Steve Scalise Shamelessly Lies and gets Busted

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Steve Scalise Shamelessly Lies and gets Busted

Post by Vēritās »

This is the republican moron who insisted Pelosi needed to be investigated because she didn't call for the National Guard asking on Jan 6 and Trump has repeated this idiotic talking point insisting she was the one with the authority but decided to block them from coming. Yet the hearings showed newly released video footage of Pelosi and Shumer doing precisely that, urging for the National Guard to arrive. It is all right there on video. And guess who is standing right beside her while she was doing this? STEVE SCALISE, the very Republican who went to the media and insisted she never did what he literally saw her doing.

This is just one of many, many examples of the shamelessness that has consumed today's Republican party. This is what Trump has done to American. He's normalized lies and deception to the point that its considered a virtue instead of a character flaw. ... 3d4ab.html
Scalise, the Jefferson Republican who is the GOP’s second highest ranking member in the U.S. House, did a “hear, hear” at a June news conference during which Republican members of Congress questioned whether Pelosi dithered in calling for the National Guard as Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.

Last Thursday, a House investigatory panel released a video showing that on the day of the riot, Scalise was standing an arm’s length away from Pelosi listening to her demand for the National Guard. Critics have denounced Scalise for attacking Pelosi for not calling for help even though he can be seen on the videotape near her while she did...

Scalise asked Miller when the troops were expected to arrive.

“Mr. Secretary, Steve Scalise just asked you a question, and you’re not answering it,” Pelosi said. “What’s the answer to that question?”

Scalise, who holds the congressional position of party whip, hasn’t personally commented on the videotape.

Scarborough was a Republican congressman representing the Florida panhandle from 1994 to 2001. On the same show was Michael Steele, the former chair of the Republican National Committee, who has little good to say about the GOP officials in charge of the party now.

“They spent the last four years lying,” Steele said about current Republican leadership. “Why are we surprised to see Scalise in the room, at the table, next to the phone that’s open for everybody to hear and then go out there and lie about it?”

Carter, the only Democratic member of Louisiana’s delegation to Washington, says he is disappointed by the political narrative that caused the controversy.

“We saw Steve and others say other things at that moment and now act as if that didn’t happen," Carter said. "It’s unfortunate that we get caught up in our partisanship, that we get blinded to what’s right and what’s wrong. If you watch the footage, everyone was scared.”
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