Ajax returns

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Ajax returns

Post by _ajax18 »

Now that my surgery is completed I have now been able to move one step closer to my robot destiny. I hope the dark side will support me in the challenges that lie ahead. Yet the dark side doesn't seem to have been so kind to Mike Nifong. I guess the accusers are not going to see any consequences for their lies and efforts to impose injustice upon their fellow citizens. But that's the America we live in now. Apparently you can bear false witness against someone, cause people to loose careers, entire athletic programs, and if it turns out you're lying, you haven't done anything wrong. I can't tell you how much that makes me just love my country. America once so beautiful, your justice now so twisted and fickle, your law comes closer to total garbage with every dollar spent.

Darth Ajax awaits to settle the score.
And when the confederates saw Jackson standing fearless as a stone wall the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
_Polygamy Porter
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Post by _Polygamy Porter »

Pass the hat and seer stones please.

What on earth are you yammering on about?
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Post by _ajax18 »

Well Bro. Porter how the heck are you? Good to see your doing well and still producing so many laughs.
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Post by _ajax18 »

http://www.nypost.com/seven/04122007/ne ... htm?page=0

At his press conference yesterday, Attorney General Roy Cooper said something odd about the liar Crystal Gail Mangum. He said she would face no charges for her false accusation.

This is just flat out amazing. She's going to get away with this. I'm sure many still think she should have been able to remain anonymous. 1 million dollars in legal fees she cost each of these families, and she gets no penalty other than revealing her disgusting name? America you make me sick!
And when the confederates saw Jackson standing fearless as a stone wall the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Post by _ajax18 »

I think what I liked best about this article was that it allowed me to undersand exactly what is meant when we talk about women's rights, and special Violence Against Women Laws.

VAWA casts a long shadow over the Duke fiasco
Carey Roberts
April 26, 2007

Was prosecutor Michael Nifong simply an over-rated ambulance chaser who rose to his level of incompetence? Was he a scheming opportunist who needed to boost his flagging re-election chances? Or did his dogged prosecution of the Duke Three reflect a deeper, more systemic problem in our criminal justice system?

Here's the dirty little secret of D.A.s who prosecute sexual assault and domestic violence cases: many of the claims they pursue are as flaky as a pie crust and their chances of winning a jury conviction are slim. So why do they bother to go after the case?

Because — get ready for this — they believe "we are encouraging abused women to come forward and confront their oppressors."

So according to that neo-Marxist logic, if we want to get really tough on say, bank robbers, what we need to do is randomly accuse innocent persons of burglary and then parade them through the streets, denouncing them for a crime they did not commit.

Of course, rape is a terrible crime. Equally terrible are false allegations of rape.

According to Linda Fairstein, former head of the New York County District Attorney's Sex Crimes Unit, "There are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about half simply did not happen."

But sadly, many innocent men have been wrongfully put behind bars. Just this week Jerry Miller of Chicago was exonerated after serving 24 years for a rape he didn't commit. His release helped inspire a national campaign dubbed "200 Exonerated, Too Many Wrongfully Convicted," an effort designed to spur state reforms of the criminal justice system. [www.innocenceproject.org/200/report.html]

Many persons have heard of the Violence Against Women Act — VAWA for short. But most are unaware of the extent to which VAWA-mandated programs have biased our judiciary and chipped away at the presumption of innocent until proven guilty.

VAWA's tentacles reach deep and wide, reshaping our nation's laws on immigration, welfare, and public housing. The Act defines domestic violence broadly, so sexual assault and rape fall within its purview. VAWA authorizes $50 million each year for its Sexual Assault Services Program, which contributed to the Duke fiasco in many ways.

First, VAWA pays the legal bills of alleged victims of sexual assault. Want to guess how much money goes to help men accused of rape? Nada.

That sets the stage for a prosecutorial shake-down that works like this: Find a guy who can't afford a million-dollar legal defense team. Smear his good name with an accusation of rape. Then settle for a plea bargain conviction on a lesser count of sexual assault. The attorneys get their money and the D.A. can add another notch to his (or her) belt.

Second, did you wonder why Michael Nifong never required accuser Crystal Gail Mangum to take a polygraph test? Simple: the Violence Against Women Act prohibits it. Section 2013 states, "no law enforcement officer, prosecuting officer, or other government official shall ask or require an adult, youth, or child victim of an alleged sex offense ... to submit to a polygraph examination or other truth telling device."

Third, VAWA funds training programs for prosecutors, judges, and law enforcement personnel. To say the content of these programs lacks a scientific basis is generous.

This past November the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence sponsored a conference. First one of the speakers made light of a Florida incident in which a young man was sexually assaulted by a female teacher. The presenter then turned around and used the terms "scum bag" and "douche bag" to refer to men accused of abuse.

At an earlier New Jersey training session, one presenter openly encouraged judges to ignore due process protections: "Your job is not to become concerned about all the constitutional rights of the man that you're violating as you grant a restraining order. Throw him out on the street, give him the clothes on his back, and tell him, 'See ya' around.'"

Fourth, VAWA's overly-aggressive prosecution measures have been found to be flatly ineffective in stopping abuse. Still, these measures have instilled a legal of climate of "every man is a potential rapist" — ignoring the equally ridiculous corollary that "every woman is a potential false accuser."

Fifth, VAWA's unstated belief that women can only be victims dissuades prosecutors from going after false accusers. As Massachusetts district attorney David Angier once argued, "If anyone is prosecuted for filing a false report, then victims of real attacks will be less likely to report them."

And failing to prosecute women who make malicious accusations only means that men will continue to be falsely accused, charged, prosecuted, convicted, sentenced, and jailed.
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Post by _ajax18 »

Some of these quotes are just great because it shows the true misandry and reverse racism that exists in our legal system, and the leftist puppets who promote it.

"Nightline" co-host Terry Moran told people not to "feel sorry for the Dukies," noting that "they are very differently situated in life from, say, the young women of the Rutgers University women's basketball team," and, "there are many, many cases of prosecutorial misconduct across our country every year."

In an April 20, 2006, appearance before the local Chamber of Commerce, Duke president Richard Brodhead said, "If they didn't do it, whatever they did is bad enough."

The reaction from some major news organizations to this announcement was startling. While not challenging Cooper's actions, the Boston Globe labeled Evans, Seligmann and Finnerty "louts." Columnist Dan Shanoff called them "douchebags." The Washington Post clucked that the three players "were not paragons of virtue," and that "some of the players — though not necessarily the three accused students — made racially derogatory remarks to the accuser and the other dancer who accompanied her." (Actually, the second dancer, Kim Roberts, unequivocally stated that Evans said nothing derogatory to her, while Seligmann and Finnerty both proved they had left the party well before the racially charged argument occurred.)

88 Duke professors signed statements against them for their suspension.

But here's why I'm still angry

Peter Applebome lamented that—unlike the situation with Don Imus, who was defended by no one for his remark about the Rutgers women’s basketball team and ultimately was fired—there will be no “apologies from those in academia (particularly at Duke), the news media, and civil rights and women’s rights organizations who were so intoxicated by the story of bad white boys that they missed the real outrage: how prosecutors can railroad innocent people, nearly all of them without the students’ resources or abilities to fight back.”

What happened to thousands of other young white men who didn't have the funding to fight such an onslaught. They're probably not able to say much at all now. So next time you leftist bastards want to preach womens' rights or tell me that reverse racism and reverse sexism is all in my head, refer to this. Until then, I know what the word "justice" really means to you.
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Re: Ajax returns

Post by ajax18 »

Crystal Mangum now serving a prison sentence for murder, has finally admitted that she lied about being raped by three Duke Lacrosse players. I thought she should have at the very least been on the hook for the attorney's fees of the families of three men whose lives she attempted to ruin. Of course she can never make restitution for what she did in this world. But when I heard this my heart kind of softened for her.
“I made up a story that wasn’t true because I wanted validation from people and not from God,” Mangum said.
Sadly the people who offered Crystal Mangum this validation she craved have never admitted that what they have been doing was wrong. Instead of insuring that what the honorable district attorney Mike Nifong did to court votes in the black community never happened again, the mainstream media accelerated the narrative. It happened in 2011 under President Barack Obama in setting the precedent that all those accused of rape were guilty until proven innocent. This then led to Me Too movement and the mandate to unquestionably believe all women who make these accusations and to never penalize a woman for bearing false witness lest other women might be afraid make their own false accusations. Al Sharpton still has a show on MSNBC even though he did basically the same thing during the Tawana Brawley case. Many of the 88 Duke University professors who signed a petition to get these three young men expelled from the university likely still teach at the University and inculcate their students in the same false narrative. And who ultimately had to pay Reid Seligman and Collin Finnerty's legal bills? Not Crystal Mangum, who went on to commit murder likely after feeling empowered by the way the media and the justice system embraced and rewarded her previous criminal behavior, not Mike Nifong, not MSNBC, not CNN, and not Duke University. And while it took going to prison to make this happen, I rejoice that Crystal Mangum chose to finally turn to the Lord, repent and be healed of her sins. But I don't see any repentance or healing on the part of the mainstream media, the universities, and the hard left. While they've lost much of their credibility, they still seem to have little interest in turning to God and repenting.
Last edited by ajax18 on Sat Dec 14, 2024 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ajax returns

Post by Moksha »

Ajax, any apologies you would like to offer to Emmett Till for his torture and lynching in Mississippi?
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Re: Ajax returns

Post by ajax18 »

Moksha wrote:
Sat Dec 14, 2024 2:09 am
Ajax, any apologies you would like to offer to Emmett Till for his torture and lynching in Mississippi?
Well I was born long after this happened. I don't remember advocating that what these men did in vengeance for sexually assualting a white woman was wrong. I certainly felt a lot of remorse for what happened to black American slaves when I read about it as a child. I believe vengeance is the Lord's. Can you show me somewhere in which I've said that Emmitt Till got what he deserved? What exactly are you asking me to apologize for?

Are any media companies who preach that a black man sexually assaulting a white woman is a crime punishable by death still around, and still preaching and defending the same Jim Crow laws still around? Are any of them news anchors on Fox News or professors at Prager U? What more restitution or reform do you want and who owes it?

An Emmett Till Memorial Commission was established in the early 21st century. The county courthouse in Sumner was restored and includes the Emmett Till Interpretive Center. 51 sites in the Mississippi Delta are memorialized as associated with Till. The Emmett Till Antilynching Act, an American law which makes lynching a federal hate crime, was signed into law on March 29, 2022, by President Joe Biden.[7]
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Re: Ajax returns

Post by Moksha »

Ajax, the salient point was that it was also a false charge.
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