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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by canpakes »

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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Jersey Girl »

I know that Lem and I think Cam have posted here, I haven't read any of the new replies just to keep myself honest here.

Here is a response to my inquiry and request from one of Atlanticmike's socks with the title in CAPS.


To be fair, I haven't read the post because I have the socks on ignore. As an individual poster here, I see no reason for any poster to throw up screaming/yelling thread titles unless they're in some kind of personal crisis in which case they should probably call for services.

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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Jersey Girl »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:14 am
It should be noted my use of “HUGE THROBBING TAPIR DICK” was used to describe an off-board personality while the portapotty’s use of “pink vagina hat” is used to harass active board members in-thread.

It’s a bit of nuance, but it is nuance nevertheless.

- Doc
In which forum did you use that phrase? I'm guessing Terrestrial?
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Jersey Girl »

Lem wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:20 am
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:14 am
It should be noted my use of “HUGE THROBBING TAPIR DICK” was used to describe an off-board personality while the portapotty’s use of “pink vagina hat” is used to harass active board members in-thread.

It’s a bit of nuance, but it is nuance nevertheless.

- Doc
And it got moved. No problem. As per the rules. (also, a one-time event, but, still moved.)

But the current use of the other term, clearly AND REPEATEDLY (and REPEATEDLY, AND REPEATEDLY, AND REPEATEDLY, AND REPEATEDLY) intended as a personal attack on a poster AM knows is female, is NOT currently moved.
I didn't look through every search hit but you make a good point. I don't recall seeing the phrase used in posts to male posters. I think it's been used exclusively to female posters and in that case, I do think it falls into a category of harassment.
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Tinfoilhat »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:21 am
Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:43 am

For clarification, do you believe a Atlantic Mike’s use of the term violates a current rule or are you requesting a modification of the rules?
I'm asking that moderators and admin discuss the issue and make a ruling on this phrase using the same principles of reasoning that were were used to rule against the use of the words...Lord, forgive me.


Additionally, on the previous now broken and recently archived board, I was outright and directly told by one male poster to F another male poster. Shades ruled against that suggestion and either relocated the post or edited the post from within. I believe that he actually took both actions in that case.

I also wouldn't mind seeing the word Nazi ruled on here unless it is being used in the formal and appropriate sense as a reference to actual Nazi's.

So there you go, RI. If you need to ask me more questions, feel free and I'll do my best to answer.
By the time you two women are done begging the moderators to moderate every little thang that gets your panties to ride up your butt crack, posters are going to go over to Mormon Dialogue & Discussion Board so they can post somewhere that allows freedom of speech🤣🤣
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Jersey Girl »

Lem in the way it's been used and to whom it's been used, do you see that as a form of sexual harassment or do you see it as a form of general harassment? It's clearly being used as a female pejorative but for what purpose would you say?
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Jersey Girl »

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!

Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Cultellus »

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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Tinfoilhat »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:35 am
Lem in the way it's been used and to whom it's been used, do you see that as a form of sexual harassment or do you see it as a form of general harassment? It's clearly being used as a female pejorative but for what purpose would you say?
Oh please! I knitted a pink vagina hat for my progressive friend Wynona last year and she loved it!
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Res Ipsa »

Lem wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:50 am
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:27 am
I'd like some kind of discussion and determination made about the phrase pink vagina hat that is being used repeatedly by Altanticmike and primarily to female posters. You can search on that phrase for evidence.

First of all, that's not the name of the hat in question. The hat makes a political statement in the sense that it was intended to reclaim the term "pussy" based on sexist remarks made towards women. When a male poster uses the phrase pink vagina hat, he is not only misrepresenting the term, he is reducing the hat and what it symbolizes to a woman's body part which is exactly the reason the hat was created to oppose such remarks.

I see this issue as being no different than when people choose to dehumanize and/or objectify African Americans when they use the N-word. I think someone (mods/admin) need to examine this as a form of harassment/sexual harassment and make a decision.

I'm requesting that moderators and admin discuss this issue and make a ruling on this. When a ruling is reached and posted, I would like to know what the reasoning was for the outcome.
Thank you for your post, jersey girl. I have objected to the phrase as well, on at least 2 occasions, first as a report asking the term be moved which was denied, and then second as a follow up request that that decision be reconsidered on the grounds that if "throbbing tapir dick" was a phrase that was objectionable enough to move due to it being considered R rated content, then so was "pink vagina hat."

You have explained what is objectionable far, far better than I did, and I am positive the mods will give your argument the due consideration it deserves.
Good timing, Lem, as as my to do list included informing you of your request that we reconsider our decision on your report.

The tapir post was moved, not because of the word “dick,” but because of the sexual connotation of its use with the word throbbing. We agreed that the terms “dick” and “vagina” were not per se outside of the PG-PG-13 guidelines. While we agreed that the sexual connotation of the tapir post classified it as R rated content, we also agreed that the hat phrase lacked any similar connotation.
On that basis, we decided to maintain our earlier decision that the specific posts should remain in Paradise.

Given Jersey Girl’s request, I think it’s fair to say that the above is our current view, pending consideration of the requests made in Jersey Girl’s post.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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