Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Hawkeye »

Again, though, this does not include the significant savings due to the much lower periodic maintenance cost of the EV, compared to the ICE car.

How long is the battery going to last on an EV vehicle and how much will it cost to replace it?

Let's compare apples to apples. What is the difference in in initial purchase cost between a Ford F-150 and Ford's "the lighting?"
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Vēritās »

Hawkeye wrote:
Sat Jun 18, 2022 4:49 pm
Maher: Biden Tried to Get off Fossil Fuels without a Replacement, and Now We’re Begging the Saudis for Oil
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that when people try to get off fossil fuels before there is a replacement ready, “they wind up going back to even worse fossil fuels.” And that this has happened in the United States and President Joe Biden going to Saudi Arabia “hat in hand, begging them for oil” after vowing to reduce oil drilling is an example of that.

After citing Biden’s pledge to end drilling on federal lands, Maher stated, “Let’s just talk about why these things really happen, it’s because people think that they can — look, I wish we were all off fossil fuels forever. But the truth is that when people get off fossil fuels before they have a replacement, they wind up going back to even worse fossil fuels. Germany said, we don’t want nuclear power anymore, which is the cleanest, and what did they have to go back to? Coal. And basically, the same thing happened here. We said, Saudi Arabia, go f*Celestial Kingdom yourself, you killed a journalist and now, Biden is going over there, hat in hand, begging them for oil. Because people want their gas.” ... s-for-oil/

At least some liberals get it.

Brietbart didn't play the entire segment. If it did, it would have shown their audience that both Bill and that idiot to the left got completely owned by Krystal Ball. I watched this episode last night and I was shocked that Bill seemed oblivious to the fact that the stock market had a crash in 2020. Ball's point was that the Fed dumped a trillion into Wall Street to basically bail it out, and no one has said a word about that. Maher wasn't even aware of it. But because there were also stimulus checks that helped Americans get by during the pandemic suddenly that's what the Republicans want to blame for inflation. That guy on the left started with the Right Wing talking point blaming gas prices on Biden because of an imaginary "war on fossil fuels" but like ajax, he is unable to connect any meaningful dots to show how gas prices have increased because of anything Joe has done. It is all subterfuge and rhetoric, not a thoughtful or even intellectually honest analysis. I mean this guy brought up Keystone and then had the nerve to accuse Ball of "talking points" when she stated the hard truth that using Keystone is ridiculous. There is no there there with Keystone.
Last edited by Vēritās on Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Vēritās »

Hawkeye wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:29 pm
Again, though, this does not include the significant savings due to the much lower periodic maintenance cost of the EV, compared to the ICE car.
How long is the battery going to last on an EV vehicle and how much will it cost to replace it?

Let's compare apples to apples. What is the difference in in initial purchase cost between a Ford F-150 and Ford's "the lighting?"
There are Teslas that have already surpassed 400,000 miles. In a typical new car one can expect to get only 100,000-200,000 miles out of it before it needs to be replaced. In terms of battery, the first battery lasts about 200,000 miles. But Teslas come with an eight year unlimited miles warranty so you could theoretically drive a million miles within eight years and get the battery replaced four times for free. Consider that every time you replace the battery you're basically driving a brand new car all over again. There are fewer moving parts in an EV. No engine, no transmission, no oil changes, etc. It is basically an electric motor and a battery, and the electric motor will run as long as it gets electricity from a power source. No worries about overheating it and throwing a rod.

Meet the Tesla Model S That Surpassed 400,000 Miles

Of course Tesla's battery technology is only getting better and cheaper, really leaving the competition way behind.

The Model 3 is cheap to operate
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Conservatives > Coal mines because we need energy! dRiLl FoR OiL! bUy FaT tRuCKs!

Also Conservative > LiThIuM mInEs ArE bAD! eVs ArE bAD!

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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Vēritās »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:09 pm
Conservatives > Coal mines because we need energy! dRiLl FoR OiL! bUy FaT tRuCKs!

Also Conservative > LiThIuM mInEs ArE bAD! eVs ArE bAD!

Yeah I never really understood the antipathy towards EVs that seems so prevalent on the Right. All of their arguments are easily disproved by the available data. Costs, efficiency, all the things they whine about would serve them well if they'd just switch to EV. But it is hard to appear manly in an EV and even more difficult to drag a Trump flag. Point being, they really don't care about has prices at all.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Gadianton »


Suppose Trump won the 2020 election. What would the price of gas be in Mendecino CA today?
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Gunnar »

Ajax, can you admit that your objections to green technology and EVs have been thoroughly demolished, or at least the possibility that it is possible for you to be at least somewhat mistaken and misinformed about something? Or are you going to continue to be a textbook example of classic backfire effect?
Last edited by Gunnar on Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Vēritās wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:12 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:09 pm
Conservatives > Coal mines because we need energy! dRiLl FoR OiL! bUy FaT tRuCKs!

Also Conservative > LiThIuM mInEs ArE bAD! eVs ArE bAD!

Yeah I never really understood the antipathy towards EVs that seems so prevalent on the Right. All of their arguments are easily disproved by the available data. Costs, efficiency, all the things they whine about would serve them well if they'd just switch to EV. But it is hard to appear manly in an EV and even more difficult to drag a Trump flag. Point being, they really don't care about has prices at all.
It’s just about maintaining the status quo, whatever that is. It’s psychology, not economics.

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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Gunnar »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:11 pm
It’s just about maintaining the status quo, whatever that is. It’s psychology, not economics.

- Doc
And perhaps a stubborn refusal to admit to themselves that anything good could come from anyone other than conservatives plus an insatiable passion to find any pretense they can to "own the libs."
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Kishkumen »

I couldn’t have picked a worse time to become a pickup truck owner. Oh well, I guess we’ll be driving our plug-in hybrids a lot and leaving the truck parked.
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