Will Hunter Biden Walk?

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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:01 pm
The vast majority of what you describe as the deep state are good folks trying to do their best for the country who refused to put Trump’s greed and lust for power and acclaim ahead of the good of the country.
You mean the good of 3rd world illegal immigrants, the CCP, and the globalist oligarchs. Unlike most uniparty billionaires, Donald Trump has sacrificed his fortune and freedom to take back the rights of working class American people with his America first agenda. Censoring conservative political speech, lawfare, election interference, taking his name off the ballot, is the antithesis of the 1st amendment and representative US democracy.
You’re killing me here. Donald Trump hasn’t lifted a finger for anyone other than Donald Trump in his life. He’s cheated thousands of hard working Americans by refusing to pay his bills and then declaring “lawfare” on honest, working class Americans until they drowned in a sea of lawyers. He reneges on promises to donate to charities. He steals from charities he’s involved with. He defrauded thousands of Americans with a phony University. He used the position of President of the United States as his personal piggy bank. He isn’t even paying his own attorney fees even though he claims to be worth, what, 7 billion dollars? I’d be shocked if he’s spent more on defense lawyers than he made from using the Presidency to Hoover up cash.

He hurt working class Americans by taxing them through tariffs and lying about who was paying them. He gave the rich huge tax breaks, which they’ve been using to buy and sell each other huge portfolios of private homes, driving up housing costs for ordinary Americans.

Trump tells you what he wants to hear, but he’d scrape you off his shoe like a piece of dog crap. He’s happy to sell you an overpriced bauble made in China, but if you went to dinner with him, he’d stick you with the bill. He’d turn his cult of thugs on you, Ajax, if he thought there was a nickel in it for him.

As for your list of offenses, you’re for every one of them, as long as the victim is poor, black or brown, or a Democrat. While you whine about decisions made by private companies on what speech they will amass will not allow on their services, your cult of thugs is actively passing laws to throw doctors, teachers and others for speaking. Despite all your bluster about election fraud, the vast majority of actual fraud in the 2020 election was committed by Rs who had been deceived by Right Wing media propaganda that they needed to do so because Ds were going to cheat.

While the Dems are focused on giving every American the ability to participate in our Democracy, the Groupies of Putin target likely D voters and do everything in their power to stop them from participating. At CPAC, Trump’s cult of thugs made their goal clear: End democracy in America. I read Heritage’s Project 2020 - The blueprint for turning the US into a Stalinist Soviet Union.

You’ve bought into a con — one that will milk you and then kick you and your family to the curb. That’s how cons work.
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Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:36 pm
Gadianton wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 4:21 pm

Suppose someone who had been stranded on a desert island for the last 20 years is rescued and this person, who was a political independent in their 20s at the time they were lost, has no idea what's goin' on in American politics. It's between you and Res Ipsa to get them up to speed. Do you really think this person should believe you over Res just because you repeat the same lines about global oligarchs and the deep state, without any details or facts to back anything up, over Res's very thoughtful and researched positions?

I realize Res can go on at length on a number of topics at the same time, but, you don't have to respond to everything. You could find one thing that he's very wrong about and bring the facts to light that he's either missed or willfully misrepresented. The thing is, we know you're very angry at the Deep State and the global oligarchs, but we don't know anything about these people -- it's a black box that magically justifies whatever position you want to take at the time.
I'm just saying that the left's idea of preserving democracy is to weaponize the justice system against their political opponents. Do you not see a contradiction in that? We believe people have the right to vote, but only if they vote for the candidate we agree with.
It’s amazing to see how many “big lies” one human can fall for. There’s a history to attempts to turn the DOJ into a political weapon. The most serious in my memory was during George W. Bush’s presidency. For a time, nonpolitical positions in the DOJ were screened for political affiliation, and conservatives were preferentially hired. It was a huge scandal, with lots of resignations.

Ajax can’t point to a comparable effort by democrats.

The hilarious part of Ajax’s leftist deep state claim is both law enforcement and prosecutors skew conservative. It’s not been unusual for a D president have an R attorney general and/or FBI director. The reverse case rarely happens.

That doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Since Watergate, the DOJ has developed an ethos of administering justice without political bias. That’s the “deep state” Ajax is mostly talking about. Lots of them he complains about are politically on the right, but honor the commitment not to base investigation and enforcement on politics. When they don’t prosecute someone Ajax hates, he dismisses these men and women who are doing the job they were supposed to do as RINO’s. It is only because of these folks that Trump was unable to perform a military coup to overturn the results of a free and fair election.

Donald Trump is facing criminal charges because grand juries of American citizens found there was probable cause that he had committed crimes. A special prosecutor from outside the federal government is in charge of those cases. There is plenty of evidence in each that he broke the law.

The criminal investigation of Hunter Biden was initiated by Donald Trump. He was criminally charged during the Biden administration by a Trump appointed AG. When that AG asked to be appointed Special Prosecutor (as it turns out to investigate Russian disinformation accusing Hunter and Joe Biden of taking bribes), it was given by a D attorney general appointed by Joe Biden, no questions asked. Despite the bleating of the GOP clown car, all the evidence is that the President and the USAG have been completely hands off.

Meanwhile, the GOP has pulled out all the stops to politicize Hunter’s prosecution. They inflamed the very flammable Trump Cult thugs into threatening violence against prosecutors and judges. They publicly released confidential tax information with impunity, despite the fact that there is a guy rotting in jail right now for doing the same with Trump’s returns.

What’s really going on is right wing media is feeding its usual combination of lies and part truths to Ajax and telling him who should be thrown in jail and who should not. Then, when reality doesn’t match the garbage propaganda he’s been lapping up, he shrieks “Lawfare” and “political persecution.”

He rages about Ron Sussman, even though an R Special prosecutor who knew before he investigated that the Clinton campaign was guilty of something charged and tried Sussman, who was found by a jury to be not guilty. Despite failing at two out of three criminal prosecutions, he filed a report with a bunch of wrongdoing he just knew must have happened, but couldn’t find evidence for. Had he done such a thing to Putin in Russia, he’d be dead in a jail cell or degenerated. As far as I know, he’s just fine and isn’t claiming any kind of political retaliation.

Or how about the R Special counsel who couldn’t find evidence on which to bring a criminal charge over Biden’s treatment of documents, but, with no psychological expertise, went on to pass judgment on Biden’s mental condition. Is he in jail? Been pushed out a window?

Two points. Can Ajax point to anything comparable to a report by a D special counsel that found no grounds for criminal charges, but included these kind of political attacks in their reports? How could such reports be published in a DOJ being welded by D’s as a political weapon? These and many other examples clearly show the Big Lie that Ajax has swallowed and continually parrots.

Second, in the grim dystopia he claims exists, either these reports would never have been published and both authors would be imprisoned or dead.

All this could be shrugged off as nonsense except for the fact that this Big Lie is being used as justification for Trump and his cult of thugs to make Ajax’s imaginary dystopia real, with Trump as dictator. That’s the plan. Trump can’t stop running his mouth about it to save his life. And the Heritage Foundation spells it out in black and white.

Here’s the main difference between me and Ajax. I don’t think the government should silence him. I don’t think he and his family should be threatened with violence. I don’t think the government should take away his right to vote or make it more difficult for him to vote. I don’t think the government should throw him in jail for giving his patients medical advice that meets the standard of care for his profession.

He may protest that he abhors violence. But he throws his lot in with thugs that absolutely use violence and threats to get what they could not get through the Democratic process.

And I will call it out for what it is when I see it.
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Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by ajax18 »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:28 am
ajax18 wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:01 pm
You mean the good of 3rd world illegal immigrants, the CCP, and the globalist oligarchs. Unlike most uniparty billionaires, Donald Trump has sacrificed his fortune and freedom to take back the rights of working class American people with his America first agenda. Censoring conservative political speech, lawfare, election interference, taking his name off the ballot, is the antithesis of the 1st amendment and representative US democracy.
You’re killing me here. Donald Trump hasn’t lifted a finger for anyone other than Donald Trump in his life. He’s cheated thousands of hard working Americans by refusing to pay his bills and then declaring “lawfare” on honest, working class Americans until they drowned in a sea of lawyers. He reneges on promises to donate to charities. He steals from charities he’s involved with. He defrauded thousands of Americans with a phony University. He used the position of President of the United States as his personal piggy bank. He isn’t even paying his own attorney fees even though he claims to be worth, what, 7 billion dollars? I’d be shocked if he’s spent more on defense lawyers than he made from using the Presidency to Hoover up cash.

He hurt working class Americans by taxing them through tariffs and lying about who was paying them. He gave the rich huge tax breaks, which they’ve been using to buy and sell each other huge portfolios of private homes, driving up housing costs for ordinary Americans.

Trump tells you what he wants to hear, but he’d scrape you off his shoe like a piece of dog crap. He’s happy to sell you an overpriced bauble made in China, but if you went to dinner with him, he’d stick you with the bill. He’d turn his cult of thugs on you, Ajax, if he thought there was a nickel in it for him.

As for your list of offenses, you’re for every one of them, as long as the victim is poor, black or brown, or a Democrat. While you whine about decisions made by private companies on what speech they will amass will not allow on their services, your cult of thugs is actively passing laws to throw doctors, teachers and others for speaking. Despite all your bluster about election fraud, the vast majority of actual fraud in the 2020 election was committed by Rs who had been deceived by Right Wing media propaganda that they needed to do so because Ds were going to cheat.

While the Dems are focused on giving every American the ability to participate in our Democracy, the Groupies of Putin target likely D voters and do everything in their power to stop them from participating. At CPAC, Trump’s cult of thugs made their goal clear: End democracy in America. I read Heritage’s Project 2020 - The blueprint for turning the US into a Stalinist Soviet Union.

You’ve bought into a con — one that will milk you and then kick you and your family to the curb. That’s how cons work.
Trump didn't let us down when he was in office the last time. He wasn't a closet New York liberal as many claimed in the primary.

Look at what happened to Paul Manafort for failing to fill out a FARA form. He was bankrupted and made a political prisoner. He would have spent the rest of his life in prison had Trump not been in power to pardon him. Among Hunter Biden's many crimes, he also failed to fill out a FARA form. And yet he was never charged nor is this crime even being talked about.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:19 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:28 am
Look at what happened to Paul Manafort for failing to fill out a FARA form. He was bankrupted and made a political prisoner. He would have spent the rest of his life in prison had Trump not been in power to pardon him. Among Hunter Biden's many crimes, he also failed to fill out a FARA form. And yet he was never charged nor is this crime even being talked about.
Are you talking about the man who lied to investigators (under a Republican-led DoJ), and committed tax evasion, bank fraud, and money laundering totaling ~ 18 criminal charges including 5 falsifications of income tax returns, 4 failures to file foreign bank account reports, 4 counts of bank fraud, and 5 counts of bank fraud conspiracy? That man?

Why do you lie, Ajax?

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by Res Ipsa »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:57 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:19 pm

Look at what happened to Paul Manafort for failing to fill out a FARA form. He was bankrupted and made a political prisoner. He would have spent the rest of his life in prison had Trump not been in power to pardon him. Among Hunter Biden's many crimes, he also failed to fill out a FARA form. And yet he was never charged nor is this crime even being talked about.
Are you talking about the man who lied to investigators (under a Republican-led DoJ), and committed tax evasion, bank fraud, and money laundering totaling ~ 18 criminal charges including 5 falsifications of income tax returns, 4 failures to file foreign bank account reports, 4 counts of bank fraud, and 5 counts of bank fraud conspiracy? That man?

Why do you lie, Ajax?

- Doc
A quick review of Manafort's wiki page shows how obvious these lies are.

"He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud."

"Manafort entered into a plea deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to two charges: conspiracy to defraud the United States and witness tampering."

"DC District Court judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled on February 13, 2019, that Manafort had violated his plea deal by repeatedly lying to prosecutors."

Manafort was not thrown in jail for failing to file a FARA form. There is no credible evidence that Hunter engaged in political activity on behalf of foreign interests, so he was not required to register as a foreign lobbyist. There is no requirement to register as a foreign lobbyist in order to do business with a foreign company, which is what Hunter was doing (or trying to do).
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Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by Doctor Steuss »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:19 pm
Trump didn't let us down when he was in office the last time. He wasn't a closet New York liberal as many claimed in the primary.
He decreased legal immigration while increasing illegal immigration, he blew up the deficit, he unilaterally implemented billions in taxes and economic losses for average working people, he bankrupted a huge swath of the American oil industry, he crippled our refining capacity, helped North Korea become more powerful, allowed American citizens to be attacked on American soil in our nation's capital by foreign thugs, and made us into an international laughing stock.

That seems like a bit of a let down to me. But I guess your mileage may vary.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by ajax18 »

Are you talking about the man who lied to investigators (under a Republican-led DoJ), and committed tax evasion, bank fraud, and money laundering totaling ~ 18 criminal charges including 5 falsifications of income tax returns, 4 failures to file foreign bank account reports, 4 counts of bank fraud, and 5 counts of bank fraud conspiracy? That man?
The only reason they went after Manafort was to get him to lie about Trump as part of the Russian collusion hoax. Manafort did have to lie about his guilt. He stood no chance being Republican in the courtroom of Obama judicial appointees and a DC jury pool. Paul had already been bankrupted with legal fees and pleading guilty to crimes he didn't commit was the only path he had left. That's an amazing amount of loyalty Manafort showed. If he would have been willing to bear false witness against Trump like Cohen was willing to do, he could have avoided the entire ordeal. None of this was even on the FBI's radar until Manafort took a job as Trump's campaign manager. That's weaponization of the justice department against your political opponents.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by ajax18 »

Trump is being charged criminally in New York by the esteemed Alvin Bragg for not publicly revealing to everyone he paid hush money to a pornstar he had an affair with because that would kind of defeat the purpose of paying hush money. Do you think the Bidens or the Clintons publicly documented hush money payments on their taxes? You think Hunter Biden hasn't made unwanted sexual advances. All it would take is for an 80 year old woman to report a hazy memory of such 30 years ago to result in him being taken to court and bankrupted whether he did it or not. Of course that would never happen, even if you held the hearing in Nashville, TN. You can't deny that we live in a partisan political justice system where discrimination based upon political affiliation is rampant and encouraged.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:26 pm
Are you talking about the man who lied to investigators (under a Republican-led DoJ), and committed tax evasion, bank fraud, and money laundering totaling ~ 18 criminal charges including 5 falsifications of income tax returns, 4 failures to file foreign bank account reports, 4 counts of bank fraud, and 5 counts of bank fraud conspiracy? That man?
The only reason they went after Manafort was to get him to lie about Trump as part of the Russian collusion hoax. Manafort did have to lie about his guilt. He stood no chance being Republican in the courtroom of Obama judicial appointees and a DC jury pool. Paul had already been bankrupted with legal fees and pleading guilty to crimes he didn't commit was the only path he had left. That's an amazing amount of loyalty Manafort showed. If he would have been willing to bear false witness against Trump like Cohen was willing to do, he could have avoided the entire ordeal. None of this was even on the FBI's radar until Manafort took a job as Trump's campaign manager. That's weaponization of the justice department against your political opponents.
Do you ever tire of lying, Ajax?

Firstly, Manafort was investigated and charged for financial crimes that predated his involvement with the Trump campaign, and his guilt was established through evidence, not coercion.

Secondly, there is no evidence to support the claim that Manafort was forced to lie about Trump or that his legal troubles were due to his political affiliation. Additionally, Michael Cohen's cooperation with authorities was voluntary, not coerced. The assertion that the FBI's investigation was solely triggered by Manafort's role in the Trump campaign is unfounded; the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election began before Manafort joined the campaign.

Thirdly, Manafort was already bankrupt in 2016. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's longtime bookkeeper testified Thursday that Manafort was in serious financial trouble in 2016 after his lobbying business dried up, and he and his deputy Rick Gates sent several fake, inflated income business statements to banks (see: #1).

Finally, the notion of weaponing the DoJ against political opponents lacks credible evidence and overlooks the independent nature of law enforcement agencies, as Res Ipsa has tirelessly pointed out to you.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Will Hunter Biden Walk?

Post by Res Ipsa »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:39 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:26 pm
The only reason they went after Manafort was to get him to lie about Trump as part of the Russian collusion hoax. Manafort did have to lie about his guilt. He stood no chance being Republican in the courtroom of Obama judicial appointees and a DC jury pool. Paul had already been bankrupted with legal fees and pleading guilty to crimes he didn't commit was the only path he had left. That's an amazing amount of loyalty Manafort showed. If he would have been willing to bear false witness against Trump like Cohen was willing to do, he could have avoided the entire ordeal. None of this was even on the FBI's radar until Manafort took a job as Trump's campaign manager. That's weaponization of the justice department against your political opponents.
Do you ever tire of lying, Ajax?

Firstly, Manafort was investigated and charged for financial crimes that predated his involvement with the Trump campaign, and his guilt was established through evidence, not coercion.

Secondly, there is no evidence to support the claim that Manafort was forced to lie about Trump or that his legal troubles were due to his political affiliation. Additionally, Michael Cohen's cooperation with authorities was voluntary, not coerced. The assertion that the FBI's investigation was solely triggered by Manafort's role in the Trump campaign is unfounded; the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election began before Manafort joined the campaign.

Thirdly, Manafort was already bankrupt in 2016. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's longtime bookkeeper testified Thursday that Manafort was in serious financial trouble in 2016 after his lobbying business dried up, and he and his deputy Rick Gates sent several fake, inflated income business statements to banks (see: #1).

Finally, the notion of weaponing the DoJ against political opponents lacks credible evidence and overlooks the independent nature of law enforcement agencies, as Res Ipsa has tirelessly pointed out to you.

- Doc
Tens of millions of poor, black and brown people, experience just what Ajax describes: having to take plea deals because they can't afford to hire skilled, private criminal lawyers. But he thinks that's because they're all guilty. But when the law is enforced against white, conservative, middle and upper class men who can afford fancy lawyers, surprisingly, they're all innocent victims. Well, unless they're democrats.

Paul Manafort worked for Russian interests before he joined the campaign. He helped pro-Russian factions in Ukraine win elections and hold on to power. He saw an opportunity to continue working for those interests when Trump launched his campaign. He put on a full-court press through friends to get on the campaign and work for free. He let his contacts know that he was working for the campaign and discussed opportunities for him to help them through his access to Trump. Using campaign polling data, he devised a plan to win the election by raising Clinton's negatives among certain identifiable, targetable, segments of the voting public. He passed on polling data and other information, which could then be used by the massive online troll farm that Russian Intelligence was using to attack Clinton and support Trump. Even after he left the campaign, he continued to pass along this kind of information. The Senate Intelligence Committee found in a bipartisan report on Russia's actions to influence the 2016 election that Manafort's primary contact throughout and after the election was a Russian Intelligence Agent.

He never stopped working for the Russians he had worked for in connection with Ukraine. He committed financial crimes, which he was convicted of at trial. He made a plea deal on other charges, and then was caught lying to prosecutors about his foreign contacts. He didn't care because Trump was publicly dangling pardons.

We'll never know whether or how much Trump knew about what Manafort was up to, because Trump pardoned the lawbreakers most likely to know the inside scoop.
When I go to sea, don’t fear for me. Fear for the storm.

Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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