Supporting the Troops...

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_Mr. Coffee
Posts: 627
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:18 am

Supporting the Troops...

Post by _Mr. Coffee »

I'm putting together a list of items that soldiers based overseas can use and a list of addresses for sol;diers than could use mail.

If you want in on this, PM me.

Don't jus slap a damned sticker oin your ride saying you support our troops, show that you do. These men and women need your support. “F” it if you think they are serving a false cause. They deserve your support and your help. Thewy need to knoiw that they have someone back home that supports them even if you don't supporrt why thewy are fighting.

I'll post more information for what you can do and how you can help shortly. If yo8u want to write a serviceman then PM me.

That is all.
On Mathematics: I divided by zero! Oh SHI....
_Mr. Coffee
Posts: 627
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:18 am

Post by _Mr. Coffee »

Things to send...

wet wipes.
sanitairy napkins (they often use them to absorb sweat, by sticking them to the inside of their helmets).
deck of cards.
sunflower seeds.
m&m's (they don't melt as easily as other chocolates).
chips (pringles best, because they don't get crushed like bagged chips).
hair brushes/combs.
powdered shampoo.
shoe incerts.
vienna sausages.
any canned food as long as you toss in a can opener as well.
calling cards.
duct tape
electrical tape
books/magazines/periodicals of any sort
spare lightbulbs for Mini-Mag Lites
AA, AAA, and 9v batteries
latex gloves
baseball or fingerless workout gloves
various sizes of Band-Aids
Neosporin or equivalent
Mach 3 razor blades (or any, for that matter)
tobacco products (trust me, they'll find a home)
sewing kits
small LED squeeze lights
small compasses
550 cord
shaving kit bags (great for separating gear)
Zip-Lok bags and disposable storage containers
Hoppe's #9 bore cleaner (not aerosol)
rubber bands
clothes pins
carabiners or snap-links, any size

For Marines, and by no means is this list complete...


This is by no means complete, and it is subject, to a certain degree, to the tastes/needs of individual Teufelhunden, but it is a good starter list of things that experience has shown you will need if/when we go back to tear a bigger chunk out of Haji’s ass. If you can’t carry it all on the way over, make arrangements to have certain items sent to you. Be sure to check out vendors that deliver to FPO/APO addresses, as that is what we’ll have.

Bear in mind that the usual deployment baggage allowance for us is two (2) sea bags, one (1) pack, and one (1) carry-on sized bag. The other branches allow the Tuff-Boxes and crap like that, but not the Corps. If you can't fit your laptop and PS2, then you leave it behind, make room for it somehow, or try to blowjob your way into a lat-move to the Air Force!

1) Sunscreen
2) Flexi cuffs
3) Electrical tape
4) Sunglasses
5) Dessert mask
6) Wire cutters, Leatherman or Gerber Multi-Tool
7) 550 cord
Cool Lighter
9) Key-chain flashlight
10) Boonie cover
11) Knife
12) Arabic-English dictionary
13) Camera (disposable)
14) Emergency/rescue mirror (NOT glass)
15) Chapstick
16) Duct tape,
17) Earplugs, foam type
1Cool AA, AAA and 9-volt batteries
19) Motorcycle and/or ratchet straps (for securing gear to vehicles)
20) Spare bulbs for Mag-Lites
21) Duct tape, athletic tape
22) Moleskin, for blisters
23) Aspirin / ibuprofen / acetaminophen
24) Small notebooks (4â€
On Mathematics: I divided by zero! Oh SHI....
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