Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

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_Kevin Graham
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Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _Kevin Graham »

So after his despicable Stepford wife gets on camera to defend his remarks as "locker room" talk and saying Billy Bush was "egging" him on to talk like that, now our idiot President is saying that this isn't his voice on the tape at all?

Billy Bush Slams Trump Over Tape Denials, Says ‘Enough’s Enough’
_Some Schmo
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _Some Schmo »

Cue local Drumpf supporters echoing his incredulity over the tape, because they must go where the President delusion goes.
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _Xenophon »

The oddest part of the denial for me is that it seems so unnecessary. The tape didn't sink his election and basically the entire population that cared to know, knew where they stood on this issue. People were pretty happy to be in either the "wow that sounds like sexual assault", "eh that is just boys being boys" or the "what Access Hollywood tape?" camp. Is his ego so absolutely fragile that he can't stand the idea of being connected to this (I already know the answer)?
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_Kevin Graham
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _Kevin Graham »

Xenophon wrote:The oddest part of the denial for me is that it seems so unnecessary. The tape didn't sink his election and basically the entire population that cared to know, knew where they stood on this issue. People were pretty happy to be in either the "wow that sounds like sexual assault", "eh that is just boys being boys" or the "what Access Hollywood tape?" camp. Is his ego so absolutely fragile that he can't stand the idea of being connected to this (I already know the answer)?

True, it seems so unnecessary unless of course Trump is just trying to make this the headline as opposed to something else. But all this does now if prove further just how much of a despicable liar he truly is. I mean, who is really stupid enough to believe this? "That's not my voice" would have been an argument to make when the tape was first released, not more than a year later.
_Some Schmo
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _Some Schmo »

Kevin Graham wrote:"That's not my voice" would have been an argument to make when the tape was first released, not more than a year later.

It does feel like Drumpf had one of those, Oh! This was a much better comeback! moments, and decided to try it a year later.

He is not a smart man. Not even average.
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _moksha »

A sizeable minority want to believe all of Trump's lies. What the Republican machine needs to do is help fool enough people to go along with the current set of lies.
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _EAllusion »

Xenophon wrote:The oddest part of the denial for me is that it seems so unnecessary. The tape didn't sink his election and basically the entire population that cared to know, knew where they stood on this issue. People were pretty happy to be in either the "wow that sounds like sexual assault", "eh that is just boys being boys" or the "what Access Hollywood tape?" camp. Is his ego so absolutely fragile that he can't stand the idea of being connected to this (I already know the answer)?

I think the other big takeaway is this highlights how his personality disorder makes it hard to tease apart any cognitive decline. If an aging loved one forgot and seemed confused about things as often as Donald Trump, everyone would be worried for that person and be thinking about when the time for inpatient care is upon them. But because he is a sociopathic liar, it's hard to tell what's malicious and what's brain deterioration.
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _EAllusion »

moksha wrote:A sizeable minority want to believe all of Trump's lies. What the Republican machine needs to do is help fool enough people to go along with the current set of lies.

I think it is both worse and better than this. A sizeable minority have no idea what is going on, so they rely on crude heuristics, such as trusting particular news sources, to form weak impressions about current events. For most, it's not cult-like confirmation bias. It's just abject ignorance. We get exposed to the cult over and over, so it's easy to forget that a lot of people just have incredibly shallow knowledge and attention.
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _Xenophon »

EAllusion wrote:I think the other big takeaway is this highlights how his personality disorder makes it hard to tease apart any cognitive decline. If an aging loved one forgot and seemed confused about things as often as Donald Trump, everyone would be worried for that person and be thinking about when the time for inpatient care is upon them. But because he is a sociopathic liar, it's hard to tell what's malicious and what's brain deterioration.

Good point, when you tack on to that his very disjointed speaking style (one he has had for some time) it becomes ever more difficult to parse out. I'm not sure what is worse though, the sociopathic liar part or the idea he may be deteriorating. Neither option seems particularly good when those around him seem more willing to play along than correct.
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_Doctor Steuss
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Re: Trump Said Billy Bush Tape was a Fake?

Post by _Doctor Steuss »

Xenophon wrote:Good point, when you tack on to that his very disjointed speaking style (one he has had for some time) it becomes ever more difficult to parse out.

Every time I am feeling masochistic enough to read through a Trump interview transcript, I feel like I am reading the first part of Faulkner’s “The Sound and the Fury”. . . while suffering from a migraine, while drunk, while trapped on some kind of gravity ride at a carnival from hell.

As someone who lacks formal education, I appreciate the opportunities he presents to help me feel at least average in the smarts department.
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead." ~Charles Bukowski
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