NBC news story on Hunter Biden

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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Markk »

honorentheos wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:13 am
Markk wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:11 am

Common Honor…You are just making excuses in an attempt to justify JB as some how above the mess around him and the CE’s that point his direction over and over again. We haven't even got into Hunter and China, or his brother James…and other things that point too Him. Biden either has to be aware of all this or he is incredibly stupid. He has been accused of both.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by honorentheos »

Markk wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:35 am
Donald Trump with the help of covid beat himself…there is no doubt about that.
COVID should have helped him, economic issues aside. His handling of a crisis undermined him more than the economic impacts did...and his mishandling contributed to the extension of those impacts. You are basically saying he lost because he was a bad leader...
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by canpakes »

Markk wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:40 am
She’s already conversing with the VP, and the VP had already engaged in the nomination process. Are you suggesting that Ryan needed to remind the son to talk to his father in the same email (which can’t even be proven to have ever been written) going directly to the father in the first place, about the nomination that the father had already made?

Work that one out. I guess that you’re trying to tell me that Ryan did something wrong … what would that be?
No I am asking why Hunter was cc’d on the e-mail…? It is between a Union rep, and the VP assistant…not a owner of a Global Investment company, and a lobbyist…unless Hunter was actually lobbying for the union to the VP’s office.

Markk, your thought process makes no sense. The email comes after Becker was nominated and his candidacy debated on the floor. And Assuming that Ryan did write an email (which you haven’t provided) then it’s presumably to the VP directly. That leaves you with a couple of problems:

1. Matters not if son talks to his dad on his opinion of a nominee.

2. If Hunter needed to be cc’d, then it implies that he may not be up to speed on some events (versus the VP who would be part of the nomination procedure), therefore also implying that Hunter Biden is not leading a lobbying effort.

You’ve been unable to explain the problem in any of this, nor produce any evidence of anything untoward.

“But!! …”, you’ll say, “… there’s a pattern!!”

Yes, the pattern is that you keep giving examples of typical, normal and legal happenings, while claiming that because they happened and are legal, they must be illegal because they happened, which somehow proves that JB is corrupt.

If you had anything more here than pointing at legal happenings and claiming that they’re illegal or problematic, then you’d be able to explain why these things were illegal or problematic. But we’re over two years and several hundred pages of posts into this now, and you haven’t done that … at all.

I await your next example of a legal thing that Someone Other than Joe Biden Did that therefore proves Joe Biden to be corrupt, because of the legal thing happening elsewhere.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by honorentheos »

Markk wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:35 am
...if a reality TV host can beat Hillary, and then lose by only a few states while dealing with a world wide pandemic…it does not say much about your party (if you are a democrat), or the GOP.
To pull this thread back to where it started, Trump was going to lose to Hillary except for the last minute bump caused by Comey going public with the statement on reopening the investigation into her emails triggered by the whole Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abadin's own laptop incident. This influenced the way the Hunter laptop story was reported for justifiable reasons.

I'm not a Democrat but I may as well be one given there is not sign ahead suggesting the GOP will ever again be closer to my views than the Dems. Locally, it's even worse.

But I do agree the parties are broken. Both have factions with extremist views that are doing damage and making both less likely to be effective in governing. Partisanship is killing the republic, income inequality killing democracy. Too many on both sides are of a mind the solutions need dictated and lack capacity to see anything they espouse may be flawed or even situational. It's a mess. As for Trump? He won't get anything but my contempt having incited an insurrection. Sorry but that was irredeemable.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Markk »

Honor wrote…I do agree that Hunter Biden's relationship to Burisma was more than just problematic. Even though I don't think Joe was seeking to do Hunter favors, and it's incredibly improbable he was actually profiting off of his efforts in the Ukraine, its indisputable that Hunter being on the board of Bursima Holdings undermined efforts to fight corruption there. And Joe shouldn't have been passive about that even if it was his son, Beau had recently passed away, and I think Joe was not willing to admit he had a hard job he left undone when he didn't step in there. But anyway, there were two investigations of that already, both coming away with conclusions Joe did not profit off of his office as VP. One of those was conducted by the Senate, led by Republicans. The other, the office of the Prosecutor General in Ukraine. But hey, it's an election year so here we go again...
Why do you think Joe was not seeking to help out his son?

Well as far as the senate investigation goes it will be tuff to get hard evidence, and it stated in regards to Hunter is was basically clear as mud. Joe didn’t cross the line, and there is not a smoking gun…that is why CE for everything paints the bigger picture.

What was the Prosecutors Generals name that cleared Joe, and Hunter? Also I am not sure they would go after any president of VP, or anyone that could slow or stop the money flow.

The DoJ, FBI, and the DNI all said that he Lap top was not Russian disinformation…yet Schiff and the media ran with that…yes that too was a election year.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Markk »

honorentheos wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:03 am
Markk wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:35 am
...if a reality TV host can beat Hillary, and then lose by only a few states while dealing with a world wide pandemic…it does not say much about your party (if you are a democrat), or the GOP.
To pull this thread back to where it started, Trump was going to lose to Hillary except for the last minute bump caused by Comey going public with the statement on reopening the investigation into her emails triggered by the whole Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abadin's own laptop incident. This influenced the way the Hunter laptop story was reported for justifiable reasons.

I'm not a Democrat but I may as well be one given there is not sign ahead suggesting the GOP will ever again be closer to my views than the Dems. Locally, it's even worse.

But I do agree the parties are broken. Both have factions with extremist views that are doing damage and making both less likely to be effective in governing. Partisanship is killing the republic, income inequality killing democracy. Too many on both sides are of a mind the solutions need dictated and lack capacity to see anything they espouse may be flawed or even situational. It's a mess. As for Trump? He won't get anything but my contempt having incited an insurrection. Sorry but that was irredeemable.
But dems inciting riots isn’t? But I think we have common ground finally…both sides are in trouble…which means our country is in trouble.

I know this won’t go over well here, but one thing Trump did is show me, is just how deep the swamp was and is. I believe he drained much of it, but what has leaked in is just insanity…I am truly worried about what my grandchildren will face.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by honorentheos »

Markk wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:18 am
...one thing Trump did is show me, is just how deep the swamp was and is.
This is another statement that has baffled me about Republicans seeing Trump in a diametrically opposite way from what he did as a person ...yet makes some sense to me now refecting on the GOP's warped beliefs about wealth and privilege confronting a disassociative reality. If the "swamp" is people in positions doing what they agreed to do, well ...
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by K Graham »

Markk wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:35 am
...if a reality TV host can beat Hillary, and then lose by only a few states while dealing with a world wide pandemic…it does not say much about your party (if you are a democrat), or the GOP.
It speaks to the power of propaganda and how America has digressed as a society to allow the whims of media narratives dictate their emotions. Anyone with half a brain understands Trump only beat Hillary by the slightest of margins (something like 80,000 votes decided the election) and that was only because of the Comey letter along with the media dropping the ball on Trump's Access Hollywood tape and then picking the ball up on that me4aningless email "scandal" which the investigation said was a huge nothing burger.
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K Graham
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by K Graham »

Markk wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:18 am
I know this won’t go over well here, but one thing Trump did is show me, is just how deep the swamp was and is. I believe he drained much of it, but what has leaked in is just insanity…I am truly worried about what my grandchildren will face.
Trump, the biggest con and biggest liar in US political history, drained the swamp? Do you have any idea how dumb this remarks makes you seem? In what way did Trump "drain" the swamp? All he did was fill it up with close friends and family and pushed the envelop of emoluments to the brink.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Markk »

LOL…It’s funny how you assert that I am inherently off kilter because i look at JB as always guilty, and because of that I am somehow not sincere and this or that…yet here, in your last post…
This is another statement that has baffled me about Republicans seeing Trump in a diametrically opposite way from what he did as a person ...yet makes some sense to me now refecting on the GOP's warped beliefs about wealth and privilege confronting a disassociative reality. If the "swamp" is people in positions doing what they agreed to do, well ...
You are doing what you claim I am doing…see red, when you see the GOP (no pun intended). You throw a blanket over republicans, which I am not one. The swamp to me is the status quo of life long politicians getting rich in both money and power not address real issues people are going through.Both parties being sold out to their special interest groups…that is the swamp…say what you will, but Trump made people get off their ass’ and to go to work, and deal with actual problems .

LOL…Congress approval rating is off the charts high now days if it is 30% ….it is about 20% today if gallop is close. “Agreed to do?”..hardly.


Truth be told, in my opinion , Trump took down the two biggest political oligarchs in our country, the Bush’s and the Clintons. And he disrupted business as usual in Washington.
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