Biden delivers

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_Some Schmo
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _Some Schmo »

I don't think it's at all hyperbole to say this election is a matter of life and death. Trump is letting people die through negligence. We have another 9/11 every two or three days.

Whether it's on purpose or just a matter of incompetence is not as important as getting the damned baby tyrant out of the White House ASAP.
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _honorentheos »

Hi grindael,
grindael wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 4:24 pm
Thanks for the interesting thoughts, Honor. It is my humble opinion that Biden will only serve one term. That is what I believe knowing him as I do. I don't think he ever intended on running in the first place. Not really. He will then pick an African American woman to be his VP and she will go on to become the first woman president. That's how I see it. That's the set up.
That could be the case, though my instinct is to resist the idea he didn't want to run this cycle. He could very well not want a second term and, at his age I wouldn't blame him. I don't think he was going to pick an African American woman for VP before this incident, though. Warren was looking likely and the groundwork was being laid with her pivoting to more moderate statements on single payer healthcare as an example. Biden bringing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into his climate change policy panel was one step among many I expect between now and November, possibly concentrating around the convention in August that signal women, and particularly women of color, will be important to his administration. But I don't think he was going to pick one for VP for reasons largely due to needing the progressive wing to swing to him. I have expected much of the vetting of a VP includes shortlisting other posts in the admin as well where Harris or Abrams might find a role. With this, I thing it may cause them to second guess what appears to be Warren's job but I don't think it will ultimately change the final calculus. I do hope it leads both Biden and Democrats in general to focus on governing more than just pointing out what a screwup Trump is and will only become worse if reelected. Yes, he is and will be all of those things and more. But once Biden wins that is gone and he needs to govern successfully or we will get the smart, politically astute replacement who has seen what the conservative base is capable of supporting and will have grander ambitions than just lining his own nest.
.Also, this idea that it is too sacred to understand a joke for what it is without reading all kinds of stupid crap into it, is ridiculous.
No need to convince me of this. I think back during the whole Kathy Griffin Trump head incident we discussed it here and I made my views in this known. For a more updated perspective, here's a NSFW bit I think is funny...and captures it.
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _honorentheos »

Some Schmo wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 4:33 pm
I don't think it's at all hyperbole to say this election is a matter of life and death. Trump is letting people die through negligence. We have another 9/11 every two or three days.

Whether it's on purpose or just a matter of incompetence is not as important as getting the damned baby tyrant out of the White House ASAP.
I don't think this is an either or situation. But if Democrats don't govern well over the next two - four years it could make things even worse. I'm not getting onboard with the idea that a pivot to taking how they will govern seriously is losing sight of the goal. The reality is more complicated and the consequences too serious to not take a long view in addition to working to achieve a short term goal.
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _honorentheos »

Some Schmo wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 4:15 pm
If Biden is elected, it will be time to then hold him accountable for the job he does.
I'd like to think the Venn diagram of "Things Biden Might Do as President" and "Not Behave Like Trump" is mostly overlapping circles. But inside that diagram is a much smaller area I'd call "Things I think are necessary to get the country back on track". I also hate when people expect me to be a mind reader and act like I should know what they want, because. I see the above as basically saying, "When Biden does something that makes me mad, THEN I'll have something to say about what I actually wanted him to do."

I'd hope that's not the way anyone here engages in any of their in real life relationships so I would imagine it's not hard to see why it would create problems if that's our way of doing politics these days.

"Don't be Trump!"

(checks self to confirm not being Trump) "Ok. Done. Now I'm doing this, too."

"Why the “F” would you think I'd be happy if you did that? Jesus, we need to hold you accountable now."

"Ummm...anything else you think I should be doing or not doing?"

"You'll know when you do or don't do them..."
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _subgenius »

canpakes wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 2:18 am
Now that two days has passed since Biden made his comment, a random article has noted the following tweets from Trump all within the mere 48 hours since:
* Retweeted a post calling 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton a "skank."

* Retweeted a post suggesting -- contrary to science -- that hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for coronavirus, adding these words: "Many physicians agree with you. Also, some very good studies!"

* Retweeted a photo of former 2018 Georgia gubernatorial nominee Stacy Abrams that included these words: "She fought a tough race, kissed a lot of babies and visited every buffet restaurant in the State."

* Retweeted two doctored photos of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi -- one with a Trump 2020 face mask on and one with duct tape over her mouth. The tweet said: "To protect PolyGrip during this pandemic, we have developed 2 options. With the DJT option, she will be able to tongue and adjust her dentures more easily. With duct tape, she won't be able to drink booze on the job as much."

* Tweeted, with no evidence or proof, that mail-in ballots will produce "the greatest Rigged Election in history."

* Retweeted an article about the death of an intern in then-Florida Rep. Joe Scarborough's office, adding: "So a young marathon runner just happened to faint in his office, hit her head on his desk, & die? I would think there is a lot more to this story than that?"

* Tweeted this unfounded speculation about the 1990s death of the intern in Scarborough's office: "A blow to her head? Body found under his desk? Left Congress suddenly? Big topic of discussion in Florida...and, he's a Nut Job (with bad ratings). Keep digging, use forensic geniuses!"

* Tweeted that former Attorney General Jeff Sessions should drop out of the Alabama Senate race -- accusing him of having "no courage, & ruined many lives."

That's all in the last 48 hours.

If you want to act like Biden's "you ain't black" remark is the worst thing you've ever heard while simply ignoring the President of the United States suggesting a) a former Congressman -- and now cable TV host -- committed a murder (with zero evidence) b) the former Secretary of State is a "skank" c) a former gubernatorial nominee is overweight and d) the Speaker of the House has a drinking problem, it's going to be very hard for me to consider your upset as genuine.
subs has never been known for integrity, consistency or morals so he’ll just shield his eyes from this and will instead move on to posting a dishonest meme next. ; )
um, a couple of questions / observations.
what morality did i propose in OP?
what does the OP have to do with Trump?
where is the integrity in posting 48 hrs of Trump tweets instead of maintaining the subject of the OP?
Your post seems to be the only one shielding eyes and moving away.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

*clink* Salud! *Aaaaah!*
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _subgenius »


_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

*clink* CHEERS! *Aaaaaah!*
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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _Icarus »

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Re: Biden delivers

Post by _DoubtingThomas »

honorentheos wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 5:29 pm
I don't think he was going to pick an African American woman for VP before this incident, though.
Biden will NOT pick an African-American woman for VP. I will vote for him if he does, but he won't.

"He added, “By choosing a woman — or, say, an African-American woman, in particular — Biden . . . would be sending a message to voters about who he is — specifically, that he is someone who values diversity and the role that women — or African American women, in particular — play in American society and in the Democratic Party. That message probably would help to win him some votes. But we’re not exactly talking about ‘delivering’ large blocs of voters.”

"Party elites tend to indicate that the Democrats’ path to victory is winning white voters in the Midwest — as opposed to firing up more liberal voters or increasing support among people of color. So this metric (party elites’ perceptions of electability) would likely favor Baldwin, Klobuchar and Whitmer in particular." ... -identity/
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