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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:45 pm
by Alphus and Omegus
Trump supporters are in a personality cult run by a dim-witted con artist.

And they are so gullible and foolish that a guy has been making and selling "Trumpy Bear" toys since 2017.

Needless to say, Trump is literally the only major politician in history to inspire such embarrassing devotion. My guess is that Wallaby only reads far right media sources, so he's never seen his side's far more egregious and extreme behavior.

Here's a pic of Trump Bear and a link detailing the history of the scam, including the fact that it's made in China:

Image ... -in-china/

Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:51 pm
by Chap
Omigosh! I thought this was some kind of joke about Trump, but is is the literal truth:

‘Losing the plot’: Trump mocked after announcing superhero card collection
Cards cost ‘only $99 each’ and ‘would make a great Christmas gift’, said former president in video as he made ‘major announcement’

The Guardian, Thu 15 Dec 2022 18.02 GMT

Donald Trump walked into a comic book universe of internet mockery on Thursday, when in a carefully trailed announcement he introduced his “official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card” collection with a picture of himself in superhero costume, cape and “Trump Champion” belt.
“Just when you thought this grifter couldn’t humiliate himself any more than he already has,” wrote John Kiriakou, a CIA whistleblower turned author, “there’s this. THIS is what the big announcement was.”

On Wednesday, Trump used his Truth Social media platform – set up after he was thrown off Twitter for inciting the Capitol attack – to trail a “major announcement”.
In what with hindsight appeared a clue that the forthcoming announcement might not be in the traditionally dignified vein of statements from former presidents, that video featured Trump saying “America needs a superhero” over an animation of himself standing outside Trump Tower, ripping open his suit to reveal a superhero costume and shooting lasers from his eyes.

Some social media users thought Trump might announce a bid to be speaker of the US House, an outlandish if theoretically possible gambit pushed by some rightwing Republicans.
Others wondered if Trump was attempting to ape the “Dark Brandon” internet meme, in which Joe Biden – who beat Trump resoundingly at the ballot box in 2020 – is shown as a super-competent comic book figure with laser vision.

But when the announcement came on Thursday, Trump said he was merely offering supporters “limited edition cards featur[ing] amazing ART of my Life & Career”, which he promised would prove “very much like a baseball card but hopefully much more exciting”.
“GET YOUR CARDS NOW!” the 76-year-old former president commanded, above the picture of himself standing in a ring for boxing or wrestling, muscles rippling under a red leotard and wearing high blue boots emblazoned with “45” (his presidential number) and an American flag as a cape.

The cards, the declared candidate for the Republican nomination in 2024 said, cost “Only $99 each” and “would make a great Christmas gift”.
“Don’t Wait,” Trump added. “They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!”

Trump’s need for funds has increased recently, amid unprecedented legal jeopardy over his business and political affairs.
He has also taken a battering in polls regarding the GOP nomination in 2024, slipping behind the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, in surveys carried out by USA Today, CNN and the Wall Street Journal.

On Thursday, amid widespread mockery, Santiago Mayer, executive director of Voters Tomorrow, wrote: “Donald Trump’s major announcement is that he’s selling his own Pokémon cards.”
Ginger Gibson, senior Washington editor for NBC Digital, wrote: “Donald Trump’s ‘major announcement’ appears to be that he still thinks people will give him $99 when he asks.”

Sarah Rumpf, a contributing editor to Mediate, a media watchdog, said: “This is somehow hilariously dumber than even I had expected.”
Philip Bump, a Washington Post columnist, said Trump was “losing the plot”.
Rick Wilson, of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, said: “Major Trump embarrassment, more like, amirite?”

Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 8:02 pm
by Morley
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:31 pm

$100 for an image I just downloaded for free. This’ll be a good litmus test with regard to how culty these people are.

- Doc

Alphus and Omegus wrote:
Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:09 pm
The only people dumb enough to buy this scam are too old to figure out how to do so.


Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 8:14 pm
by canpakes
Chap wrote:
Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:51 pm
Ginger Gibson, senior Washington editor for NBC Digital, wrote: “Donald Trump’s ‘major announcement’ appears to be that he still thinks people will give him $99 when he asks.”

Oh, there are still busloads of those folks around.

Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:51 pm
by Doctor Steuss
Are these at least NFTs? Or is it literally you pay to download a picture that can be passed around, copied, etc., indefinitely, reducing its collectable value (if there be any) into an infinity of fractional digits?

Also, 8 out of 10 for the cod piece, but 0 out of 10 for lack of super armor nipples. Also, why did they incorporate Putin into the facial composite?

ETA: Answered my own question about NFTs. They are. 45,000 are issued (currently), bringing the Trump-hopeful haul to $4,455,000.

Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:06 pm
by Res Ipsa
And a couple of other fun facts. The money is going to a limited liability entity created in Delaware. That means the public cannot find out who owns it. But Trump has employed similar Delaware entities in his business lots of times, so I'd bet good money he is the sole owner. This way, if he gets hit for fines or damages or even back taxes, the money from the NFT scheme will be insulated (probably).

Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:22 pm
by Kishkumen
I don’t know. There are different kinds of cults.

Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:36 pm
by Moksha
A major announcement of Grift: $100 dollar Trump cards!!! Think of that when one of the conservative talking heads attack anything else. Their values are based on a house of Trump Cards.

You shall worship me and be grifted!

Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:38 pm
by Dr Exiled
DeSantis has to be weighing on him. He's younger, more articulate and not a jackass. So, get some coin while the sheep still believe.

Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:45 pm
by Doctor Steuss
The video announcement is everything I could ever hope an SNL sketch to be: YouTube Link