Romney loses in Florida to McCain...

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Post by _ozemc »

rcrocket wrote:
ozemc wrote:Are you by any chance a TBM Mormon? Do you believe other religions have the truth, or just your own? Wouldn't that make you a "bigot"?

What about people with less education than you? How do you treat them? Do you call them "morons" like you've called some people on this board (in this thread, no less). Isn't that a bit "bigoted" of you?

Are you white, black, etc.?

If you're white, do you go into the downtown of a large city at 3:00 AM in the morning? Why not? Are you a racist?

If you're black, do you go into that little southern town to get something to eat while on the highway? Or do you avoid it? Why? Are you a racist?

Be careful of the labels you give other people.

I am careful. I try and base my conclusions of moronity upon the quality of posts. My good friend Kevin calls me an idiot because I believe in a resurrected Lord and His prophet -- merely because of that. There's a difference between labeling somebody an idiot because of subjective religious beliefs, on the one hand, and labeling somebody a moron because he dislikes Hillary Clinton for being a woman and acting like a nagging ex-wife.

I'd be careful if I were you in corresponding with me.


Well, Bob, I don't label people "morons" if they want to vote for Hillary, though I will question their critical thinking skills. :-)

by the way, were you threatening me with your comment?

I certainly hope not.
"What does God need with a starship?" - Captain James T. Kirk

Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch. - Robert Orben
_Jason Bourne
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Post by _Jason Bourne »

As you sit there in your whitebread home, in comfortable suburbia, looking down on all those dumb Mexicans, with an expensive computer at your fingertips, remember one thing -- that anchor baby is a citizen of the United States and entitled to all benefits Congress has given citizens,

I guess I am an unfeeling bugger because I think that just cause a baby is born on our soil it should not be considered a citizen. This is an antiquated rule for an antiquaited time. It need to be changed. If the parents are here illegally then the child should not be a citizen.

including particular promises for health care,

Congress gives us the benefit of health care? when did that happen?


Congress promises us jobs? When?

Such Christianity you all have maintained since jettisoning Jesus Christ.

Illegal immigration has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ nor does government providing all these things. Liberals are not promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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