Biden's Economy?

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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Themis »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:27 am
I think if we were to magically swap geographical positions Canada’s “rate of immigration” would also magically go up.

- Doc
Not legal immigration, but sure, illegal immigration would certainly go up.
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Themis »

Gadianton wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:49 pm
That's because they are smart, not because they are generous. Euro-world has a worse reproduction problem than the US. The only way to support an aging population in a social welfare state with no kids is by immigration.
Even the US looks to do bring in mostly healthy younger people to support an aging population. Having universal health care does mean these countries have to keep out some who are looking for free health care, but they also allow for a number of exceptions if their health needs exceed certain cost levels. Some of those exceptions can be spouses, parents, children, and refugees. I believe Canada also lets in a higher number of refugees than the US these days. It's also hard to legally immigrate to the US if you cannot show you can provide for yourself and you will not be taking good jobs from people already legally in the US. No country or political party wants people coming in to go directly to welfare except for refugees. I think when Ajax says welfare he usually means people on the dole. What he doesn't get is even the left doesn't like to keep spending more money on this kind of welfare.
It's possible that there are all kinds of loopholes and Canada ends up bringing in lots of unhealthy people not working, I haven't looked into it that much. But immigrating legally, following the letter of the law, is stricter in Canada than the US, mainly because of the health requirements.
Yes that is probably the only big difference, and yes there are a number of loop holes or exceptions, but all systems usually have to have them.
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Hawkeye »

I think when Ajax says welfare he usually means people on the dole. What he doesn't get is even the left doesn't like to keep spending more money on this kind of welfare.
Can you show me any evidence to the contrary? The left does whatever will win them votes. They owe their seats to those who collect the income tax dollars they confiscate. Unless you are talking about the hidden tax of inflation. Most Democrat voters are not smart enough to recognize this as a regressive tax so it's a good way to raise taxes on the poor without paying a price for it at the polls.
Last edited by Hawkeye on Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Vēritās »

Hawkeye wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:41 pm
I think when Ajax says welfare he usually means people on the dole. What he doesn't get is even the left doesn't like to keep spending more money on this kind of welfare.
Can you show me any evidence to the contrary? The left does whatever will win them votes. They owe their seats to those who collect the income tax dollars they confiscate. Unless you are talking about the hidden tax of inflation. Most Democrat voters are smart enough to recognize this as a regressive tax so it's a good way to raise taxes on the poor without paying a price for it at the polls.
This is more projection. Republicans literally try to buy votes by promising tax cuts to everyone and their dog and you're perfectly fine with that because you suck at math and don't understand how an economy works. That's literally the first reason everyone gives me for voting Republican. "Vote with your wallet" I was recently told. They didn't care how immoral or corrupt Trump was, all they cared about was their precious tax cut he promised them. He upped the ante during an election year insisting the stimulus checks be sent out with his signature on them!

And your only defense of this is to go on the offensive and act like Democrats are doing the same things. It is just idiotic and it isn't supported by any evidence at all. Democrats aren't trying to dump money into welfare programs when the economy is booming. Democrats care more about average Americans than Republicans do which is why in times if economic distress they're always the ones who have to step up to the plate and do what's right by passing legislation to secure the safety net. This drives anti-American idiots crazy, and especially the racists who live in your fantasy land where they think all those brown people with funny names are flooding the border because they want free crap. The data shows us that red states and particularly poorer white republicans are the biggest beneficiaries of welfare programs and the data also shows that those immigrants work multiple jobs and find ways to subsist on bare minimum and they do it with a smile on their face because they're living the American dream which you never understood because you're still trapped in a Neo-Nazi timewarp.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Hawkeye »

The data shows us that red states and particularly poorer white republicans are the biggest beneficiaries of welfare programs
Really? And you expect me to believe that you just keep fighting to the death to keep these welfare dollars flowing into the pockets of these rural white people who you hate and don't even vote for you?
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Vēritās »

Hawkeye wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:02 pm
The data shows us that red states and particularly poorer white republicans are the biggest beneficiaries of welfare programs
Really? And you expect me to believe that you just keep fighting to the death to keep these welfare dollars flowing into the pockets of these rural white people who you hate and don't even vote for you?
I expect anyone with a functional brain to understand that you just disproved your own point. How can I hate them and then want to give them free crap at the same time?

This is a lame racist talking point driven by white nationalists who push the replacement theory. Quite literally everything said on the far right is just made up BS. You always talk about what Dems want and what Dems think and what Dems intend, etc, but it is all made up. There is no evidence for any of it. It is just something that you need to take focus off of the established fact that Republicans bribe people to vote for them by promising them tax cuts.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Hawkeye »

Veritas wrote: It is just something that you need to take focus off of the established fact that Republicans bribe people to vote for them by promising them tax cuts.
It's called freedom. It's the right to keep the money you earn. For you a free country means you're entitled to everything for free without having to labor for it.

And inflation, gas prices, energy prices, etc is a tax on the welfare masses that vote Democrat just as much as it is a tax upon working class Republicans. And the evidence is there. Elizabeth Warren said inflation fears are overblown. Inflation is the route to Marxism that those who support modern monetary theory like yourself are pursuing behind the scenes. It's stealthy. It's clever. And right now it's working for a minority on the left to subvert the will of the majority of people. You've been a proponent of higher inflation on this very thread. Now you want to deny that you don't want to see higher inflation?
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Vēritās »

Hawkeye wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:37 am
Veritas wrote: It is just something that you need to take focus off of the established fact that Republicans bribe people to vote for them by promising them tax cuts.
It's called freedom. It's the right to keep the money you earn.
We've already established that you don't believe in freedom.
For you a free country means you're entitled to everything for free without having to labor for it.
Repeating stupid crap like this won't make it true. I believe in freedom and liberty from religion and government, where you believe government should be controlled by religion and freedom suppressing rules should be enforced because that's what the invisible man in the sky wants. I believe in a social safety net the same way your religion practices an organized well funded welfare system in which at least one in three members have benefited greatly from it. You don't even stand by your own religious convictions. You only accept Mormonism to the extent that it appears to coincide with your one true religion, Trumpism.
And inflation, gas prices, energy prices, etc is a tax on the welfare masses that vote Democrat
It isn't a tax anymore than deflation under Obama was a tax cut. You sound so dumb making these repeated claims. And inflation isn't something unique to Democrat Presidencies. Inflation skyrocketed to 13% during Nixon and his price controls set the stage for the inflation that spiked after he left office, which you only blame on Carter because he had a D after his name. The fact is inflation tripled under George H. Bush, it dropped significantly under Clinton, and then it jumped to 6% under George W. Bush before dropping below 1% under Obama. You have no sense of economic history, all you do is relay Brietbart falsehoods because you're incapable of thinking for yourself or learning things that contradict your racist assumptions.
And the evidence is there.
And yet you've provided none.
Elizabeth Warren said inflation fears are overblown.
And she was right at the time. You're taking comments she made pre-pandemic, which is dishonest in itself, but par for the course when it comes to you. The fact is people on the RIght like you have been yammering about impending inflation for decades, insisting that a Democrat in office will cause inflation, but it never happened. We got reduced inflation or deflation under 16 years of Clinton/Obama only to see it go up under both Bush's and Trump. Inflation was at 1% when Trump took office and it was nearly 3% before the pandemic. But I don't remember anyone claiming Trump tripled taxes on Americans! The fact is we have current inflation because of a variety of factors that relate to the pandemic and the incompetent manner in which it was dealt with by Biden's idiot predecessor. We've already proven this with numerous examples of actions Trump took to create inflation and you have yet to address any of them.
Inflation is the route to Marxism that those who support modern monetary theory like yourself are pursuing behind the scenes.
But you're using big terms you don't understand again. You know nothing about Marxism or monetary theory. You've established this over and over. Hell, I could probably google to find out where you're getting your idiotic ideas from. Yep, I was right.
You've been a proponent of higher inflation on this very thread. Now you want to deny that you don't want to see higher inflation?
Yes, because you're lying. You're either lying or just flat out too stupid to comprehend basic English. Nowhere have I ever "proposed" higher inflation is the goal or what we want.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Vēritās »

Latest inflation numbers show a downturn of .6% this past month, so now we're at 8.5%, year over year.

Uh oh. Downturn this early? I thought it was the worst inflation in history?

For perspective inflation rose for 23 straight months under Nixon.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Biden's Economy?

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:24 pm
Vēritās wrote:
Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:25 pm
Behind closed doors Trump's been complaining like ajax. Mumbling to confidants, "why do we only get these beaners, Chee-chees, slopes, Island monkeys"
Wow. Do you have a source for that quote. That’s some ugly language - of which three slurs I’ve never heard before. Slopes? Chee chees? I don’t even know what that is.

- Doc
I'm not finding the quote from searches. Hopefully this isn't Veritas just using this as an opportunity to use offensive slurs with impunity by pretending it's being said by someone else.

If so, it's rather disgusting and entirely unnecessary.
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