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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:16 pm
by ajax18
Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 10:00 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 9:34 pm

I don't know anything about a connection with Ajax and ethnic cleansing. Ajax was a one of the heroes of the Iliad. Perhaps most people here have never read this story since it's now considered ethnocentric and white supremacist.
I'd never heard of it either until Doc raised it last time. When I looked online, it didn't appear in any of the lexicons of terms or symbols that folks have compiled on hate groups. I'd always assumed it was in reference to the Ajax of the Iliad. I read it some time ago. I've never heard people being discouraged from reading it because of ethnocentricity or white supremacy.

But you didn't answer the 18 part. Unless you actually do hold the views of HItler, why keep that?
Honestly there was no reason other than using numbers to make unique username. I really didn't put near as much thought into it as you guys seem to give me credit for.

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:16 pm
by Doctor CamNC4Me
ajax18 wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 10:57 pm
I could go on and on about consistency in rules and standards, but it would be boring as hell. When it comes to political speech, I doubt you and I would agree on what's happening today, although I suspect we would agree on many things in principle.
Well if the capital riot was in fact an insurrection and an attempt to overthrow the government, what is protesting outside the private homes of supreme court justices? And why is nobody being prosecuted for leaking this opinion in the first place? Imagine if Bill Barr were to respond to the 2020 riots with the same heavy handedness as Merrick Garland has responded to parents/domestic terrorists who have gotten a little too loud on parent/teacher night?

I've been a ball of outrage for 20 years now. I haven't even attended a protest much less destroyed property or shot anyone. What people like Dylan Roof and this latest guy have done was a disgrace and worthy of the worst condemnation. I can't condemn it in strong enough terms. That's certainly not what I'm about. It's not what George Washington was about and 'it's not what the Confederates were about either. That being said, there will come a day when the working income taxpayer must be emancipated and I can't see it happening through democracy.


What do you think a white warrior with 18 next to his name, along with a picture of a slave-owning Confederate General signals to the world?

- Doc

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:17 pm
by Doctor CamNC4Me
ajax18 wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 11:16 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 10:00 pm

I'd never heard of it either until Doc raised it last time. When I looked online, it didn't appear in any of the lexicons of terms or symbols that folks have compiled on hate groups. I'd always assumed it was in reference to the Ajax of the Iliad. I read it some time ago. I've never heard people being discouraged from reading it because of ethnocentricity or white supremacy.

But you didn't answer the 18 part. Unless you actually do hold the views of HItler, why keep that?
Honestly there was no reason other than using numbers to make unique username. I really didn't put near as much thought into it as you guys seen to give me credit for.

Do you ever stop lying? ^ Temple recommend holding Mormon priesthood holder.

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:25 pm
by Schreech
ajax18 wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 11:16 pm
"I just randomly picked the numbers that correspond with Adolf Hitlers initials when I was creating my user name to post on the biggest white-supremacist/nazi website on the internet. Its just a coincidence that that 18, 88 and 1888 are widely used as part of peoples usernames on that site to denote nazi/racist sympathies....OOOPS!...Ill get that changed, maybe something random like 14palabras, because, you know I like spanish words..."

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:34 pm
by Gadianton
On the pro side, it's suspicious as heck given the Storm Front ventures.

On the con side, the "18" is pretty well defined, the "ajax" part makes intuitive sense but I'm not seeing much online about it. And I found a bunch of Ajax18 tic-toc users and if there's a connection it isn't obvious.

Well, happy accident I guess if you're at Storm Front and getting all kinds of props unwittingly.

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:58 pm
by Res Ipsa
ajax18 wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 10:57 pm
I could go on and on about consistency in rules and standards, but it would be boring as hell. When it comes to political speech, I doubt you and I would agree on what's happening today, although I suspect we would agree on many things in principle.
Well if the capital riot was in fact an insurrection and an attempt to overthrow the government, what is protesting outside the private homes of supreme court justices? And why is nobody being prosecuted for leaking this opinion in the first place? Imagine if Bill Barr were to respond to the 2020 riots with the same heavy handedness as Merrick Garland has responded to parents/domestic terrorists who have gotten a little too loud on parent/teacher night?

I've been a ball of outrage for 20 years now. I haven't even attended a protest much less destroyed property or shot anyone. What people like Dylan Roof and this latest guy have done was a disgrace and worthy of the worst condemnation. I can't condemn it in strong enough terms. That's certainly not what I'm about. It's not what George Washington was about and 'it's not what the Confederates were about either. That being said, there will come a day when the working income taxpayer must be emancipated and I can't see it happening through democracy.
I can’t even begin to grasp why you think peaceful protesting is equivalent to the use of force to change the result of an election. Are the protesters breaking into houses to use physical violence to force Clarence Thomas at gunpoint to resign and be replaced by Merrick Garland?

Clearly, there’s a whole bunch of folks who slept through high school civics. Americans have the Constitutional right to speak, to assemble, and to petition their government for the redress of grievances. That’s what protesting is.

Americans do not have Constitutional rights to focibly enter buildings and physically attack law enforcement to try and override the Constitutional process that governs elections and the succession of governmental offices. Unless protesters armed with weapons and handcuffs are breaking into Alito’s house to force him to abdicate his position in favor of, say, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the two are in no way comparable.

There is a law on the books that the protest arguably violates. However, it may not be Constitutional. Consider the Constitutional rights of abortion protesters to scream at and harass women seeking medical care. Why don’t the Justices have to run a similar gauntlet when they go to work every day? Even if it’s Constitutional, the protesters are not attempting violent overthrow of the government.

As for why no one has been arrested for leaking the draft opinion, I suspect it’s because the leak violated custom and practice as opposed to an actual law. The Supreme Court is a co-equal branch of government, and it has jurisdiction over its internal procedures. The other two branches have no authority to pass laws about or regulate how the Court goes about deciding cases, including the circulation of drafts. I haven’t looked into it, but I’m not sure any law was broken. If breaking customs and norms were grounds for arrest and prosecution, poor Mitch McConnell would be locked away forever.

So, the Court is responsible for any investigation. If it has asked the DOJ for assistance, then I assume it would do so. If it was intentionally leaked by an employee, they’ll be fired. If it was a Justice, the Court will have to figure out how to handle the situation. The Court itself does not have the Constitutional authority to fire a Justice. It could ask the Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings, which I think is the only way to remove a Justice. Good luck finding 60 votes in the Senate for that, regardless of who leaked it.

I’m also out of patience for silly imagine if games. Exactly how is the Justice Department involved in rowdy school board meetings? Are they grabbing parents of the street and throwing them into unmarked vans? Tear gassing and pepper spraying? Putting their eyes out with rubber bullets? Beating them with riot batons? Knocking them down? Trampling them with horses? How heavy handed are we talking here?

The last time you played the victim card on behalf of conservative parents, your facts were wildly exaggerated. Do we have to do that again?

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 12:01 am
by K Graham
Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 9:01 pm
K Graham wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 8:13 pm

Be careful. You can't say that or else the mods will reprimand you for telling the truth, er, I mean, giving a "personal attack."
There's not a "truth" exception in the personal attack rule. Read the rule. There is nothing in there about "true" or "false."
There is nothing saying a personal attack is defined by whatever the whiner says he feels attacked about. Bringing up a fact about something a person has said or done shouldn't be defined as a personal attack just because someone hit the report button. If I were a member of the KKK back in my earlier years I wouldn't have any reason to complain about people bringing it up. Especially if I spent every waking moment posting racist remarks.

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 12:17 am
by K Graham
The stormfront forum has over a dozen usernames that begin with Ajax. Weird huh?

The American alt-right “loves the Greeks”

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 12:32 am
by Res Ipsa
K Graham wrote:
Wed May 18, 2022 12:01 am
Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 9:01 pm

There's not a "truth" exception in the personal attack rule. Read the rule. There is nothing in there about "true" or "false."
There is nothing saying a personal attack is defined by whatever the whiner says he feels attacked about. Bringing up a fact about something a person has said or done shouldn't be defined as a personal attack just because someone hit the report button. If I were a member of the KKK back in my earlier years I wouldn't have any reason to complain about people bringing it up. Especially if I spent every waking moment posting racist remarks.
Unless language has undergone some fundamental change in the last day or two, it literally is a personal attack. It is personal, as the target is the person. It is absolutely attacking in nature — accusing someone of being Nazi is about as attacking as it gets. It also qualifies as blatant when it is used to dismiss, rather than address, what the person says. And when used as frequently as you use it, it rises to the level of harassment.

The rule does not include an exception for personal attacks that Kevin Graham thinks are deserved or justified.

Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 12:58 am
by Res Ipsa
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 11:16 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 10:57 pm

Well if the capital riot was in fact an insurrection and an attempt to overthrow the government, what is protesting outside the private homes of supreme court justices? And why is nobody being prosecuted for leaking this opinion in the first place? Imagine if Bill Barr were to respond to the 2020 riots with the same heavy handedness as Merrick Garland has responded to parents/domestic terrorists who have gotten a little too loud on parent/teacher night?

I've been a ball of outrage for 20 years now. I haven't even attended a protest much less destroyed property or shot anyone. What people like Dylan Roof and this latest guy have done was a disgrace and worthy of the worst condemnation. I can't condemn it in strong enough terms. That's certainly not what I'm about. It's not what George Washington was about and 'it's not what the Confederates were about either. That being said, there will come a day when the working income taxpayer must be emancipated and I can't see it happening through democracy.


What do you think a white warrior with 18 next to his name, along with a picture of a slave-owning Confederate General signals to the world?

- Doc
LOL. Greco Roman culture is the foundation of western civilization. When I see the name “Ajax,” I don’t think “white warrior.” I think Greek Mythic hero. I think of Greeks as Greeks. I have no idea what the color of their skin was. Was white as a race even a construct then? I never thought twice about the number 18 until someone pointed it out.

I read the Vassar website. I didn’t find any mention of Ajax s as an appropriated name, even though there’s a part of the website devoted to that specific topic. I still have not seen any recognized linkage between the name Ajax and ethnic cleaning.

So, I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but until people started claiming the connections, the screen names Ajax18 didn’t communicate anything to me at all.

The use of Forrest’s portrait as an avatar, given his brutality during the war, I find offensive. And I think the offense is intended by a defender of the Lost Cause. To me, it has always communicated a big middle finger anyone whose view of race isn’t stuck in the 1800s.

So what? In terms of moderating, the fact that I find something offensive is irrelevant. I don’t think his choice of avatar or screen name somehow make the rules apply differently to him.