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Re: Why John McCain will win the election

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:37 pm
by _TAK
Maryland votes democratic. Period. If its close in Maryland, then McCain wins by a landslide ..

I think McCain will lose.

Re: Why John McCain will win the election

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:58 pm
by _bcspace
Does anyone have any comment about the material linked in the opening post?

It would be refreshing to not have a paper trail of hanging chads (and their metaphorical equivalents) for Democrats to manipulate and recount until they win.

The proposed solution is fraught with problems also. Having a unique voter ID and PIN is meaningless as long as voters can be faked or the dead and pets can vote, or real voters can vote more than once.

Re: Why John McCain will win the election

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:45 pm
by _richardMdBorn
Dr. Shades wrote:As for me, I can't verify this, but I heard rumors that according to the exit polls, which (if I have my facts right) historically aren't too far off the mark, John Kerry won by a landslide in 2004. But, thanks to electronic voting, we got who the Deibold and ES&S bigwigs wanted instead.

I of course hope that I, and the other watchdogs writing articles such as the one linked above, are dead wrong about all this. But unfortunately, I'm convinced otherwise. So to all you Barack Obama supporters, guess what? John McCain will "win" this election, no matter how many people vote for Obama.
The 2004 early exit polls significantly oversampled women.,2933,144859,00.html

I suggest you also look into Sequoia machines and the Venezuela connection.