Paradise Split from Signs of Our Times

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Paradise Split from Signs of Our Times

Post by Elizabeth »

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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by Elizabeth »

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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by Elizabeth »

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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by Elizabeth »

According to bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, Russia’s accusation that Ukraine is conducting U.S.-funded bioweapons research appears to be accurate.
If true, everyone involved is subject to life in prison under the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989
According to Boyle, the U.S. government and Pentagon have had a “comprehensive policy” to “surround Russia with biological warfare laboratories” and “preposition biological weapons” there for use against them.
The problem with trying to make a distinction between “biodefense” and “biowarfare” is that, basically, there is none. No biodefense research is purely defensive, because to do biodefense work, you’re automatically engaged in the creation of biological weapons, and all dual use research can be used for military purposes. SARS-CoV-2 may be the result of such dual use research.
Boyle believes we can hold the culprits behind the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon accountable by asking local prosecutors to convene a grand jury to seek the indictment of those responsible for the pandemic for murder and conspiracy to commit murder.
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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by Physics Guy »

Francis Boyle is a law professor with no expertise in biology, let alone in virology or biological weapons. Despite his ignorance he has confidently pronounced that COVID must have been a bioweapon.

Virology is a tough subject and not everyone can be an expert on it. Anyone with a clue, though, should be able to recognize that virology is a tough subject. It takes an unusually dense idiot to think that they can waltz in as a scientifically untrained lawyer and see with certainty that a dangerous mutant version of a highly mutable virus must have been artificially created. Francis Boyle is that kind of idiot.

The whole concept of positioning biological warfare research sites around the borders of Russia makes no sense. In fact it's obviously stupid. Biological warfare itself is a stupid idea militarily because it's too hard to control. Terrorists might want to pursue it, and so everyone else needs to work on defences, but the last thing a nuclear superpower like the US needs is biological weapons of its own.

Even if you somehow do get a working biological warfare agent and you somehow want to deploy it against a big country, despite how stupid that is, you can just ship the stuff from your labs, anywhere in the world, to the borders. The United States Air Force has a lot of planes, you know? The step of transporting the weapons to the Russian border is not a tricky step. It's not as though one day of transport delay is a problem. Biological warfare is slow—another reason it's stupid. It takes months for diseases to spread and there's no way to speed that up because the germs have to drift through the air.

So there's no reason whatever to place your bioweapon research labs, if you have them, near your enemy. And there's an excellent reason not to place them anywhere near your likely enemy: it would make it more likely that your enemy will find out about them or even be able to sabotage them.

The whole idea that the US might be surrounding Russia with biological warfare labs is just obviously stupid. Even if the US wanted to attack Russia with biological weapons, it would never go about it that way.

And anybody who seriously and publicly suggests such a stupid idea, on such a serious subject, has immediately revealed the fact that they are an idiot who should not be believed on any subject. If Francis Boyle tells you the sky is blue, you should look up and check. He's probably speaking at night.
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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by Elizabeth »

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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by Elizabeth »

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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by Elizabeth »

‘1’ in the triangle with the word ‘PETE’ underneath.
PETE is Polyethylene Terephthalate, also known as PET or polyester. This is the most common form of plastic used to make bottles for water, milk, soft drinks, cooking oil and shampoo. It’s also the stuff they use for those hard plastic tubs that some fruits come in.

According to using a piece of packaging made from PETE could see harmful chemicals leach into your body. Also,the carbon emissions and environmental pollution caused by waste Polyethylene terephthalate disposal are considered urgent environmental issues. Instead only purchase and use metal or glass.
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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by huckelberry »

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Re: Signs Of Our Times.

Post by Elizabeth »

:lol: Are you referring to yourself :D
huckelberry wrote:
Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:45 pm
Russian bot , not a human
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