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Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:07 am
by _EAllusion
I thought about posting this initial story in which the Trump admin was illegally defying the law to prevent a whisteblower complaint being released to Congress: ... 2277689346

There's now a little more information on what's going on here. It turns out the complaint involves a promise Trump made to a foreign leader: ... index.html

Suffice to say, an urgent, credible whistleblower complaint from inside the intelligence community involving Trump making a promise to a foreign leader that the whitehouse is openly defying to law to prevent from being released to Congress sounds about as bad as it gets.

It continues to amaze me that the right-wing conspiracy crowd that believes a pedophile ring connecting the most important figures in the Democratic party was run out of a pizza shop sees stories like this and sees nothing. It's hard to wrap your head around the amount of cynicism and gullibility a person has to have for that to happen.

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 5:12 am
by _ldsfaqs
From our perspective, the "gullibility" belongs to your side that you actually "believe" the story or frankly ANY other spoken by a Leftist.

Your media has a BAD habit of basically ANY time they open their mouths, especially when it concerns the Right, you're leaving out IMPORTANT details, which makes your side liars.

I mean, just look at the latest Kavanaugh example... Even though the NYT's was given the FULL information by the book author's, they CHOSE to leave out key details that clearly debunked the desired story.

Another detail left out is that the person who "originated" this new claim against Kavanaugh was a side player on Clintons defense team during the Clinton/Ken Starr Investigation, and Kavanaugh was a side player on Ken Starrs team. So clearly it was nothing more than a political hit job with no basis in fact, just like the Ford and otherwise crap was.

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:18 am
by _Jersey Girl
ldsfaqs wrote:I mean, just look at the latest Kavanaugh example... Even though the NYT's was given the FULL information by the book author's, they CHOSE to leave out key details that clearly debunked the desired story.

I agree with you in the above. The authors said on The View that it was the editors then Meghan McCain shot down that response as well as other co-hosts who chimed in. The media is definitely a problem these days.

And if you have been sprung free, I am happy to see you posting again. Too many times I wanted to start a "Free Faqs" thread here!

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:27 am
by _moksha
ldsfaqs wrote:... this new claim against Kavanaugh was a side player on Clintons defense team during the Clinton/Ken Starr Investigation, and Kavanaugh was a side player on Ken Starrs team.

Do we know if either of them is a side player of The World of Tanks?

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:05 pm
by _ldsfaqs
Jersey Girl wrote:And if you have been sprung free, I am happy to see you posting again. Too many times I wanted to start a "Free Faqs" thread here!

Ya, I figured I'd showed I'd been following the new rules, so I put the request in to Shades to restore my privileges. Appreciate the thought...

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 2:41 am
by _moksha
One unique way to clear Trump of any high crimes regarding the Ukraine is to send in LDSfaqs with his weather data claiming it to be an exculpatory voice recording of Trump not trying to make a political espionage deal.

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:19 am
by _Res Ipsa
Early days yet, but it’s starting to look like Trump was trying to blackmail the president of Ukraine into investigating Biden. If that’s what happened, it should be the express train to impeachment town. If he continues to obstruct, same train.

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:06 am
by _MeDotOrg
Res Ipsa wrote:Early days yet, but it’s starting to look like Trump was trying to blackmail the president of Ukraine into investigating Biden. If that’s what happened, it should be the express train to impeachment town. If he continues to obstruct, same train.

While there had been previous reports that Trump had leaned on Ukraine to get dirt on Biden, this is the first I've heard this mentioned in conjunction with the whistleblower story. It would seem to dovetail with recent reports that Trump has diverted funding for Ukraine's defense to fund the border wall. It's a win-win for Trump: He gets diverted funds to build his wall and at the same time puts additional pressure on Volodymyr Zelensky to provide damaging intel on Biden.

I still think we are at the beginning of all of this. I'm not sure we know all the implications. But we have the vociferous and questionable objections raised by the administration in its legal justifications. We have the unprecedented nature of the DNI's refusal to provide the evidence to Congress. The story does not end here.

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:47 am
by _EAllusion
MeDotOrg wrote:
Res Ipsa wrote:Early days yet, but it’s starting to look like Trump was trying to blackmail the president of Ukraine into investigating Biden. If that’s what happened, it should be the express train to impeachment town. If he continues to obstruct, same train.

While there had been previous reports that Trump had leaned on Ukraine to get dirt on Biden, this is the first I've heard this mentioned in conjunction with the whistleblower story. It would seem to dovetail with recent reports that Trump has diverted funding for Ukraine's defense to fund the border wall. It's a win-win for Trump: He gets diverted funds to build his wall and at the same time puts additional pressure on Volodymyr Zelensky to provide damaging intel on Biden.

I still think we are at the beginning of all of this. I'm not sure we know all the implications. But we have the vociferous and questionable objections raised by the administration in its legal justifications. We have the unprecedented nature of the DNI's refusal to provide the evidence to Congress. The story does not end here.

The previous story of Trump leaning on Ukraine with military aid to pressure them into ratfucking Biden already was already 5-alarm level impeachment story that was shrugged off because Democratic leaders have decided not to get serious about impeachment as a political calculation. It's weird that it's getting hyped now just because a secret aspect of it is potentially being uncovered. There's an odd bias in the media towards uncovering secrets being more scandalous than what's out in the open.

Re: Trump whistleblower complaint

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 4:14 pm
by _huckelberry
In the past few years I have been frustrated by the sense that too much news time has been focused upon the economic consideration that speculation is much cheaper and easier to produce than facts. Sure some facts are used to start the process to keep viewer interest.

So in this whistle blower story are there any facts involved in the speculation about what the actual complaint was about. At first there was clearly speculation but that has transitioned into a specific story about Ukraine and Biden. I am unsure what the bridge from what if speculation to a specific story has been made of.