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Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:17 pm
by Some Schmo
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:29 pm
That said, and for Ajax’s benefit I’ll state unequivocally the thieves are thieves, and anyone abetting it probably should lose their jobs and be charged with ‘accessory after the fact’. The thieves should be arrested and incarcerated. The city should be held liable for damages since they created the situation through policy that set the stage for this. In fact, and here’s my inner fascist coming out, I’d flog the thieves publicly*. What can I say? I’ve been the victim of robbery and theft, I think, six times off the top of my head and it’s a crime that victimizes you every time you relive it, so I have zero sympathy for them.
This is the thing. Of course you and I and most decent human beings believe that theft is wrong. Half the reason I never say anything about these kinds of complaints is because it's obvious it's wrong. I mean, no crap, right?

They know this on the right, and so they bring crap like this up to condemn people who they think have a different ideology, as though and handful of citizens looting is reflective of that ideology. But we know it's insincere and nothing more than a tactic, because if they really cared about theft or the legality of anything, they never would have supported Trump.

But it's not about the theft, or any other crime. It's about their idiotic "ideology." I read Gad's post as commentary on that phenomenon.

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:19 pm
by Gadianton
I understand whataboutism, and it might have been better to start out acknowledging the opening post mean acknowledge a post by the poop guy? I responded based on the post title and even that was too generous, I should have left it as "what about jan 6?" but didn't think of it.

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:25 pm
by Some Schmo
Gadianton wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:19 pm
I understand whataboutism, and it might have been better to start out acknowledging the opening post mean acknowledge a post by the poop guy? I responded based on the post title and even that was too generous, I should have left it as "what about jan 6?" but didn't think of it.

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:47 pm
by canpakes
Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:16 pm
canpakes wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:08 pm

Reminds me of how we initially titled land in this country.

Not defending anyone; just pointing out that this sort of behavior has a long and proud history.
Does that mean it’s ok to loot a gallon of milk as long as the looter replaces it with 2 ounces of rancid butter?
I think that ratio is off. It needs to be closer to a half-pound of rancid butter. And only if the power is off in the looted store, which would have led to the milk spoiling.

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:53 pm
by Res Ipsa
canpakes wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:47 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:16 pm

Does that mean it’s ok to loot a gallon of milk as long as the looter replaces it with 2 ounces of rancid butter?
I think that ratio is off. It needs to be closer to a half-pound of rancid butter. And only if the power is off in the looted store, which would have led to the milk spoiling.
I don’t know about that. Have you spent much time on a reservation?

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:11 pm
by ajax18
ETA: I think you’re over-generalizing what Waters said. There are looters that walk off with TVs and Stereos, and jewelry, etc. Although they are “looters,” they clearly aren’t who she was talking about. If your kids were starving or had no shoes, and for whatever reason, you didn’t have the means to buy food or shoes, what wouldn’t you do for your kids? What Waters is talking about is feeling compassion for and mercy toward people in a very specific situation. To brand her as pro-looting would be a serious misrepresentation of what she said.
That's kind of an odd statement to make when responding to the Rodney King riots that killed nearly 63 people and left billions of dollars in property damage. How many people were killed during the Jan. 6 capital riot which amounted to nothing more than trespassing for most that have been left to rot in a third world separate prison without a trial until after the midterm elections? How much time will any of these "smash and grab," (since using the word loot is racist) spend in a separate third world prison? And yet the media has no problem with cutting clips of Donald Trump's comments and taking it out of context. Donald Trump clearly said to go down peacefully and make our voices heard.

And you know you're right. I don't really care about what you do on the left coast, especially if you're willing to fund your insanity with your own tax dollars. As conservatives we respect your right to selectively enforce the law. All I ask is that you don't import the political ideology that makes California and New York what they are now into my part of the country and maybe take back some leftists who don't belong in Florida, Texas, GA, or VA. If you could just do that, there would be no need for a conflict.

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 12:01 am
by canpakes
Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:53 pm
canpakes wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:47 pm

I think that ratio is off. It needs to be closer to a half-pound of rancid butter. And only if the power is off in the looted store, which would have led to the milk spoiling.
I don’t know about that. Have you spent much time on a reservation?
Only inadvertently.

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 12:11 am
by canpakes
ajax18 wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:11 pm
for most that have been left to rot in a third world separate prison . . .
ajax, that’s fiction. You know it. If not then you could provide some chilling details of the horrifying conditions within these ‘third world separate prisons’ that would back up that sort of crazy talk.

And yet the media has no problem with cutting clips of Donald Trump's comments and taking it out of context. Donald Trump clearly said to go down peacefully and make our voices heard.
He also said ‘fight like hell’. He used the word ‘fight’ or ‘fighting’ 20 times.

The word ‘peacefully’ was used once.

Seems that the person most guilty of editing and presenting Trump out of context would be you.

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:59 am
by ajax18
ajax, that’s fiction. You know it. If not then you could provide some chilling details of the horrifying conditions within these ‘third world separate prisons’ that would back up that sort of crazy talk.
Solitary confinement. 23-hour lockdown. Denied access to lawyers, religious services, even personal hygiene. For this podcast, Lisa exposes the egregious ways in which Jan. 6 defendants are being mistreated. Many of those detained didn’t even enter the Capitol, let alone commit acts of violence or vandalize property. Yet their own government is treating them as enemy combatants. Indeed, we are witnessing President Biden’s Justice Department rounding up and abusing American citizens for their political beliefs. Lisa’s guest to discuss this critically important issue is Julie Kelly, a political commentator and senior contributor to American Greatness. Julie’s reporting and commentary provide the single most insightful and comprehensive examination of what happened in the aftermath of Jan. 6 — the Feds’ ruthless prosecution, the mistreatment of detainees, and what all this means for our country enduring as a free society. ... lie-kelly/

Do you realize Kyle Rittenhouse didn't have running water in jail for 25 days?
And yet the media has no problem with cutting clips of Donald Trump's comments and taking it out of context. Donald Trump clearly said to go down peacefully and make our voices heard.
He also said ‘fight like hell’. He used the word ‘fight’ or ‘fighting’ 20 times.

The word ‘peacefully’ was used once.

Seems that the person most guilty of editing and presenting Trump out of context would be you.
I can't believe youtube still allowed this but here it is.

Was Bernie Sanders ever held accountable for stirring up the men that shot Steve Scalise?

Re: Thieves now mock the rule of law in “progressive” cities like San Francisco

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 2:51 am
by K Graham
Ajax has been shown to be a bald face liar on several occasions this week as his precious Brietbart was debunked as quickly as he posted their nonsense any now he's relying on bald assertions from freaking NEWT GINGRICH! :roll:

Also, Rittenhouse spoke to Carlson of a jail cell he likened to “a one-star hotel,” where he had a mobile phone and tablet with wi-fi, but allegedly no running water?

Also, Trump's speech included many subtext messages like, "When you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules." Really? So wouldn't a peaceful protest be abiding to normal rules? What Trump had in mind was far different, hence his tirade as well as "trial by combat" type remarks from other GOP idiots speaking at his pre-insurrection event.

Is it logical to think a "peaceful protest" would accomplish anything Trump insisted had to happen that day?

"We're gathered together in the heart of our nation's Capitol for one very, very basic and simple reason, to save our democracy."

"We will not let them silence your voices. We're not going to let it happen. Not going to let it happen."

"Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that's what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal."

"That's what they've done and what they're doing. We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved."

"Let them get out. Let the weak ones get out. This is a time for strength....It's all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy and the American people to finally standing up and saying, 'No.' This crowd is again a testament to it."

"You will have an illegitimate president, that's what you'll have. And we can't let that happen."