of with an first gen iPhone then with a Samsung M800. That phone is absolute crap.
I was afraid of the dark when I was young. "Don't be afraid, my son," my mother would always say. "The child-eating night goblins can smell fear." Bitch... - Kreepy Kat
_Bond...James Bond
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Post by _Bond...James Bond »

*Bond's junk shrivels as he looks at his crappy samsung phone that doesn't even have internet access...then regroups and realizes he hates gadgets anyway. Email for life.*
"Whatever appears to be against the Book of Mormon is going to be overturned at some time in the future. So we can be pretty open minded."-charity 3/7/07
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Post by _Ren »

To be honest, it's all been 'style over substance' ever since this bad boy:


Ultimate phone / weapon combo...
_Angus McAwesome
Posts: 579
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:32 pm

Post by _Angus McAwesome »

RenegadeOfPhunk wrote:To be honest, it's all been 'style over substance' ever since this bad boy:

snip image

See, until a few years ago most phone designs were about functionality instead of form. These days most people don't seem to care if their phone (or pretty much anything else they buy) is the most capable product they can get for their money as long as it's pretty and shiny. Those people I usually refer to as "morons".

RenegadeOfPhunk wrote:Ultimate phone / weapon combo...

Fun thing I learned to do radio repair school: take an old cell phone like that, some aluminum foil, and about after about ten minutes of tinkering you could cook a hotdog at ten feet with one. And people would put that next to their brain.
I was afraid of the dark when I was young. "Don't be afraid, my son," my mother would always say. "The child-eating night goblins can smell fear." Bitch... - Kreepy Kat
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