Fat - Be - Gone

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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Tinfoilhat »

canpakes wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 6:17 pm
Tinfoilhat wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:49 pm
I'm not limiting ceeboo.
If you’re suggesting that he can’t sometimes put a fork down, then you might be.

I agree with Atlanticmike that a lot of the posters on this board aren't taking into consideration the huge psychological impact changing up your diet can have, even just a little bit. If I remember correctly, Atlanticmike suggested not changing any diet at all the first month, just start walking for atleast an hour and a half the first month.

You’re consistent in your advice; that’s good. And a walking habit is definitely going to help! But, if you’re talking about psychological hurdles, asking a generally sedentary person to suddenly start walking 1.5 miles a day may also be a bit of a psychological hurdle. ; )

Usually that will on average will end up being a 8 to 10lbs weight loss. Then, very very slowly make changes to your diet. I also liked AMs idea wearing a vest or belt and adding weight as the pounds start melting off.

At about 1.5 hours, that’s around 400-450 calories each day. That will be around 4 pounds a month. A good start. But, that 450 calories can also be eliminated by not eating one bagel with some schmear. And not eating something takes no time at all. So both methods can be combined.

I've never met AM so I couldn't tell you if he has a pot belly or not. But after reading a lot of his post he probably smokes pot while posting, why else would he come across as totally high!🤗

Just watch that extra bagel, and you can get back 1.5 hours of your life. : D
I disagree. I think walking 1.5 hours 3 to 4 times a week adds time to your life.
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by canpakes »

Tinfoilhat wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 6:29 pm
I disagree. I think walking 1.5 hours 3 to 4 times a week adds time to your life.
No, time works differently than that. : )

But you can use the time for some other things. I read or listen to stuff while walking.

One could also use it to walk to the pizza shop, and to eat a large single-topping on the return leg home.
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Chap »

canpakes wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 6:31 pm
One could also use it to walk to the pizza shop, and to eat a large single-topping on the return leg home.
Sorry to be boring people.

But don't eat between meals. And bring your kids up that way too.

There is a difference between hungry and greedy.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Xenophon »

Just a little bump. Reminder to ceebs and anyone else maybe following along at home. Even if you don't check in here, make sure you check in with yourself. Changing habits is HARD!!! You'll need to make small adjustments, evaluate what works for you, adapt from that. That can only happen if you have honest, introspective conversations with yourself (a tip on this, write it down, just letting your thoughts float around isn't as helpful as structuring them in some physical form).

Another generic tip that I'm not sure we've covered much if at all. Getting a good night's sleep is a fairly critical portion of your health. It helps to control urges, allows your body the time to heal and recover from the day, plus feeling refreshed is just nice. Remember that what constitutes "enough" sleep varies from person to person. I had the most success focusing on my sleep hygiene practices; no afternoon caffeine, less/no screen time a few hours before bed, establishing a routine, not using alcohol as a sleep aide, and so forth really helped me.

I know that there is a fair amount of privledge considerations when talking about sleep, as various life demands cause conflict with what is "best" for your body. Just do your best and tackle it with the same baby steps you are leveraging in the other aspects of your health.

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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by canpakes »

Xenophon wrote:
Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:22 pm
Another generic tip that I'm not sure we've covered much if at all. Getting a good night's sleep is a fairly critical portion of your health. It helps to control urges, allows your body the time to heal and recover from the day, plus feeling refreshed is just nice. Remember that what constitutes "enough" sleep varies from person to person.
Cutting back on sleep will also affect how the body metabolizes fat . . .

https://www.asbmb.org/asbmb-today/scien ... metabolism
. . . After spending a week getting plenty of sleep at home, 15 healthy men in their 20s checked into the sleep lab for 10 nights, she said. After three nights spent establishing a baseline, the participants spent no more than five hours in bed for the next five nights. The researchers designed the schedule to resemble a work week.

To find out how this schedule affected metabolism, the researchers gave the participants a standardized high-fat dinner, a bowl of chili mac, once early in the study and again after four nights of sleep restriction.

“It was very palatable — none of our subjects had trouble finishing it — but very calorically dense,” Ness said.

Most participants felt less satisfied after eating the rich meal while sleep deprived than when they had eaten it well rested.

Then researchers compared blood samples from the participants. They found that sleep restriction affected the postprandial lipid response, leading to faster clearance of lipids from the blood after a meal. That could predispose people to put on weight.

“The lipids weren’t evaporating — they were being stored,” Buxton said.

Kelly M. Ness, Stephen M. Strayer, Nicole G. Nahmod, Margeaux M. Schade, Anne-Marie Chang, Gregory C. Shearer, Orfeu M. Buxton. Four nights of sleep restriction suppress the postprandial lipemic response and decrease satiety. Journal of Lipid Research, 2019; jlr.P094375 DOI: 10.1194/jlr.P094375
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Xenophon »

Calling all ceeboos! I hope that you and yours are well and that you’re still mindful of you goal, even if execution and expectation don’t always align (super bonus points if you actually are still executing and just choosing not to share).

I’m going to throw some thoughts down here that I’ve been stewing on for a bit. They are in part some of my journaling and some fresh off the brain things. I fully recognize that our situation is a different one than for many people. It is easy to look at thin or fit people and think they aren’t dealing with their own stuff. I share our journey only to highlight that everyone has battles, even if they are often unique, and it is nice to know we aren’t alone.

The holidays are always a very difficult time for my partner and me. We both come from a past of disordered eating and our relationship with food has been complicated over the years. She was a D1 heptathlete who spent most of her youth underweight and underfueled due to pressures from herself, her coaches and most specifically her father. I was a distance runner who naturally rests at the 140ish weight range if I just eat when my body tells me to. It is a good look if you like dudes that have a nice heroin addict vibe to them. All that leads to some tough mental battles at a time of year when the food flows freely and seems to have no end in sight. In our younger years we would say that currently we are “eating like assholes”.

But we aren’t assholes (not for that reason anyway). We’re objectively healthier and happier now than we were when our relationship with eating was very different. We no longer exercise to punish ourselves for what we ate; we do it is a celebration of what our bodies our capable of. We no longer eat at the bare minimum threshold; we now fuel ourselves to live the life we want to live. We no longer deny ourselves the pleasure that eating can bring, especially when sharing said meal with our loved ones. Don’t get it twisted, we aren’t just full-blown gorging ourselves at every turn, we still like to fill our plates with nutritious things, and we still strive to get our workouts in. However, our focus has shifted much more from stressing about what we are putting into our bodies and how many calories we are burning to one that is centered more about getting the most we can out of the life that we have.

It has been a long road of self-reflection, reframing our perspectives, of establishing meaningful goals. The journey isn’t done either as every day presents itself with new challenges and obstacles to overcome. But it is well worth the effort. I love being able to enjoy these meals with loved and also still having the energy to play with the younger kids in a way that makes me their favorite to spend time with while also still being able to do the other physical hobbies that bring me so much joy. A feat that I would not be able to manage in my younger years when I was an “endurance athlete”. I love being able to talk candidly about this journey with our loved ones and help them through their own struggles. Something I could never have earnestly done without putting the work in for myself.

So, I say all that mostly as a reminder to myself: Focus on the “why” of your journey, set your goals around those intentions, recognize that each day is a new one and past failures shouldn’t carry over, focus only on the things you can control, play it out.

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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by MeDotOrg »

At one time I weighed 210. Today I weigh 149.

I've always thought "diets" are BS. You must decrease calorie input and increase calorie output, but do it slowly over time. Don't think about losing X amount of pounds in Y amount of months. Focus on incremental change and the results will take care of themselves. In weight loss, there are plateaus, where you just seem to get stuck for a while. Don't get discouraged.

The most important thing for me was to find a form of exercise that brought me pleasure. For me it's bicycling. It's low impact, it gets you outside and it can actually be a practical way of getting around. But anything that gives you pleasure. Again, don't start with expectations about how much you should be able to do. Your body will tell you. Don't feel you have to push like training for the Olympics.

Think of weight loss not as the goal, but as the byproduct of the journey. Take incremental steps towards decreasing input and increasing output. But do it at a pace with which you are comfortable.
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by doubtingthomas »

ceeboo wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:13 am
Are there any specific things I can do to concentrate on loosing belly fat, specifically?
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by doubtingthomas »

ceeboo wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:00 am
Many thanks to all for the recent thread contributions. Much appreciated!
The majority of people who lose weight end up getting it back. Try taking Wegovy to trick your brain.
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Brack »

ceeboo wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:26 pm
Hey Brack.
Brack wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:22 pm
I weigh at about 230 pounds.
So are you happy with that? Or are you looking to loose a few? If yes, don't forget to post your "new" weight next Thursday, September 30th!

Hi Ceeboo,

I now have a girlfriend, and with having a girlfriend and it now being the Holiday season, it has been extremely difficult for me to lose any weight.
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